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The Podcasts

Edition #294 The very long battle continues, now without our General Act 1: Betsy McCaughey pounded by Jon Stewart - Rachel Maddow Act 2: The history of pushing for universal healthcare - On the Media Act 3: The powerful vs. the powerless - The Young Turks Act 4: The Republican death machine - Act 5: Jonathan Cohn on healthcare - Colbert Report Act 6: A detailed look at the possible death of the public option - Rachel Maddow Act 7: Kennedy's lasting devotion to heathcare reform - NPR Act 8: The profit of providing bad health insurance - Countdown Music: Mr. Maker - The Kooks See you on the other side - Ozzy Osbourn You could be happy - Snow Patrol Unknown song :-( A million ways - OK Go Any way you want it - Journey Close Your Eyes - Young Love Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Vote for us and leave comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
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