Fri, 29 April 2022
Air Date 4/29/2022 Today we take a look at the rising wave of successful unionization efforts and the corporate tactics being leveled against them, including the propaganda that surrounds the culture of labor. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Check out Will Be Wild wherever you get your podcasts! SHOW NOTES Around the country, workers are rising up, demanding more, and winning important victories, even though the deck is stacked against them. The question is: Where will the reinforcements come from? Ch. 2: Apple Store employee explains why he's fighting to unionize - ABC News - Air Date 4-26-22 Genius Bar technician Derrick Bowles explains why he and his coworkers are making the move to unionize their Apple Store We speak with the two best friends who led a drive to organize workers at Amazon's warehouse in Staten Island, New York, and made history Friday after a majority voted to form the first Amazon union in the U.S. Ch. 4: Unions And Strikes Are Good - Some More News - Air Date 3-30-22 Hi. In today’s episode, Cody, who is still on strike against the News Lord, discusses the importance of Unions, Co-Ops, and the future of work. Ch. 5: Why Work Won't Love You Back - On The Media - Air Date 4-22-22 In 2021, a record-breaking number of workers quit their jobs, leading to the phenomenon deemed the "Great Resignation." To understand how that happened, it helps to unpack how work has shifted over the past several decades Around the country, workers are rising up, demanding more, and winning important victories, even though the deck is stacked against them. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 7: The Holiday You May Have Missed - On The Media - Air Date 4-20-22 International Workers' Day is celebrated with rallies and protests all over the world on May 1, but it's not a big deal in the United States. Back in 2018, Brooke spoke with Donna Haverty-Stacke of Hunter College, CUNY about the American origin of May Day FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 8: Final comments on the intrinsic human needs that, when fulfilled, give meaning to any work TAKE ACTION! Call your members of Congress today and demand the $94 million increase in funds to The National Labor Relations Board: US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 Find Your Senator and Representative House Lawmakers Demand More Labor Board Funds As Workplace Organizing Spreads (Huffington Post) Lawmakers Urge NLRB Budget Boost Amid 'Dramatic Increase' in Unionization (Common Dreams) The Labor Board Is Withering Away, And That's Bad News For The Labor Movement (Huffington Post) EDUCATE YOURSELF & SHARE Bernie Sanders Wants Democrats to Make Unions Their Biggest Message (Vanity Fair) Sanders pressures Biden on Amazon unions: ‘The time for talk is over’ (Politico) Starbucks May Soon Face Legal Consequences for Union Busting (Truthout) The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class (NY Times) Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions) SHOW IMAGE: Description: Amazon Labor Union logo - a black outline of an open box with three fists coming out of the top - against Amazon corporate orange. A heart encircles the logo and is surrounded by black. Credit: Amazon Labor Union logo (artist not found upon search). Additional heart border design by Amanda Hoffman. Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
Direct download: 1486_Labor_Organizing_Air_Date_4-29-22_General_-_4-29-22_21.04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST |
Tue, 26 April 2022
From critically acclaimed podcast studios Pineapple Street and Wondery comes a new 8-part series called Will Be Wild that shines a light on the human stories left out of the headlines. It goes deep into the lives of people who took part in that day, people who saw it coming, and people who fear that January 6th was just the beginning of something, not the end.
Follow Will Be Wild wherever you get your podcasts, or you can listen early on Amazon Music or early and ad-free by subscribing to Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts or the Wondery app.
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Sat, 23 April 2022
Air Date 4/23/2022 Today we take a look at how we got to the form of toothless liberalism we are living with today and begin to reimagine what a more muscular state apparatus could do in the face of the climate crisis. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Sponsor the show! SHOW NOTES Emma hosts Luke Savage, staff writer at Jacobin Magazine, to discuss his new book The Dead Center: Reflections On Liberalism And Democracy After the End Of History. Ch. 2: Nationalizing Oil It's About Saving the World - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 4-11-22 Squeals of “socialism!” aside, we know how to do this and have done it before, repeatedly - This time it’s not just about saving our banks or fighting a war. This time, it’s about saving the world. Luke Savage on his collection of essays about the abandoned hopes of the Obama era, the rise of Trumpism and the inability—or unwillingness—of Liberalism to offer a moral and more just vision for the world. Matt Bruenig, returning to the podcast, is the founder of the People's Policy Project think tank. Johanna Bozuwa, Executive Director at the Climate and Community Project, has written a detailed paper on how we can actually "nationalize this." Ch. 6: Climate Incrementalism is the New Denial w/ Kate Aronoff - Bad Faith - Air Date 5-15-21 Tired of defeatist, nihilistic conversations about climate change? Same. That's why this week, we invited climate journalist and author of Overheated: How Capitalism Broke the Planet, Kate Aronoff. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Emma hosts Luke Savage, staff writer at Jacobin Magazine, to discuss his new book The Dead Center: Reflections On Liberalism And Democracy After the End Of History. VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: Thoughts on doing psychology right - Nick from California FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 10: Final comments on talking about psychology done wrongly... wrongly MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1485_Weak_Dems_Nationalizing_Big_OIl_Air_Date_4-23-22_General_-_4-23-22_17.29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:34pm EST |
Wed, 20 April 2022
Air Date 4/20/2022 Today we take a look at the bizarre halo effect that seems to surround Elon Musk and then thoroughly puncture it by just explaining a few things about him and his companies. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Check out The Politics of Everything wherever you get podcasts! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: The Myth Of The "Self-Made" Billionaire - Second Thought - Air Date 9-10-21 It’s no secret that Americans love to hear about billionaires. You’ll find them everywhere. They’re on the news [Bezos space launch], have their own TV shows, movies, and even make their way to elected office. Ch. 2: Is Elon Musk a Fraud - Deconstructed - Air Date 5-14-20 Over the weekend, Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter to voice his frustrations about the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown in Alameda County, California. The billionaire entrepreneur threatened that he would take his auto factory to another state Ch. 3: Tesla SUED Over Racial Discrimination In The Workplace - The Young Turks - Air Date 2-12-22 Elon Musk and Tesla are coming under fire as the state of California is suing the company for allegedly running a “racially segregated” workplace. Black workers are reportedly concentrated in certain parts of the factory and are constantly berated Ch. 4: Elon Musk Is Not Your Friend - Some More News - Air Date 5-10-21 Hi. Elon Musk will not save us. Sorry. Billionaire memelord Elon Musk has dropped yet another batcrap Libertarian rant for his adoring fans, this time regarding the bloodthirsty government and how he hates the pesky electric vehicle subsidies that he would (and already does) benefit from. Ch. 6: Elon Trolls the SEC - What Next: TBD | Tech, power, and the future - Air Date 4-8-22 With 9.1% ownership of Twitter—and a board seat—Elon Musk is the new master of Twitter's future. Why did the wealthiest man in the world just take over the world's most influential platform? Ch. 7: Elon, Segregationist & Culture War in Colorado w/ Chase Woodruff - Left Reckoning - Air Date 2-23-22 The real reason Elon Musk fleed California: incredible racism and animal cruelty charges. Also, how he's giving marching orders to Texas cops. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 9: Elon Musk Isn’t Saving Humanity w/ Manu Saadia - Tech Won't Save Us - Air Date 3-25-21 Paris Marx is joined by Manu Saadia to discuss the roots of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ visions for space, and why they serve the billionaires’ need for control, not the betterment of humanity. VOICEMAILS Ch. 10: Back on the path - Dave from Olympia, WA FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 12: Final comments on foundational ideas that help explain politics MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1484_Elon_Musk_Billionaires_Air_Date_4-20-22_General_-_4-20-22_20.45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:38pm EST |
Sat, 16 April 2022
Air Date 4/16/2022 Today we take a look at the coming wave of attacks on abortion and the foundational concept of privacy more broadly that are making their way to the Supreme Court for likely rubber-stamping by at least 5 of the deeply conservative current justices. Undermining the established precedent of privacy that abortion rests on can, and likely will, have ramifications far beyond reproductive rights. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) SHOW NOTES “Abortion rights don’t fall within that framework of constitutional rights that the Supreme Court feels that it has an obligation to uphold,” says Imani Gandy, senior editor of law and policy for Rewire News Group. Ch. 2: The GOP Is Now Coming For Birth Control - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 3-21-22 The more Republicans come out against the Supreme Court’s Griswold v. Connecticut ruling on contraception access, the more the public should be worried that they will lose the legal right to birth control. Ch. 3: Fundamental Rights Doublespeak Part 1 - Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 4-9-22 History proves that “unenumerated” does not equal “invented” rights. Joined by David Gans, director of the Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Citizenship Program at the Constitutional Accountability Center. Michele Goodwin speaks on about the links between current conflicts between state and federal law and their historic precedents, such as Brown v. Board of Education and the Fugitive Slave Acts. MARK JOSEPH STERN, legal journalist from Slate, explains the latest news out of the US Supreme Court, beginning with the Senate confirmation hearings last week for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Joe Biden's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ch. 6: Fundamental Rights Doublespeak Part 2 - Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 4-9-22 History proves that “unenumerated” does not equal “invented” rights. Joined by David Gans, director of the Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Citizenship Program at the Constitutional Accountability Center. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) “The very party that claims to be very concerned with protecting children—that’s accusing their enemies of being literal pedophiles—wrote a bill that apparently would have allowed children to get married,” says Chris Hayes. Ch. 8: The Latest Battles over Marriage - Past Present - Air Date 4-12-22 In this episode, Neil, Niki, and Natalia discuss recent developments in the politics of sex and marriage. Ch. 9: Fundamental Rights Doublespeak Part 3 - Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 4-9-22 History proves that “unenumerated” does not equal “invented” rights. Joined by David Gans, director of the Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Citizenship Program at the Constitutional Accountability Center. FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 10: Final comments on the upcoming milestone for the show MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1483_SCOTUS_Abortion_and_More_Air_Date_4-13-22_General_-_4-16-22_21.50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:43pm EST |
Wed, 13 April 2022
Air Date 4/13/2022 Today we take a look at the mainstreaming of crypto and NFTs by celebrity endorsements, why they're terrible by nearly any metric and why they are emblematic of our broken culture. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Shop for 20% off your first order! Sponsor the show! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs - Folding Ideas - Air Date 1-21-22 If someone pitches you on a "great" Web3 project, ask them if it requires buying or selling crypto to do what they say it does. Ch. 2: NFTS and Celebrities: A Match Made in Hell? - Wisecrack - Air Date 4-4-22 How did NFTs become the new Coca-Cola? NFTs are everywhere, nowhere more so than on the lips of celebrities. But why are celebrities getting into the world of crypto? And what can the rise of celebrities endorsing NFTs tell us about our society? Bennett and Cas are joined by Ben McKenzie and Jacob Silverman who discuss the ideas behind their upcoming book about cryptocurrency, their issues with celebrity shilling of speculative assets, and how it really feels like corporate greed Ch. 4: Why Scams Are Inherent To Cryptocurrency - The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder - Air Date 3-27-22 Explaining the systemic reasons why the features of crypto are so amenable to scams Ch. 5: Can Our Climate Survive Bitcoin? - Reveal - Air Date 3-25-22 Bitcoin’s demand for electricity is so great that it’s giving new life to the dirtiest type of power plants: ones that burn coal. In Hardin, Montana, the coal-fired power plant was on the verge of shutting down until bitcoin came to town. Crypto specialist, Dan Olson, shares his takes on NFTs and explains pieces from his insanely popular video, "Line Goes Up – The Problem With NFTs." John Iadarola and Dan Olson break it down on The Damage Report. Ch. 7: The Crypto Grift Descends on Ukraine - Scam Economy - Air Date 3-17-22 Matt Binder breaks down how grifting cryptocurrency founders, entrepreneurs, investors, and hustlers are trying to pump their money-making schemes for a profit and generate good PR for the crypto industry under the guise of charity for Ukraine. FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 12: Final comments on how people, myself included, get scammed MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1482_Crypto_and_NFT_Air_Date_4-13-22_General_-_4-13-22_18.51.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18pm EST |
Sun, 10 April 2022
Original Air Date: 3-15-22 Today, I am talking with Erin (not from Philly), Deon and Erin from Philly. We discuss: - Whether or not to capitalize the B in black - What it means when the B is capitalized - How all of this relates to the rapid expansion of identity labels - Why the solution to segregation and stereotypes is more segregation - And why we think it's worth spending time talking about things like this CONNECT ON DISCORD References: Leave a message at 202-999-3991 Produced by: Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at Follow at Like at Contact me directly at Review the show on Apple Podcasts!
Direct download: Bonus_Show_248_Sample_-_4-10-22_12.00.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm EST |
Wed, 6 April 2022
Air Date 4/6/2022 Today we take a look at the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, what her confirmation would mean for representation on the court and what the hearing tells us about the state of our politics. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Check out Democracy Decoded where you get your podcasts! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: By Any Measure, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is Qualified - David Pakman Show - Air Date 3-24-22 By any objective measure, Joe Biden's Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, is eminently qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice Ch. 2: Anita Hill on the Supreme Court’s Future Part 1 - Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 3-12-22 The upcoming confirmation, and what it means for the court’s future—and for America’s future. MARK JOSEPH STERN, legal journalist from Slate, explains the latest news out of the US Supreme Court, beginning with the Senate confirmation hearings last week for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Joe Biden's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Jessica Mason Pieklo and Imani Gandy are following the lead of Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and celebrating joy in this historic nomination. Speaking with legal analysts Imani Gandy and Dahlia Lithwick about Republican embrace of disinformation. Ch. 6: Anita Hill on the Supreme Court’s Future Part 2 - Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 3-12-22 The upcoming confirmation, and what it means for the court’s future—and for America’s future. Ch. 7: ITT Sound Off: Saving the Supreme Court - In The Thick - Air Date 3-25-22 Elie Mystal writes in The Nation: “It was emotionally affecting to watch Jackson, a ridiculously accomplished Black woman, be forced to dance to the tune of these mediocre white senators who were trying to reduce her to a caricature.” MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Cory Booker speaks out about the hope he feels about Ketanji Brown Jackson joining the Supreme Court Black listeners call in to talk about what it meant to see the judge up there, and react to more of Sen. Booker's words and Judge Brown Jackson's tearful reaction. VOICEMAILS Ch. 10: Response to Maria on puberty blockers - Sophia from Texas FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 11: Final comments on motivated reasoning, wild guesses and edge cases MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1481_SCOTUS_Confirmation_Air_Date_4-6-22_General_-_4-6-22_19.41.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:05pm EST |
Sat, 2 April 2022
Air Date 4/2/2022 Today we take a look at the current iteration of the cynical culture wars being waged by conservative Republicans against LGBTQ kids for political gain. The current wave of anti-trans and anti-gay legislation sprouting across the country is not about protecting kids and is absolutely nothing new. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) Check out Democracy Decoded where you get your podcasts! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Andy Greenberg - Longform - Air Date 12-11-19 Andy Greenberg is a senior writer for Wired. His new book is Sandworm. “I kind of knew I was never going to get access to Sandworm, which is the title of the book - so it was all about drawing a picture around this invisible monster.” Ch. 2: How America’s gas got hacked - Today, Explained - Air Date 5-12-21 The largest-known ransomware attack on American energy infrastructure is driving up gas prices and creating shortages. Wired's Lily Hay Newman says Colonial Pipeline might be a turning point for cybersecurity. Ch. 3: Is Russia at War with the West? Part 1 - The Inquiry - Air Date 11-21-18 There are currently a number of serious allegations made in the West against Russia. They include the attempted murder of the former spy Sergei Skripal on British soil; interference in the 2016 US election; the hacking of the American electricity grid. Sanger joins Judy Woodruff to discuss the threats and realities, how the U.S. wages cyber warfare, and how prepared the U.S. is to stop attacks. Ch. 5: Is Russia at War with the West? Part 2 - The Inquiry - Air Date 11-21-18 Russia has been practicing cyberwar in a real-life test lab — Ukraine. Andy Greenberg, author of 'Sandworm', recounts how Russia went from repeatedly shutting down Ukraine's infrastructure to unleashing worms that caused billions of dollars in damage. Ch. 7: Is World War III Already Here? - Your Undivided Attention - Air Date 1-3-22 Warfare has changed so fundamentally, that we're currently in a war we don't even recognize. It's the war that Russia, China, and other hostile foreign actors are fighting against us — weaponizing social media to undermine our faith in each other MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Last week, a hacker group called DarkSide shut down the Colonial Pipeline, which supplies 45 percent of the fuel consumed on the East Coast. Gas prices skyrocketed, people started hoarding gas, and DarkSide walked away with over $4 million in Bitcoin. VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: Puberty blockers experimental? - Maria in Pennsylvania FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 10: Final comments on the deception and logical fallacies at the heart of critiques of gender affirming care MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
Direct download: 1480_Cyber_War_Air_Date_4-1-22_General_-_4-2-22_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST |