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Air Date 8/10/2022

Today, we take a look at the origins of the European colonial land-grab, the need for the #Landback movement,  and the benefits to society and the environment in the context of the climate crisis to return stewardship of the land to native peoples.

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Ch. 1: Why It’s Time To Give Native Americans Their Land Back - AJ+ - Air Date 10-9-20

For some reason, Oct. 12th is still Columbus Day in a lot of the United States. Fortunately, more and more cities and states are adopting that day as Indigenous Peoples Day

Ch. 2: Canada, it's time for Land Back - The Breach - Air Date 6-2-21

Since its inception, Canada has been stealing Indigenous lands — by the barrel of a gun, by starvation tactics & by tearing children from their families.

Ch. 3: Mark Charles: An Indigenous Liberation Theology - A People's Theology - Air Date 7-7-21

Mason chats with Mark Charles about his book, Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery. We chat all about the Doctrine of Discovery, Mark's theology of land and water, and much more.

Ch. 4: Can Indigenous People Lead the Fight Against Climate Change? - Above the Noise - Air Date 4-20-22

Indigenous communities across the globe are experts at managing and protecting land. Is it time the U.S. finally returned STOLEN parklands back to them?

Ch. 5: LandBack: The Indigenous Liberation Movement - Andrewism - Air Date 1-6-21

LandBack isn’t about deporting white people. It’s a path to a better future.

Ch. 6: What We Can Learn About #LandBack From These Native American Comedies - PBS Origins - Air Date 6-13-22

Native American representation in film and TV used to be confined to Westerns and storylines of defeat. Today, a new wave of Native American comedies, written and created by Native peoples, are taking back their narratives.

Bonus: Landback cold open - Reservation Dogs S1 E3 Uncle Brownie - Air Date 8-16-21


Ch. 7: Meet the native Hawaiians fighting U.S. occupation - AJ+ - Air Date 3-3-17

In 1893, armed U.S. naval forces helped American sugar plantation owners illegally overthrow Hawaii’s constitutional monarchy. 100 years later, the U.S. apologized and admitted in a resolution that Native Hawaiians had never relinquished their sovereignty

Ch. 8: Why Native Americans are buying back land that was stolen from them - PBS NewsHour - Air Date 10-16-21

From 1877 to 1934, under a range of laws and reneged-upon treaties, the U.S. government appropriated tens of millions of acres of Native American land. In recent years there has been a growing movement known as “land back” to reclaim their lands.


Ch. 9: Definition of power and organizing - Pat from Chicago


Ch. 10: Final comments on why the left doesn't fight hard enough for political power


Yellowhead Institute (@Yellowhead_): "Land Back - A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper" (Includes tools and resources. Canadian-based, but broadly applicable.)

NDN Collective (@ndncollective): (U.S.-based)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: A red "Land Back" flag waves outside the front of a courthouse. An American flag flies above it against a blue sky at the top of the courthouse.

Credit: "A Land Back flag flies under the US Flag outside Aitkin County Courthouse in Aitkin, Minnesota" by Lorie Shaull | License CC by 2.0 | Changes: Cropped, increased contrast, decreased brightness


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

Direct download: 1506_Landback_Air_Date_8-10-22_General_-_8-10-22_14.52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21am EST