Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date: 7/24/2018

Today we take a look at our current moment in history and the two basic paths that lay before us, one dominated by fear that drives a willingness to give up power to authoritarian rulers and the other guided by hope for a better future and a willingness to work together toward that future

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Ch. 1: Sasha Abramsky on the rise of fear and its influence on American society - This Is Hell! @thisishellradio - Air Date 9-20-17

Author Sasha Abramsky explains how irrational fear rules, and guides, life in America.

Ch. 2: Martha Nussbaum on the fear at the root of our political polarization - The Brian Leher Show - Air Date 7-3-18

Martha Nussbaum, author of The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks at Our Political Crisis, argues powerlessness and fear underlying political polarization.

Ch. 3: Johann Hari explains why disconnection is at the center of depression and anxiety today - @ThisisHell - Air Date 1-31-18

Johann Hari, author of “Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions”, explains why disconnection is at the center of depression and anxiety today.

Ch. 4: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE (Primaries Edition): Connecticut & Vermont (and MN and WI) on 8.14 - Best of the Left Activism

*Scroll down for the segment info, dates and links. Or click above for the full blog post.*

Ch. 5: Sasha Abramsky on the rise of fear and it opens to the door to demagogues - @ThisisHell - Air Date 9-20-17

Author Sasha Abramsky explains how irrational fear is fertile ground for authoritarian demagogues.

Ch. 6: Escape from suffering - Progressive Faith Sermons w @RevDrRay - Air Date 7-9-18

Dr Roger Ray explores some of the ailments of our society that keep so many of us from happiness.

Ch. 7: Barack Obama on the competing visions for the future and the struggle between fear and hope - Nelson Mandela Centenary - Air Date 7-18-18

A portion of Barack Obama's speech at Nelson Mandela centenary celebrations in Johannesburg, South Africa discussing the two political and social paths that lay before us. (Watch the entire lecture)




Ch. 8: How medical bankruptcy made me change my worldview - Kim from Chicago

Ch. 9: Progressive philosophy is amorphous by nature and hard to track through history - Ariel from Memphis

Ch. 10: Without an underpinning philosophy, ideas only float but do not take root - V from Central New York


Ch. 11: Understanding the underlying philosophies of both the left and right with clarity



Check on candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats | Brand New Congress | DSA | Latino Victory | Our Revolution

Check your state registration deadlines and voter ID laws with

For an easy way to donate to candidates, check out DownTicket.comon your mobile browser.

15 Ways to Help a Campaign Win Their Election” (Political Charge)

August 14th Primaries:

Connecticut (Reg. Deadlines - Primary: Online, mail, or in person by Thurs. Aug 9th / General: Oct. 30th)

Governor (Dem. Primary) -Ned Lamont

5th District (Dem. Primary) -Jahana Hayes (Heads up! Republicans are vying for this seat in November.)

2nd District - Heads up! One large county in District 2 pivoted for Trump in 2016. Incumbent Dem. Joe Courtney will run against Republican Dan Postemski in the general.

Vermont (Reg. Deadlines - Primary: Early voting has begun. Must be registered by Aug. 14th / General: Nov. 6th)

U.S. House (statewide Rep.) (Dem. Primary) -Daniel Freilich (Read about incumbent Pat Welch corruption)

Governor - Christine Hallquistvs. James Ehlers vs. Ethan Sonneborn 

U.S. Senate - Bernie Sanders 

*Minnesota (Reg. Deadlines - Primaries: Online: July 24th, In person: Until August 14th / General: Oct. 9th) *Read our spotlight*

*Wisconsin (Reg. Deadlines - Primary: Post-marked by July 25th, or in-person by Aug 10th / General: post-marked by Oct. 17th, in-person by Nov. 2nd) *Read our spotlight*

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 




Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1198_Fear_Air_Date_7-24-18_-_7-22-18_22.52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST