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Air Date 12/8/2023

Neoliberalism has created a lot of economic suffering and insecurity in addition to weakened social ties over the past few decades. And now, in what may be the most devastating result of the ideology yet, neoliberalism may be leading much of the world toward fascism bolstered by legitimate grievances about economic precarity which are coopted by the false promises of right-wing populism.

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Related Episodes:

#1491 Mismanaging Capitalism Can Lead to Fascism (Inflation and the Working Class)

#1519 International Fascist Movement on the Move



Ch. 1: Far-right extremism on the rise around the globe - The ReidOut with Joy Reid - Air Day 11-28-23

A troubling sign of the rise of far-right extremists being elected around the world, as anti-Islamic populist Geert Wilders is newly elected in the Netherlands.

Ch. 2: How Can Democracy Survive in an Age of Discontent Rachel Navarre and Matthew Rhodes-Purdy on Populism and Political Extremism - Democracy Paradox - Air Date 11-28-23

Populism is rather a specific form of discontent. Discontent is the umbrella term. It's this vague sense that the way things are being done is not working. That democracy is not effective.

Ch. 3: Argentina's Trump? Far-Right Javier Milei Wins Presidency with Echoes of Past Dictatorship - Democracy Now! - Air Date 11-21-23

Far-right libertarian Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina. Franco Metaza, the director of international relations for the Argentine Senate, joins to discuss.

Ch. 4: How Can Democracy Survive in an Age of Discontent Rachel Navarre and Matthew Rhodes-Purdy on Populism and Political Extremism Part 2 - Democracy Paradox - Air Date 11-28-23

Ch. 5: Media Coverage of the Trump Movement is Missing Vital Context - On the Media - Air Date 11-29-23

Jeff Sharlet, author of The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War, argues that Trump's narratives of martyrdom, a persecuted in-group, a mysterious out-group, and a rhetoric of violence are all hallmarks of fascism.

Ch. 6: 'Democracy on a Knife's Edge' Far-right electoral victories in Argentina, Holland; Trump threatens Insurrection Act - The Bradcast - Air Date 11-28-23

Ultra-conservative former federal Judge Michael Luttig warns: 'American democracy [is] on a knife's greater peril today than it's ever been in American history.

Ch. 7: How Can Democracy Survive in an Age of Discontent Rachel Navarre and Matthew Rhodes-Purdy on Populism and Political Extremism Part 3 - Democracy Paradox - Air Date 11-28-23


Ch. 8: Media Coverage of the Trump Movement is Missing Vital Context Part 2 - On the Media - Air Date 11-29-23

Ch. 9: How Can Democracy Survive in an Age of Discontent Rachel Navarre and Matthew Rhodes-Purdy on Populism and Political Extremism Part 4 - Democracy Paradox - Air Date 11-28-23


Ch. 12: Final comments on preparing for the 2024 election


Description: A photo triptych of Donald Trump, Geert Wilders president-elect of The Netherlands, and Javier Milei president-elect of Argentina. Trump is smiling and looking toward Wilders and Milei.

Credits: “Trump at CPAC”  by Kingofthedead, Wikimedia Commons; License: CC BY SA 2.0; Changes: Cropped | “Geert Wilders during a political campaign” by Peter van der Sluijs, Wikimedia Commons; License: CC BY SA 2.0; Changes: Cropped | “Javier Milei in VIVA22” by Vox España, Wikimedia Commons; License: Public Domain; Changes: Cropped


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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