Sat, 20 June 2009
Edition #272
In sickness and health and other rights denied
Act 1: Gaywatch in Maine and Washington, DC - The Daily Show
Act 2: All aren't happy with health insureance for all - NPR
Act 3: Mother of hate-crime murder victim interview - Rachel Maddow
Act 4: Elizabeth Edwards on healthcare - The Daily Show
Act 5: The rights of the government to spy on us - On the Media
Act 6: Bernie Sanders on healthcare reform in congress - Thom Hartman
Act 7: Drug use and crime in the Netherlands - The Young Turks
Act 8: Maintaining hope in Obama - Mike Malloy
Act 9: Gay marriage bad for small business - The Daily Show
Act 10: The healthcare at Gitmo - Countdown
Drug Ballad - Eminem
Luna - Smashing Pumpkins
Cemetry Gates - The Smiths
Only ones who know - Arctic Monkeys
Do You Want To Know A Secret - The Beatles
I'm a pilot - Fanfarlo
Think (Freedom) - Aretha Franklin
Liquid Sun - DJ Keoki
Another lesson in love - Danger Radio
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-- posted at: 3:01pm EST