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Air Date: 11/6/2018

Today we take a look at the movement behind the anti-government, pro-wealthy campaign to remake America that dates back much farther than the Koch Brothers. 

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Ch. 1: Jane Mayer, Dark Money - @InDeepRadio w @AngieCoiro - Air Date 3-23-18

Robert Mercer and his daughter Rebekah moved into prominence with the publication of investigative reporter Jane Mayer’s book, Dark Money.

Ch. 2: Nancy MacLean on the libertarian architect of the American right's revolutionary agenda - @thisishellradio - Air Date 6-17-17

Historian Nancy MacLean examines the libertarian right's revolutionary plan for America - from an ideological capture of think tanks and the GOP to its plan for a society stripped of social programs and democratic influence over capital

Ch. 3: Nancy MacLean explains Democracy in Chains Part 1 - @RalphNader Radio Hour - Air Date 6-8-18

Nancy MacLean discusses her book “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America,” which delves into the destructive “libertarian” ideology the Koch brothers fund to keep the minority in power.

Ch. 4: Are the Libertarians Winning? - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date 8-2-18

Is the Libertarian plan coming into reality thanks to Ronald Reagan?

Ch. 5: Nancy MacLean explains Democracy in Chains Part 2 - @RalphNader Radio Hour - Air Date 6-8-18

Nancy MacLean discusses her book “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America,” which delves into the destructive “libertarian” ideology the Koch brothers fund to keep the minority in power.



Ch. 6: Final thoughts on the litmus test - Elizabeth from Virginia


Ch. 7: Final comments on how no one knows what “litmus test” even means



  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Algea Trio - Algea Fields (Blue Dot Sessions)
  • Feather on the Crest - Wax Museum (Blue Dot Sessions)
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle (Blue Dot Sessions)
  • Vibrant Canopy - Origami (Blue Dot Sessions)
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1225_Libertarians_Long_History_Air_Date_11-6-18_-_11-5-18_18.36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST