Tue, 5 March 2019
Air Date: 3/5/2019 Today we take a look at how the illiberalism of the Israeli government has alienated the vast majority of democratic nations and individuals who support human rights, leaving the country with some of the most far-right, fascist, white-supremacist, anti-Semitic people in the world as their only remaining allies. Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
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SHOW NOTES Israel has decided a repressive illiberalism is the best guarantor of safety. They’ve found plenty of allies on the American right for that project, but it’s one that shreds the humanistic and pluralistic ideals that many diaspora Jews believe in. Paul Jay says anti-Semitism is deeply ingrained in Western culture, and can easily become more widespread during economic crisis Israel drew condemnation for passing a law that defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people and gives them the sole right to self-determination. Yousef Munayyer and Rebecca Vilkomerson respond. While apologizing for Canada's shameful betrayal of Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi Holocaust, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacked the Palestinian rights movement BDS. Ali Abunimah discusses with TRNN's Ben Norton. Noam Chomsky discusses the predictable rightward shift of Israeli politics since 1967 caused by the decision to implement the occupation of Palestine Ch. 6: The Last Temptation of Evangelicals - Progressive Faith Sermons w @RevDrRay - Air Date 5-21-18 Dr. Roger Ray explains the problematic origins of Israel, the predictable forever-grudge that will be held against the country and how US support of Israeli human rights abuses stokes Arab anti-Americanism Mike Pompeo visited Saudi Arabia and Israel as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman abandons the Palestinians. Professor Asad AbuKhalil says this alliance has never been closer, noting Israel's political allies have frequently been anti-Semites. VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: Concerns with candidate spotlight episode - Nick from California Ch. 9: How should we consider racism in light of taxes and government programs? - Bev from Illinois FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 10: Final comments on poisoning the well, making government programs racism-proof and introducing a critical voicemail about our previous episode on Israel and BDS Bonus Voicemail: Fuck you and your show - Anonymous MUSIC:
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1254_Israel_Strange_Bedfellows_Air_Date_3-5-19_-_3-5-19_20.53.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT |