Fri, 1 November 2019
Air Date: 11/1/2019 Today we take a look at how the debate over our health care system has been framed and how we should frame it. Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
EPISODE SPONSORS: | Forecast Fest Podcast (Wherever you get your podcasts) | Clean Choice Energy SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USA | Amazon CA | Amazon UK MEMBERSHIP ON PATREON (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) VOTE IN THE WEEKLY SHOW TOPICS POLL SHOW NOTES We speak with Janet Golden, professor emerita at Rutgers University-Camden and a historian of U.S. medicine Ch. 2: Best arguments for Medicare for All - The Young Turks - Air Date 4-30-19 The fundamental moral underpinning for why we need a Medicare for All system Ch. 3: 3rd Democratic Debate Medicare for All as the Bogeyman? - The Real News - Air Date 9-13-19 We take a closer look how candidates discussed the healthcare issue. Our panelists are Osita Nwanevu, Helena Olea, and Jacqueline Luqman, with Greg Wilpert as host. Ch. 4: Matt Bruenig’s case for single-payer health care - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 8-12-19 Matt Bruenig, the founder of the People’s Policy Project, is firmly in support of true single-payer. No compromise, no chaser. Ch. 5: Democrats Talk Healthcare - Democracy Now! - Air Date 10-16-19 Dem Debate: "Disingenuous" Attacks on Medicare for All Distract from Cost of Today's Broken System Join the campaign to pass local resolutions demanding Medicare for All! Ch. 7: Healthcare: America Taken Hostage - Progressive Faith Sermons - Air Date 10-21-19 We need candidates for president to stop lying and start having compassion regarding our health care system. VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: Critiquing Johann Hari - Dave from Olympia, WA Ch. 9: Challenge pledge - Todd from Utah FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 10: Final comments on Johann Hari’s story and Todd’s Patron challenge Ch. 11: Limerick of the Day from @Limericking TAKE ACTION! Pass a local #MedicareforAll Resolution in your town or city! Watch the Week of Action Town Hall with Reps. Pressley and Omar EDUCATE YOURSELF & SHARE Nationwide Campaign Urges Cities and Towns to Pass Resolutions Supporting Medicare for All (Common Dreams) Massachusetts Unions Vote to Vet Presidential Candidates on Medicare for All, Breaking with Labor's Top Brass (The Intercept) Elizabeth Warren’s plan to pay for Medicare-for-all, explained (Vox) Ady Barkan: Elizabeth Warren’s Plan Is a Massive Win for the Medicare for All Movement (The Intercept) Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-all plan, explained (Vox) Two Leading Economists Say Medicare for All Would Give Workers 'Biggest Take-Home Pay Raise in a Generation'(Common Dreams) Researchers Detail How Slashing Pentagon Budget Could Pay for Medicare for All While Creating Progressive Foreign Policy Americans Want (Common Dreams) Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
SHOW IMAGE: Senate Democrats, Flickr / License / Changes: Cropped vertically and horizontally, enhanced brightness, contrast, and saturation
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Direct download: 1316_Health_Care_Messaging_Air_Date_11-1-19_-_11-1-19_22.24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST |