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Air Date: 3/29/2019

Today we take a look at the history of why we don't already have Medicare for All, just a handful of the overwhelming reasons why we need it and the fight ahead to make it a reality

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Ch. 1: Why We Don't Have Medicare for All - The Michael Brooks Show - Airdate 12-7-17

Why don't we have what the rest of the world has? History of what has happened with Medicare and the intended medicare for all.

Ch. 2: Dr. America Talking to Doctors About Medicare For All - The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow - Air Date 6-4-18

Discussing the broken, immoral economics inherent to for-profit insurance systems.

Ch. 3: The feminist argument for Single Payer - Katie Halper Show - Air Date 4-5-18

Natalie Schure makes the feminist case for #MedicareForAll.

Ch. 4: Pramila Jayapal and Medicare For All - Democracy Now - Air Date 3-6-19

Pramila Jayapal announces the Medicare For All bill and the breakdown of why it's ambitious and why it will save money. We just have to watch out for Democrats in the pocket of big medical industries.

Ch. 5: Diane Archer on Medicare for All - CounterSpin - Air Date 3-14-19

We’ll talk about Medicare for All and the media with Diane Archer—founder and former president of the Medicare Rights Center, she is currently president of JustCareUSA.

Ch. 6: Obama and Clinton Alumni To Fight AGAINST Medicare For All - Majority Report - Air Date 12-13-18

Obama and Clinton's alumni are working to DESTROY Medicare For All. Michael Brooks and the Majority Report crew discuss this.

Ch. 7: Pramila Jayapal is on the fast track for Medicare For All - Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 2-28-19

Pramila Jayapal breaks down the Medicare For All bill, the broad support it enjoys, the fight ahead against corporate interests and why it's important to keep the transition timeframe short.


Ch. 8: Choosing based on race is racism - Mike from St. Petersburg, FL

Ch: 9: Grant's call was upsetting - Holly from San Francisco

Ch: 10: Voting based on identity won't solve anything - Chris from Utah


Ch. 11: Final comments on power and racism by two definitions


List of State Grassroots Medicare for All Action Organizations 

Health Over Profit for Everyone (HOPE) Tools for Action

Health Over Profit for Everyone (HOPE) Tools for Education


Read the Bill: H.R.1384 - Medicare for All Act of 2019

Read this Book: "Health Justice Now" by Timothy Faust

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • A Burst of Light - Delray
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • The Rampart - Castle Danger
  • Streamer - Arc and Crecent
  • Blue Jay - Feathers
  • Celestial Navigation - Aeronaut
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1260_Medicare_for_All_Air_Date_3-29-19_-_3-29-19_20.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EDT