Sat, 25 January 2020
Air Date 1/25/2020 Today we take a look at the climatic, political and social dynamics at play that have helped set the country of Australia ablaze both literally and figuratively Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USA | Amazon CA | Amazon UK MEMBERSHIP ON PATREON (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) SHOW NOTES Australia’s grim warning to the world: our dangerous, climate-altered future is here, right now. Ch. 2: Listener connections to the Australia Fires Part 1 - The Brian Lehrer Show - Air Date 1-14-20 Umair Irfan talks about the environmental and human costs of the fire, its connection to climate change, and why any Australians are frustrated with how their politicians are responding to the disaster. Diane talks with David Wallace-Wells, deputy editor at New York Magazine and author of “The Uninhabitable Earth.” Michael Mann on Australia’s grim warning to the world: our dangerous, climate-altered future is here, right now. Ch. 5: Climate Change, News Corp, and the Australian Fires - On the Media - Air Date 1-15-20 Damien Cave is the New York Times bureau chief in Sydney, and he recently wrote about "How Rupert Murdoch Is Influencing Australia's Bushfire Debate." Ch. 6: Australian Fires and the Culture Wars - Behind the News, Jacobin Radio - Air Date 1-13-20 Writer Jeff Sparrow on the Australian fires. Diane talks with David Wallace-Wells, deputy editor at New York Magazine and author of “The Uninhabitable Earth.” Ch. 8: The Green News Report - Air Date 1-14-20 Australia’s catastrophic bushfires cause $2 billion in damages; 2019 was the second hottest year ever recorded globally; PLUS: 150 arrested at Jane Fonda’s ‘Fire Drill Fridays’ climate protest Ch. 9: Listener connections to the Australia Fires Part 2 - The Brian Lehrer Show - Air Date 1-14-20 Umair Irfan talks about the environmental and human costs of the fire, its connection to climate change, and why any Australians are frustrated with how their politicians are responding to the disaster. The crisis in Australia & moving toward a GND. VOICEMAILS Ch. 11: Hacking your home screen - Annonymous from Connecticut Ch. 12: Liberals and Progressives need to be a united front - Heather from Colorado FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 13: Final comments on why any coherent theory of change should bring progressives and Democrats together into a unified force MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Alexa Devices | +more Check out the BotL iOS/Android App in the App Stores! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1331_Australia_Bushfires_Air_Date_1-25-20_-_1-25-20_18.02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm EST |