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Air Date: 11/20/2018

Today we take a look at the gendered nature of anger and how the anger of women is feared as a potentially revolutionary force

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Ch. 1: Rebecca Traister on women's anger and Kavanaugh's rage - Start Making Sense from @TheNation - Air Date 10-9-18

Explaining anger as the founding lullaby of the nation that is still restricted to a chosen few

Ch. 2: Soraya Chemaly: Author of "Rage Becomes Her" on the anger dynamics of the Kavanaugh hearings - @InDeepRadio w @AngieCoiro - Air Date 10-19-18

All kinds of ugly words are reserved for women who show anger. Where others see female anger as something to fear or reject, Soraya Chemaly sees strength, even opportunity.

Ch. 3: Historical examples of political organizing around women's rage - Past/Present - Air Date 10-8-18

Rage as a driving force behind organizing for social change and historical examples of how this plays out

Ch. 4: Rebecca Traister on women’s rage as the seed for organizing for change - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 10-3-18

When is anger constructive and important? Can it tie us together, rather than just pulling us apart? Rebecca Traister explains anger as an organizing tool.

Ch. 5: Brittney Cooper, author of "Eloquent Rage" on how her rage gives her power - In the Thick - Air Date 7-2-18

Brittney Cooper explains how she went from rejecting the idea that she was angry to embracing it and harnessing it to make her work better

Ch. 6: Serena Williams & the policing of anger - @EdgeofSports w Dave Zirin - Air Date 9-16-18

This week we speak to Soraya Chemaly, author of the new book “Rage Becomes Her” about Serena Williams, Title IX, and how our society monitors women’s anger, particularly black women.

Ch. 7: Rebecca Traister - How “Good and Mad” Women Continually Reshape America - The Daily Show - Air Date 11-6-18

Rebecca Traister explains how women’s anger has historically been a catalyst for social change and how people can better listen and respond to women’s anger.



Ch. 10: I don't understand how people can believe Trump's rhetoric - Cindy from Pennsylvania

Ch. 11: Generational divide on public voter history - Jeff from Charlotte, NC


Ch. 12: Final comments on three different types of privacy and how we should deal with each for the betterment of society




Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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