Sat, 29 August 2009
Edition #292
The opponents of healthcare are scarier than death panels
Act 1: These guys are not on the level - The Young Turks
Act 2: Sick for profit - Brave New Films
Act 3: Bernie Sanders on single-payer healthcare Part 1 - Ring of Fire
Act 4: Debate on healthcare goes unexplained - Counterspin
Act 5: Bernie Sanders on single-payer healthcare Part 2 - Ring of Fire
Act 6: Deep fear and anger over healthcare - The Young Turks
Act 7: Heal or no heal, Montana townhall - Daily Show
Act 8: Kill Grandma? Debunking health bill myths - NPR
Act 9: Report from a remote access clinic in LA - Bill Maher
Act 10: Fact-free, purely political healthcare debate - Rachel Maddow
Debate Exposes Doubt - Death Cab For Cutie
Sing Theresa Says - Greg Laswell
Call on me - Eric Prydz
Break it down again - Tears for fears
Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
Girl afraid - The Smiths
Wanted - The Cranberries
Don't let it bring you down - Annie Lennox & Steven Lipson
Good - Better Than Ezra
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Direct download: The_opponents_of_healthcare_are_scarier_than_death_panels.mp3
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