Thu, 1 May 2014
Edition #822 It might have something to do with race
Today we look at the immigration debate and ponder how conservatives may feel about the issue if those immigrants were a slightly lighter shade
Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith Ch. 2: Act 1: The Pledge: a symbol of unity for immigration fairness - @DefineAmerican - Air Date: 12-13-13 Ch. 3: Song 1: American Land - Bruce Springsteen Ch. 4: Act 2: Michele Bachmann: No Immigration Reform Because Mexicans Aren't Republican! - @majorityfm - Air Date: 02-13-14 Ch. 5: Song 2: The maelstrom - Jim Guthrie Ch. 6: Act 3: Fox Pushes Baseless Fear That Having IDs Will Allow Undocumented Immigrants To Vote - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 02-13-14 Ch. 7: Song 3: The maelstrom - Jim Guthrie Ch. 8: Act 4: Republicans Find Every Reason to Avoid Immigration Reform - Rachel @maddow - Air Date: 02-11-2014 Ch. 9: Song 4: The District sleeps alone tonight - The Postal Service Ch. 10: Act 5: Black Americans support immigrant rights so why is this group so opposed? - @bravenewfilms - Air Date: 10-23-13 Ch. 11: Song 5: Hip hop eugenics - Catastrophic Ch. 12: Act 6: An Immigration Lawyer Confirms What We All Knew About Immigration Reform in This Country - @majorityfm - Air Date: 02-20-14 Ch. 13: Song 6: Old fashioned - Niki Haris Ch. 14: Act 7: Here comes the Border-Industrial Complex - Jim Hightower - Air Date: 8-9-13 Ch. 15: Song 7: Fenced in - The Mercury Project Ch. 16: Act 8: Immigration Reform News: Bodies on the Border - Op-Docs - The New York Times - Air Date: 08-19-13 Ch. 17: Song 8: Once there was a hushpuppy - Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin Ch. 18: Act 9: A Local Anchorwoman Destroys Conservative Misinformation About Multilingual Super Bowl Ad - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 02-04-14 Ch. 19: Song 9: Once there was a hushpuppy - Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin Ch. 20: Act 10: Republicans Won't Like Jeb Bush Pushing Amnesty for 2016 - @davidpakmanshow - Air Date: 04-24-14 Ch. 21: Song 10: Hollywood Meets Bollywood (Immigration) [feat. Chamillionaire] - Wyclef Jean Ch. 22: Act 11: Obama To The Deported: I'll Think About It - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 04-13-14 Ch. 23: Song 11: Change your mind - The Killers Ch. 24: Act 12: Stop Deportations Now via @AFLCIO - @BestoftheLeft Activism Ch. 25: Song 12: Activism - Shihan Ch. 26: Act 13: Top 5 ways anti-immigrant hate makes its way into media and policy - @bravenewfilms - Air Date: 4-12-13
Voicemails: Ch. 27: Donald Sterling's racism and respectability politics - Dejavante from Notre Dame, IN Ch. 28: Dissecting respectability politics - Uhuru from Sweden Ch. 29: Following up on respectability politics - Prof. Rambo from Georgia
Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Ratatat
Ch. 30: Final comments on respectability politics, rape culture and missing the bigger picture
Closing Music: Here We Are - Patrick Park
ACTIVISM: AFL-CIO: Stop Deportations Now, YouTube Tweet your legislators via ContactingTheCongress.Org
Additional Activism Sign the “Tell Cecilia to Tell the Truth petition from Presente.Org Send Messages of Solidarity to Hunger Strikers via AFL-CIO on Twitter and Jessica Morales, AFL-CIO New MEdia Strategist
Sources/further reading: "Unions’ Giant Video Near White House Urges Halt to Deportations" via The New York Times AFL-CIO Recommendations on Administrative Action on Immigration "Immigration Reform News 2014: House Speaker John Boehner Addresses Immigration Comments to GOP Lawmakers" via Latin Post "Sen. Mike Lee: Most House Republicans want ‘step-by-step’ immigration reform” via The Washington Times
Written by BOTL social media/activism director Katie Klabusich
Produced by: Jay! Tomlinson
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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EDT |