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Air Date: 7/10/2019

Today we take a look at the history, legality, conditions and consequences of US concentrations camps erected to house asylum seekers fleeing from unspeakable violence only to land in the hands of Trump's intentionally torturous immigration detention system

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Ch. 1: Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps? - The Real News - Air Date 6-23-19

Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps

Ch. 2: Concentration Camps in the U.S. Andrea Pitzer Decries Tent Cities for Detaining Kids Without Trial - Democracy Now - Air Date 7-5-19

Andrea Pitzer writes, “I defined concentration camps as the mass detention of civilians without trial, usually on the basis of race, religion, national origin, citizenship, or political party, rather than anything a given individual has done."

Ch. 3: U.S. ‘concentration camps’ still on Part 1 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-21-19

The Trump Administration's Dept. of Justice was in court stunning judges by arguing that a long-standing legal settlement requiring migrant children be held in "safe and sanitary" conditions, doesn't mean they have to have either soap or toothbrushes.

Ch. 4: There Are Concentration Camps for Kids at the Border. Is Any of This Legal? Part 1 - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 6-27-19

Jessica Mason Pieklo and Imani Gandy explain the legal framework meant to protect these children and how the Trump administration intends to dismantle it.

Ch. 5: DHS Whistleblower Who Spoke Out Against Obama-Era Immigration Jails Condemns Conditions on Border - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-26-19

We speak with government whistleblower Dr. Scott Allen, who was hired in 2014 to inspect facilities where immigrant families are incarcerated, who says degrading conditions for jailed migrants date back to Obama’s presidency.

Ch. 6: U.S. ‘concentration camps’ still on Part 2 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-21-19

One attorney who represents detained children said: "In my 22 years of doing visits with children in detention, I have never heard of this level of inhumanity".

Ch. 7: “Somebody Is Going to Die” Lawyer Describes Chaos, Illness & Danger at Migrant Child Jail in Texas - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-24-19

A shocking Associated Press report published late last week revealing that at least 250 migrant infants, children and teenagers have been locked up for nearly a month without adequate food, water or sanitation at a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas.

Ch. 8: Immigrant detention centers are concentration camps - Light Treason News - Air Date 6-15-19

Concentration camps aren't just about locking people away, they're about turning them into the sick, huddled masses you claim they are

Ch. 9: Six Children Have Died While in ICE Custody. Why? - The Real News - Air Date 5-29-19

Undocumented immigrants seeking asylum are being separated from their children and detained in prison camps as more restrictive racist policies are being imposed by Trump. We discuss the policy with ACLU attorney Astrid Dominguez

Ch. 10: A History of Concentration Camps with Andrea Pitzer - Why Is This Happening? with Chris Hayes - Air Date 7-1-19

The danger about concentration camps is just beginning, with climate refugees on the rise, countries around the world will look to the US handling of migrants as justification for them to do the same.

Ch. 11: Peter Schey On Migrant Children & Humanitarian Crisis - Sojourner Truth - Air Date 6-26-19

Peter Schey On Migrant Children & Humanitarian Crisis and what you can do

Ch. 12: There Are Concentration Camps for Kids at the Border. Is Any of This Legal? Part 2 - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 6-27-19

If the courts aren't going to save us, what can we do directly?

Ch. 13: Demand an End to US Concentration Camps #DontLookAway #EndUSConcentrationCamps #Lights4Liberty - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 14: CNN giving time to those desperate for bliss in ignorance - CounterSpin - Air Date 6-27-19

Outrage without action is something we can't afford right now.


Ch. 15: Final comments on more things you can do to combat concentration camps and help those being victimized by them


Demand your members of Congress visit the camps & bear witness with public testimonials

Demand your members of Congress withhold further funding unless strict humanitarian safeguards and guardrails are attached

Read Together & Free's guide to how you can help  

Attend a Lights for Liberty vigilnear you on Friday, July 12th


Reminder: Trump doesn’t need to keep migrants in detention camps(Vox)

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes(ProPublica)

Rep. Joaquin Castro posts videos purportedly of Texas migrant detention centers(ABC News)

AOC Put a Spotlight on Migrant Detention Conditions. Conservative Media Focused on Her Manners.(NY Magazine)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims CBP Officers Told Women to Drink Out of Toilets in Detention Facility(Newsweek)

AOC Goes to Border, Shares the "Systemic Cruelty" of Migrant Detention Centers(Vanity Fair)

Democrats folded on border bill — now they must demand to see detention centers(Salon)

What The Hell Is Nancy Pelosi Doing?(Huffington Post)

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Chilvat - Lillehammer
  • Weathervane - CloudCover
  • The Envelope - Aeronaut
  • Inessential - Bayou Birds
  • The Cast and Favor - Bayou Birds
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • Away Game - Blue Dot Sessions
  • Great is the Contessa - The Contessa
  • Surly Bonds - Aeronaut
  • Vengeful - Warmbody
  • Headlights/Mountain Road - The Contessa
  • Vibrant Canopy - Origami
  • This fickle world - Theo Bard
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1288_Concentration_Camps_Air_Date_7-9-19_-_7-10-19_16.50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST