Sat, 14 January 2023
Air Date 1/14/2023 This Martin Luther King Day weekend, we take a look at a wider range of Black radicals who all helped build the unfinished Civil Rights Movement and who our history either whitewashes or demonizes to fit the narrative of American Exceptionalism™ marching us inexorably toward perfection. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: The dangers of whitewashing black history | David Ikard - TEDxNashville - Air Date 6-18-22 Equipped with the real story of Rosa Parks, professor David Ikard highlights how making the realities of race more benign and digestible harms us all -- and emphasizes the power and importance of historical accuracy. This talk was filmed at TEDxNashville. Thomas Ricks is the guest on this special January 2023 fundraising episode of The Chauncey DeVega Show. Ch. 3: #ilovemalcolm: Tariq Ali on Malcolm X at Oxford - rosaluxnyc - Air Date 3-23-15 At "I Love Malcolm: Legacies of Love and Liberation" on February 14, 2015, organized by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office, Tariq Ali discusses the impact of Malcolm X's debate at Oxford University in 1964. Ch. 4: The Radicalism of Martin Luther King Jr. and W.E.B. Du Bois - Communist Party USA - Air Date 2-26-20 WEB Du Bois and Martin Luther King Jr are two 20th-century giants in both the struggle for African American equality and the liberation of oppressed people worldwide. Ch. 5: The Socialist Anti-Imperialism of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Left Anchor - Air Date 1-18-21 Today we are hoisting up an episode from the archives in celebration of MLK Day. We discuss King's advocacy of democratic socialism and his argument that civil rights were inadequate without an equal share of economic production. Ch. 6: Whitewashing 101: How To Rewrite Black History - Second Thought - Air Date 2-18-22 It's Black History Month, so it's about time we talked about the recuperation of Black radicals like Dr. King and Nelson Mandela. Everyone and their mother likes to claim MLK as their own, and use his words as a rhetorical weapon. Ch. 7: Why the US government murdered Fred Hampton - Vox - Air Date 6-2-21 What we aren't taught about the Black Panther Party. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Frederick Douglass' journey from slave to leading figure of 19th-century American thought. FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 9: Final comments on the producers who made this week's topics come to life MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions) SHOW IMAGE:
Credit: MLK and Malcom X; W.E.B. Du Bois; Rosa Parks; Fred Hampton button | License All Images in Public Domain
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
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