Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date: 8/20/2019

Today we take a look at the El Paso and Dayton shootings by connecting the dots between white supremacy, misogyny, privilege and power

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Ch. 1: El Paso and Dayton and White Supremacy - Democracy Now - Air Date 8-5-19

Trump's words are having deadly consequences. El Paso and Dayton are white nationalist terrorism and misogyny.

Ch. 2: Domestic Terrorism in El Paso with Bob Moore - In The Thick - Air Date 8-6-19

The El Paso and Dayton shootings are being supported by their communities. Trump and the FBI don't address white terrorism.

Ch. 3: Never-ending Gun Violence - Bradcastwith Brad Friedman - Air Date 8-5-19

Brad discusses the mass shootings and the politicians who prevent any action from being taken

Ch. 4: The Past and Present of Gun Control - The Takeaway - Air Date 8-9-19

Amy discusses the mass murders in Dayton and El Paso with congress members.

Ch. 5: Solutions to Mass Shootings Involve Surrendering Civil Liberties and More Guns - All In with Chris Hayes - Air Date 8-7-19

Chris discusses the shootings, Trump, 8chan, white supremacy and trauma.

Ch. 6: The Danger of Linking Mental Illness to Mass Shootings - The Takeaway - Air Date 8-7-19

Trump is parroting conservative talking points about video games and mental health in response to the mass shootings.

Ch. 7: Physical and Psychological Toll of Surviving a Mass Shooting - The Takeaway - Air Date 8-6-19

Survivors of shootings suffer massive trauma. The Dept of Justice doesn't fight white supremacy.

Ch. 8: 8chan Down with Dale Beran - Doomed with Matt Binder - Air Date 8-9-19

Matt discusses 8chan with Dale Beran, and the radicalization of white men on the internet.

Ch. 9: White Cowards Cites Native Mistake In Manifesto - Lets Talk Native with John Kane - Air Date 8-6-19

John Kane discusses the cowardice of the white terrorists and the history of white supremacy against indigenous people and people of color.


Ch. 10: Final comments on recent and future activism fighting for critical gun laws


Call on the Senate to Pass HR8: Text the word CHECKS to 644-33

Tell Walmart to stop selling guns & violent apparel:

Encourage all presidential candidates to participate in the Presidential Forum on Gun Safety on Oct. 2nd in Las Vegas

Spread the word about ¡YA BASTA! Latinos Rise Against Gun Violence and Hatetour in Texas

Spread the word about High School Voter Registration Week - September 23-27th

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • That Horse Ithica - Sketchbook
  • Chilvat - Lillehammer
  • Contrarian - Sketchbook
  • When We Set Out - Arc and Crecent
  • Gusty Hollow - Migration
  • Quaver - Codebreaker
  • No Smoking - Sunday at Slims
  • Long and Low Cloud - The Bulwark
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1298_Shootings_White_Supremacy_Air_Date_8-20-19_-_8-20-19_21.48.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST