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Air Date 4/29/2022

Today we take a look at the rising wave of successful unionization efforts and the corporate tactics being leveled against them, including the propaganda that surrounds the culture of labor. 

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Ch. 1: From Amazon to Starbucks, workers are rising up—and progressives need to support them at all costs Part 1 - The Real News - Air Date 4-8-22

Around the country, workers are rising up, demanding more, and winning important victories, even though the deck is stacked against them. The question is: Where will the reinforcements come from?

Ch. 2: Apple Store employee explains why he's fighting to unionize - ABC News - Air Date 4-26-22

Genius Bar technician Derrick Bowles explains why he and his coworkers are making the move to unionize their Apple Store

Ch. 3: “We Just Unionized Amazon”: How Two Best Friends Beat the Retail Giant’s Union-Busting Campaign - Democracy Now! - Air Date 4-4-22

We speak with the two best friends who led a drive to organize workers at Amazon's warehouse in Staten Island, New York, and made history Friday after a majority voted to form the first Amazon union in the U.S.

Ch. 4: Unions And Strikes Are Good - Some More News - Air Date 3-30-22

Hi. In today’s episode, Cody, who is still on strike against the News Lord, discusses the importance of Unions, Co-Ops, and the future of work.

Ch. 5: Why Work Won't Love You Back - On The Media - Air Date 4-22-22

In 2021, a record-breaking number of workers quit their jobs, leading to the phenomenon deemed the "Great Resignation." To understand how that happened, it helps to unpack how work has shifted over the past several decades

Ch. 6: From Amazon to Starbucks, workers are rising up—and progressives need to support them at all costs Part 2 - The Real News - Air Date 4-8-22

Around the country, workers are rising up, demanding more, and winning important victories, even though the deck is stacked against them.


Ch. 7: The Holiday You May Have Missed - On The Media - Air Date 4-20-22

International Workers' Day is celebrated with rallies and protests all over the world on May 1, but it's not a big deal in the United States. Back in 2018, Brooke spoke with Donna Haverty-Stacke of Hunter College, CUNY about the American origin of May Day


Ch. 8: Final comments on the intrinsic human needs that, when fulfilled, give meaning to any work


Call your members of Congress today and demand the $94 million increase in funds to The National Labor Relations Board: US Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

Find Your Senator and Representative 

Learn about the NLRB

House Lawmakers Demand More Labor Board Funds As Workplace Organizing Spreads (Huffington Post)

Lawmakers Urge NLRB Budget Boost Amid 'Dramatic Increase' in Unionization (Common Dreams)

The Labor Board Is Withering Away, And That's Bad News For The Labor Movement (Huffington Post)


Bernie Sanders Wants Democrats to Make Unions Their Biggest Message (Vanity Fair)

Sanders pressures Biden on Amazon unions: ‘The time for talk is over’ (Politico)

Starbucks May Soon Face Legal Consequences for Union Busting (Truthout)

The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class (NY Times)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: Amazon Labor Union logo - a black outline of an open box with three fists coming out of the top - against Amazon corporate orange. A heart encircles the logo and is surrounded by black.

Credit: Amazon Labor Union logo (artist not found upon search). Additional heart border design by Amanda Hoffman.

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

Direct download: 1486_Labor_Organizing_Air_Date_4-29-22_General_-_4-29-22_21.04.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:28pm EST