Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date 6/17/2022

Today we take a look at many intertwining realizations that are beginning to permeate society which include but are not limited to the dead-end mentality of infinite growth, the uselessness of growth past a certain point for wellbeing, and the deepening alienation being felt in response to consumerism in place of community. 

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Ch. 1: Capitalism is the Planet’s Cancer: Operate Before it’s too Late George Monbiot - Double Down News - Air Date 1-30-20

“Infinite growth on a finite planet is a recipe for catastrophe”

Ch. 2: Degrowth: why some economists think abandoning growth is the only way to save the planet Part 1 - The Conversation Weekly - Air Date 10-28-21

Some economists have long argued that to really save ourselves from the climate crisis, we need a fundamental overhaul of the way our economies work.

Ch. 3: Degrowth: liberation from growthism - The Taxcast - Air Date 9-23-21

Naomi Fowler explores degrowth and how we liberate ourselves from ‘growthism’ with economic anthropologist Jason Hickel.

Ch. 4: Our Struggles are Your Struggles: Stories of Indigenous Resistance & Regeneration - Upstream - Air Date 3-21-22

Standing Rock was just one in a long line of battles that Indigenous peoples have been fighting against the twin forces of colonialism and capitalism since first contact.

Ch. 5: Eco-Socialist Degrowth? w/ Paul Murphy - Rupture Radio - Air Date 5-2-22

Capitalist growth is destroying our life support systems. 

Ch. 6: Jason Hickel on how degrowth will save the world (part two) - Politics Theory Other - Air Date 12-19-21

We talked about why the notion of decoupling growth from intensive resource use is ultimately unconvincing.

Ch. 7: Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet? (Tim Jackson Interview) - The David Pakman Show - Air Date 9-19-21

Tim Jackson joins David to discuss consumption, growth, macroeconomics, the modern economy, and more.

Ch. 8: Degrowth: why some economists think abandoning growth is the only way to save the planet Part 2 - The Conversation Weekly - Air Date 10-28-21


Ch. 9: How We End Consumerism - Our Changing Climate - Air Date 6-4-21

How we end consumerism, explained.

Ch. 10: Jason Hickel on International Development and Post-capitalism (In Conversation) - Upstream - Air Date 5-28-20

We spoke with him about international capitalism during the pandemic and how to fundamentally move to a post-capitalist world

Ch. 11: Post Growth - Life after Capitalism (Podcast with Prof. Tim Jackson - CUSP) - Circular Metabolism Podcast - Air Date 4-28-21

We continue our quest by looking into post-growth.


Ch. 12: Final comments on the climate legislation currently in negotiations and how to win a Rivian EV


LAST CHANCE FOR BOLD CLIMATE LEGISLATION: Demand the Full $555 Billion in Climate Investments in the Budget Reconciliation Package and get it passed ASAP!

  • Call 202-318-1885 (the #Call4Climate number) to automatically contact both of your senators, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
  • What to say: CCAN’s email form also includes a call script.
  • Learn more about what’s in the current reconciliation bill, what we need to fight for during negotiations, and download state-by-state fact sheets on how the bill would benefit the state you live in.

SUPPORT Grassroots Climate Action: Enter the CCAN fundraiser raffle and win a Rivian Electric Truck (or a Tesla up to a Plaid Model S)!

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: An illustration of a green Earth, with a small plant sprout growing out of it. Green arrows encircle the earth against a pale green abstract background.

Credit: Nature-Earth-Sustainability | License

Direct download: 1497_Wellness_Economy_Air_Date_6-18-22_General_-_6-17-22_17.52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST