Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Edition #1048

Today we look at the ways in which the 13th amendment to the constitution opened the doors to a mere evolution of slavery rather than it’s abolition as our national myth contends

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Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill

Ch. 2: Act 1: William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe - Excerpt: Attica explained

Ch. 3: Song 1: Attica State - John Lennon & Yoko Ono

Ch. 4: Act 2: 45 Years After Legendary Attica Prison Uprising, New Book Reveals State Role in Deadly Standoff - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 09-09-16

Ch. 5: Song 2: Strong Animals - Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin

Ch. 6: Act 3: Prison Labor = Modern Day Slavery? - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 09-16-16

Ch. 7: Song 3: High Demand - The Haymarket Squares

Ch. 8: Act 4: Rattling the Bars US Prison Labor - @TheRealNews - Air Date 9-5-16

Ch. 9: Song 4: Forward - Northbound

Ch. 10: Act 5: Noelle Hanrahan on National Prison Strike - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 9-16-16

Ch. 11: Song 5: Prison Abolition (feat. Daman) - Conscious Youth

Ch. 12: Act 6: Prisoners Strike To Say 'We're Not Slaves!!' (w/Guest: Maya Schenwar) - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date: 09-21-16

Ch. 13: Song 6: Chain Gang (2005 Remastered) - Sam Cooke

Ch. 14: Act 7: Important stories of the prison strike are blacked out by media - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 9-30-16

Ch. 15: Song 7: Everyday (Single Version) - Carly Comando

Ch. 16: Act 8: Support Prison Strikers by Joining Actions Around the Country - Best of the Left Activism

Ch. 17: Song 8: This Fickle World - Theo Bard

Ch. 18: Act 9: Advocates: The U.S. Still Profits from Slavery Because the 13th Amendment Perpetuates Prison Labor - @DemocracyNow - Air Date: 10-03-16

Ch. 19: Final comments on the timely release of the new Ava DuVernay doc, “13th”

Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone


Read the call to action post on and find an event near you at the bottom of the post.

Create your own local action to support the prison strikes and submit it to be posted by emailing 


Why Prisoners Across the Country Have Gone on Strike (via Mother Jones)

"We're Freedom Fighters": The Story of the Nationwide Prison Labor Strike (via truthout)

The biggest national prison strike in American history is happening now (via Daily Kos)

Meet the inmate who launched a massive prison strike from his jail cell (via Vice)

Free Alabama Movement  (website of the inmates spearheading the strike in Alabama)

IWW Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (unrecognized union for incarcerated prison workers)


Written by BOTL social media/activism director Amanda Hoffman

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 2016_10_07_Slavery_in_America_is_still_alive_and_well_Prison_Labor.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST