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Edition #532

In need of a new paradigm

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Act 1: Are College Students Now ONLY Taught How To F**K The Little Guy - Lee Camp Air Date: 6-20-11

Song 1: Pride (In the name of love) - U2

Act 2: Heaping of scorn on teachers - Counterspin

Song 2: Honest man - Escape Directors

Act 3: Teachers: On The Frontlines Of Class War - Mumia Abu-Jamal Air Date: 7-08-11

Song 3: I gave you all - Mumford and Sons

Act 4: Unbelievably Cool Group From High School Still Unbelievably Cool - The Onion

Song 4: How it ends - Devotchka

Act 5: States budgeting for ignorance - Jim Hightower

Song 5: Ignore the ignorant - The Cribs

Act 6: Man Volunteers For $800,000 Pay Cut To Help Students - Young Turks Air Date: 8-29-11

Song 6: Gonna fly now - The Rocky Orchestra

Act 7: School Board Votes To Allow Teasing Of Area Sixth-Grader - The Onion

Song 7: Kids - MGMT

Act 8: Making Scholastic Inc. shape up - Jim Hightower Air Date: 9-2-11

Song 8: A little piece - The Jezabels

Act 9: Tha Gretest Challenje Faceng The Unitid Stayts - Lee Camp - Air Date: 6-29-11

Song 9: New slang - The Shins

Act 10: Spelling-Bee Winner Fails To Spell Way Out Of Schoolyard Beating - The Onion

Song 10: Me and Julio down by the school yard - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

Act 11: High expectations lead to better results in education - Young Turks Air Date: 7-25-11

Song 11: Expectations - Belle and Sebastian

Act 12: Are Our Schools Crushing Creativity -  Lee Camp Air Date: 7-06-11

Song 12: Vincent - Don McLean

Act 13: Changing Education Paradigms - Sir Ken Robinson


Tar sands action campaign call to action - Andrew from Brooklyn, NY

Thoughts on how inflation is actually calculated - Alex from Redding PA

Thoughts on kids being used for politics - Keith from Chicago

Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Final comments on why Pat Robertson is right

Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - Sir Ken Robinson

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: In_need_of_a_new_paradigm.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT