Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Act 1: Republican enjoys paying for healthcare - The Onion Act 2: McCain on the economy - YouTube Act 3: Bill Shear on Phil Graham - The Young Turks Act 4: A cure for real estate Amnesia - The Unger Report (NPR) Act 5: Speculators drive up the price - Limbaugh lie of the day Act 6: The GOP on economics - The Young Turks Act 7: Bush's Million's - The Onion Act 8: The failure of privitization - Thom Hartmann Act 9: CNN on the new tax plans - CounterSpin Act 10: Economic generic-off - The Daily Show Act 11: Greenspan on the meltdown - The Young Turks Music: Money Song - Monty Python Pull the String - Jonathan Coulton Movin On Up - Ja'Net Dubois Run's House - Run D.M.C. Big Time - Peter Gabriel Opportunities - Pet Shop Boys If you've got trouble - The Beatles What went wrong? - Blink 182 But it's alright - Huey Lewis And The News Up nights - Amsterband Produced by: Brian Adkins & Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
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