Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Edition #277 The war of words over torture Act 1: Jesse Ventura on The View - The Young Turks Act 2: Dick Cheney blaming 9/11 on Dick Clark - Daily Show Act 3: Jesse Ventura on torture with Hannity - The Young Turks Act 4: There are 355 terrorists in the US already - Act 5: Dealing with the facts of torture - Rachel Maddow Act 6: New documents from the CIA on torture - The Young Turks Act 7: You don't ask what's legal, you ask what works - Countdown Music: Under the milky way tonight - Seven Nations Ready For The Good Times - Shakira The man in me - Bob Dylan Sowing the seeds of love - Tears for Fears Bend - Ben Sollee Monkey Island Theme Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Vote for us and leave comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
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