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Air Date: 7/12/2019

Today we take a look at the well-planned and completely predictable build-up to war with Iran from the Republican neocons and theocrats who've wanted this war for decades

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Ch. 1: Gulf of Tonkin Redux - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 6-19-19

The U.S. accuses Iran of attacking civilian ships while offering scant evidence, grave historical parallels are emerging with the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 that was manipulated to justify Lyndon Johnson’s dramatic escalation of the war in Vietnam

Ch. 2: Trump Imposes New Sanctions with Trita Parsi - Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman - Air Date 6-25-19

Iran said the new round of sanctions “permanently closed the path to diplomacy” between Iran and the United States. We speak with Iranian-American author and analyst Trita Parsi, former president and founder of the National Iranian American Council.

Ch. 3: US Further Isolates Itself from its Allies with Lawrence Wilkerson - The Real News Network with Greg Wilpert - Air Date 6-18-19

With the announcement that Iran will break the terms of its nuclear agreement, for stockpiling enriched uranium, the stage is set for a confrontation between the US and its European allies. The situation will contribute to greater US isolation.

Ch. 4: Gareth Porter on Trump's theocrats running our foreign policy - Unauthorized Disclosure - Air Date 6-24-19

Taking a look at the theocrats running Trump's foreign policy

Ch. 5: "Drifting" toward war with Iran - CounterSpin - Air Date 5-16-19

Taking a look at the theocrats running Trump's foreign policy

Ch. 6: How "Neutral" Experts Took Over Trump's Iran Policy with Arash Karami - Citations Needed - Air Date 6-12-19

Experts keep pushing for war. They are fueled by right-wing think tank Foundation For Defense of Democracies.

Ch. 7: Iran In Context- Geopolitical Struggles Against the US Empire with Ben Norton - Peoples Republic - Air Date 6-29-19

Iran has internal politics worth considering too

Ch. 8: Iran vs America: What's Next with Jamal Abdi - The Hartmann Report - Air Date 6-24-19

Trump’s Iranian sanctions are designed to force Iran into accepting what the US wants. The Iranian sanctions are Trump and Pompeo wanting the Iranian administration to change.

Ch. 9: The Iran Standoff with Ben Rhodes - Stay Tuned with Preet - Air Date 6-20-19

What the hell with US politics and foreign policy? The US believes we have to fix everything around the world until have we delivered democracy.

Ch. 10: Is the US Heading for War With Iran? - The Inquiry - Air Date 5-29-19

War with Iran would be bad enough, but it may also escalate into a more widespread conflict


Ch. 11: Advice on self-preservation for today's activist - Emily from Cleveland


Ch. 12: Final comments on keeping perspective as a way to maintain our mental health

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Eventual Victory - Codebreaker
  • Astrisx - Bodytonic
  • The Envelope - Aeronaut
  • The Back Lot - Sunday at Slims
  • Gondola Blue - Towboat
  • Gullwing Sailor - Migration
  • Gusty Hollow - Migration
  • Milkwood - The Cabinetmaker
  • On Early Light - Cholate
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1289_Iran_Air_Date_7-12-19_-_7-13-19_12.25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST