Fri, 27 November 2020
Air Date 5/3/2019 Today we take a look at several topics that, at first glance, may seem to be unrelated but that I think are all tied together with a thread that runs through all of them and points the way toward The Great Transition we are currently in the middle of. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon! SHOW NOTES Cultural critic Henry Giroux examines the slow, steady rise of cruelty in American culture - as the logic of neoliberalism strips our politics of anything besides self-regard, and the right capitalizes on the anger caused by its own policies An extended conversation with Johann Hari, author of a controversial new book, “Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions.” Ch. 3: Roots of Extremism with Deeyah Khan - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 3-11-19 Deeyah Khan is a British documentary filmmaker and human rights activist. She’s the creator of two extraordinary films airing on Netflix right now, White Right: Meeting the Enemy and Jihad: A Story of the Others. Ch. 4: The Cure To Loneliness - Sustainable Human - Air Date 2-3-18 Loneliness is almost baked into the cake as far as a modern society with the kind of social setup and infrastructure and economic system that we have today. Laura talks with author/activist Gar Alperovitz. From the gloom of today, he sees the principles of a Pluralist Commonwealth emerging. Ch. 6: Gar Alperovitz on the economic movement already underway - @RalphNader Radio Hour - Air Date 6-24-17 It’s time to build new economic institutions that are democratic but also–critically–give us a new power base as well in the communities around the country. Ch. 7: Utopias in history and the need to rekindle utopian thinking - History Extra - Air Date 3-16-17 Rutger Bregman discusses some of his ideas that recently caused a global sensation and the role of a historian in the modern world VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: Progressives have always had to drag liberals along - V from Central New York FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 9: Final comments on the need to spread the word about our failing institutions to bolster support for fundamental reform MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify | Alexa Devices | +more Check out the BotL iOS/Android App in the App Stores! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
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