Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date 5/1/2024

The past, present, and future of tackling the uselessness of extreme wealth by exposing and closing tax avoidance loopholes and pushing for a culture change to embrace the need for a more equal society.

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Ch. 1: What Happens When You Tax Billionaires at 90 Percent? - The Hartmann Report - Air Date 6-3-23

We did it before, and the result was the creation of the world’s first and largest middle class and a level of peace and prosperity that held its own until Ronald Reagan took a meat-axe to it…

Ch. 2: #TaxBillionaires w/ Robert Reich, Sen. Ron Wyden, Rep. Jamaal Bowman, and more - Americans for Tax Fairness - Air Date 4 -18-22

If you think school teachers shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than billionaires, join us to learn how you can join in on the fight to #TaxBillionaires!

Ch. 3: Wealth Tax Part 1 - Pullback - Air Date 4-11-23

Should we be taxing Scrooge-McDuck wealth? Can we? We talk with friend of the pod Fariya Mohiuddin, a Senior Program Officer with the International Budget Partnership's Tax Equity Program, and our favourite tax justice researcher and activist.

Ch. 4: No One Should Have More Than 10 Million Pounds | Ash Sarkar meets Ingrid Robeyns - Novara Media - Air Date 2-4-24

If you're serious about alleviating poverty, as most liberals claim to be, should there be a cap on how wealthy one person can be?




Ch. 12: Final comments on anger and irrationality in war and politics

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: A protester holds a sign that says “Tax the Rich”

Credit: “We have a right to the city. Tax the rich.” by dignidadrebelde, Flickr | License: CC BY 2.0 | Changes: Cropped


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1625_Extreme_Wealth_Air_Date_4-26-24_General_-_4-30-24_17.57.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30am EST