Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date: 5-5-24
Today, Jay!, Amanda, Deon and Erin discuss:
- Jerry Seinfeld blaming the "extreme left" and "PC culture" for the death of sitcoms
- how Poe's Law (and the Amanda Principle) makes creating and identifying satire difficult
- how TV shows trying to satirize the left for the left struggle to land the jokes

Jerry Seinfeld Says TV Comedy Is Being Killed By the ‘Extreme Left and P.C. Crap and People Worrying So Much About Offending Other People’ 

Jerry Seinfeld Is a Lazy Hack Out of Touch with the Real World—And Who Can Blame Him? 

Poe’s Law and Internet Satire 

In the Know (Peacock) 

‘In the Know’ Showrunners Unpack Its Loving Evisceration of Public Radio, Progressive Politics

Zach Woods, NPR Fan, Reads NPR Fans for Filth 

Exclusive: In the Know's Zach Woods and Brandon Gardner on Satirizing Liberals with Mike Judge

The Cleaner - S2 E5 The Statue (Acorn)

Malthusian Conception 

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Produced by:
Jay! Tomlinson
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Direct download: 302_-_Satirizing_the_Left_-_Sample_Bonus_Show_-_5-5-24_4.12_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm EDT