Wed, 27 June 2007
Act 1: Dems are politically weak - Rachel Maddow
Act 2: Not funding = not supprting: twisted logic - The Young Turks
Act 3: Pannel Discussion - Seder on Sundays
Act 4: Was Nader right? - The Pap Attack
Act 5: Refuse to Fund - Dennis Kucinich
Act 6: Dems fear smear - Randi Rhodes
Act 7: Betrayal - Keith Olbermann
Act 8: Welcome to the Hot War - Mike Malloy
Hands Held High - Linkin Park
Annihilation - A Perfect Circle
Murs Beat - RJD2
The World I Know - Collective Soul
Dark Matter Dub - Unknown Artist
How's It Going to Be - Third Eye Blind
End Of Days - VNV Nation
Sun, 24 June 2007
Fri, 8 June 2007
Act 1: Batiste Interview Part 1 - Rachel Maddow
Act 2: Bush Lost Credibility - Keith Olbermann
Act 3: Batiste Interview Part 2 - Rachel Maddow
Act 4: 11 Republicans Talk To Bush - Randi Rhodes
Act 5: Duty Honor, Dissent - Keith Olbermann
What I've Done - Linkin Park
The Sweet Excape - Gwen Stefani
There Will Be No Morning Copy - Clann Zu
Overcome - Rx Bandits
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Thu, 7 June 2007
Act 1: Falwell Dies - Democracy Now
Act 2: Farewell to Falwell - The Young Turks
Act 3: Falwell - Rachel Maddow
Act 4: Falwell - Mike Malloy
Act 5: Falwell - Christopher Hitchens
Act 6: Falwell - Randi Rhodes
Celebration - Kool & the Gang
Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Mmm - Crash Test Dummies
The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist - Propagandhi
Jesse Helms - MC Hawking
Liar - Henry Rollins Band
Falwell's God - Roy Zimmerman
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Thu, 31 May 2007
Act 1: Leaders of Blackwater - NPR
Act 2: On Halliburton - NPR
Act 3: Wrongful deaths at Blackwater - NPR
Act 4: The Power Pyamid - Ring of Fire
Act 5: Blackwater in combat - NPR
Act 6: Sociopaths have taken over - NPR
Act 7: Petrolium cronyism - The Young Turks
Act 8: Domestic work for Blackwater - NPR
Act 9: New Rules - Real Time with Bill Maher
Act 10: FBI Interrogates Protesters - Democracy NOW!
Act 11: NYPD spying on Liberal Groups - The Young Turks
Jack Johnson - Horizon Has Been Defeated
Fiona Apple - Criminal
Neil Young - Keep On Rocking In The Free World
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth
Razorlight - America
Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
Camper Van Beethoven - Pictures of Matchstick Men
Green Day - American Idiot
Aimee Mann - Save Me
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