Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Edition #683

The lesser-known histories

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: The untold story of guns - On The Media - Air Date 12-21-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: The Magnificent Seven - The City of Prague Philharmonic

Ch. 4: Act 2: Real Reason For The 2nd Amendment Part 1 - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-12-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: John Adams Theme Song - HBO

Ch. 6: Act 3: Gun Laws - Public Opion And The Constitution - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-21-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: Flower in your hair - The Lumineers

Ch. 8: Act 4: Real Reason For The 2nd Amendment Part 2 - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-12-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Swing low sweet chariot - The Persuasions

Ch. 10: Act 5: Does the NRA Represent Gun Owners or Manufacturers? - Young Turks - Air Date: 01-11-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Gone going - Black Eyed Peas

Ch. 12: Act 6: NRA Fades from Important to Impotent - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 1-9-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Speak up - Luke Reynolds

Ch. 14: Act 7: Protecting liberties we don't have anymore - Bill Maher - Air Date: 1-18-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: A lack of color - Death Cab For Cutie

Ch. 16: Act 8: Rand Paul Vows to Stop 'King' Obama's Executive Orders - Young Turks - Air Date: 01-18-13


Ch. 17: Moral right vs legal right to guns - Adam

Ch. 18: Focus on corporate personhood, not guns - Alfonzo

Ch. 19: Responsibility and blame - David From Vancouver, BC

Ch. 20: Check out for progressive Christianity - John from Reno

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 21: Final comments on interesting voicemails

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: The_lesser-known_histories.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #682

The Proposals

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Can Reasonable Gun Bills Beat Hyperbolic Obstruction? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 1-8-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: You're a joke - The Quakes

Ch. 4: Act 2: The Founding Fathers vs. The Gun Nuts - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-09-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: The Rebels - The Cranberries

Ch. 6: Act 3: Assault Ban Is a Good Idea, But Much More Needed - The Progressive - Air Date: 1-11-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: Violent Days - RTZ

Ch. 8: Act 4: General McChrystal: We Need More Gun Control - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 01-11-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Fade to black - Apocalyptica

Ch. 10: Act 5: Fox News Continues to Push False Narrative that President Obama Wants to Take Away Our Guns - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 01-11-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Fade to black - Apocalyptica

Ch. 12: Act 6: What's in Obama's Gun Control Proposal Package? - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-17-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Somewhere only we know - Keane

Ch. 14: Act 7: Obama Neglected War on Drugs, Poverty, Suicide - The Progressive - Air Date: 1-17-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Small potatoes - A Weather

Ch. 16: Act 8: New York Passes 'Strictest' Gun Control Law - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 01-17-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: How to save a life - Vitamin String Quartet

Ch. 18: Act 9: Fox News' Megyn Kelly Debunks Fox Myth About Obama's Doctors And Guns Policy - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 01-18-13

Ch. 20: Act 10: Polls Support Gun Control, Now Democrats Do Too - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-18-13

Ch. 21: Song 10: Feel the Tide (Live) - Mumford and Sons

Ch. 22: Act 10: 23 Steps To Gun Control - The Bugle - Air Date 1-20-13


Ch. 23: Responsibility and blame are two sides of the same coin - Mara from Pittsburgh

Ch. 24: Victim blaming is ingrained from a young age - Nathan from Vancouver, WA

Ch. 25: Not all evangelicals are crazy - Matt from Maryland

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 26: Final comments on blame/preparedness, my icy ride and plunge and the Feb 17 Keystone XL protest in DC

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: The_Proposals.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #681

The good, the bad and the conspiratorial

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Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Building an Infrastructure on the Left - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-12-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Won't back down - Johnny Cash & Tom Petty

Ch. 4: Act 2: Fox News' Average Viewer is 65 Years Old - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-14-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Comes and Goes (In Waves) - Greg Laswell

Ch. 6: Act 3: Media Charged a Premium for Romney Coverage - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-19-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: Diamonds on the soles of her shoes - Paul Simon

Ch. 8: Act 4: Al Jazeera Buys Current TV, Time Warner Drops the Channel - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-03-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Babel - Mumford & Sons

Ch. 10: Act 5: Cable News With Another Point Of View - CounterSpin - Air Date 1-4-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: I want to protect you - Eels

Ch. 12: Act 6: O'Reilly Gloats on Current Sale, Gets Facts Wrong - The Young Turks - Air Date: 01-05-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Moonlight sonata - Ludwig van Beethoven

Ch. 14: Act 7: Right-Wing Media Attack Colin Powell After Meet The Press Interview - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 01-15-13

Ch. 16: Act 8: Glenn Beck Looks in Mirror, Sees Alex Jones - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-19-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Home - Phillip Phillips

Ch. 18: Act 9: Who's Crazier - Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, or Michael Savage? - The Young Turks - Air Date: 01-09-13

Ch. 19: Song 9: Pas Si Simple - Yann Tiersen

Ch. 20: Act 10: Fox Analyst Mounts Dishonest Critique Of Obama's Inaugural Address - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 1-22-13

Ch. 22: Act 11: Disney IS News - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-14-12

Ch. 23: Song 11: Society - Eddie Vedder

Ch. 24: Act 12: Scientology is Doing Swell! says...The Atlantic? - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-16-13

Ch. 25: Song 12: I'm looking through you - The Wallflowers

Ch. 26: Act 13: The merger of ads and news - CounterSpin - Air Date: 1-18-13

Ch. 27: Song 13: Ruby - Kaiser Cheifs

Ch. 28: Act 14: Obama Helps Fox News Media Monopoly - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-28-12


Ch. 29: Thoughts on women in video games - Elka from Fort Wayne, ID

Ch. 30: Thoughts on preparedness and perpetrators - Rape survivor from NYC

Ch. 31: Breaking down guilt and rape - Mary from Portland, OR

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 32: Final comments on my imminent plunge

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: The_good_the_bad_and_the_conspiratorial.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #680

Believing the unbelievable

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Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Republicans Believe In Demonic Possession, Not Climate Change - The Young Turks - Air Date: 11-06-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Demon Host -Timber Timbre

Ch. 4: Act 2: Gay Exorcism Caught on Tape, GAY DEMONS! - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-06-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Crazy Faith - Alison Krauss & Union Station

Ch. 6: Act 3: Taking on Sacred Texas Cheerleaders - The Progressive - Air Date: 10-19-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: All this and heaven too - Florence + The Machine

Ch. 8: Act 4: Woman Lives Biblically For a Year - The Young Turks - Air Date: 10-28-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: Rejoice - Andrew Jackson Jihad

Ch. 10: Act 5: How To Make Your Life Better - Lee Camp - Air Date: 12-04-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Spirit in the sky - Norman Greenbaum

Ch. 12: Act 6: Mormon Doctrine Has Been Plagiarized - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 11-27-12

Ch. 13: Song 6: I believe - Andrew Rannells

Ch. 14: Act 7: Scary Christian Movement -

Ch. 15: Song 7: Run on - Moby

Ch. 16: Act 8: We Don't Have Freedom FROM Religion - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-09-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Heaven - Heaven

Ch. 18: Act 9: Separation of Church and State at West Point - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-5-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: In God's country - U2

Ch. 20: Act 10: Outraged Christian Leader: Wacky YOGA in the Military!? - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-11-13

Ch. 21: Song 10: Planctus Pellegrin - Therese Schroder Sheker

Ch. 22: Act 11: Huckabee & Fischer: Why God Didn't Save Newtown Kids - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 23: Song 11: God gave Rock & Roll to you - Kiss

Ch. 24: Act 12: Woman Dies After Denied Abortion - Cenk on 'Morality'- Young Turks - Air Date 11-13-12


Ch. 25: An eagle has two wings to fly and a tail to steer it - Chris from Australia

Ch. 26: Insulted as a man by arguments that blame victims of sexual assault - Chris from Colorado Springs

Ch. 27: Blaming the victim helps a person fell in control of their own risks - Joe from Rhode Island

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 28: Final comments on victim blaming and changing the culture

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Believing_the_unbelievable.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #679

Trigger Warning

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Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Republican Blasts Working Moms - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 10-30-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Blow me (One last kiss) - Glee Cast

Ch. 4: Act 2: Fox News: There's a War on Men and It's Your Fault, Women! - Majority Report - Air Date: 11-27-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: January Wedding - The Avett Brothers

Ch. 6: Act 3: Woman Fired For Being Too Hot - Court Agrees - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-28-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: When you win you lose - FullerJam

Ch. 8: Act 4: Sandy Hook Happened Because There Weren't Enough Men - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-25-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Main Title - The City of Prague Philharmonic

Ch. 10: Act 5: Impeding The Ease Of Obtaing Birth Control - Dan Savage - Air Date 11-27-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Hide your tears - Daniel Licht

Ch. 12: Act 6: It's Not Just Perino: Fox News Figures Have a History of Blaming Female Victims - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 12-11-12

Ch. 14: Act 7: Rapists on Game Day - Citizen Radio - Air Date 1-9-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Honk your horn - Ray Campi

Ch. 16: Act 8: The Steubenville Ohio Rape Case - This Week in Blackness - Air Date 1-9-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Landfill - Daughter

Ch. 18: Act 9: Rape-Provoking Miniskirts Now Against the Law in Swaziland - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-27-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: Vertigo - Anya Marina

Ch. 20: Act 10: Obama Pressed on Diversity in Second Term Staff - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 1-9-13

Ch. 21: Song 10: If you want to sing out, sing out - Cat Stevens

Ch. 22: Act 11: Joe Scarborough's Unbelievable Misogynistic Denial of Chauvinism - Majority Report - Air Date: 01-11-13


Ch. 23: Getting to personal mutually-assured destruction - Colin from Cleveland, OH

Ch. 24: Thanks to Wade from Texas - Paul from New York

Ch. 25: Call to action: - Perry from Green County, IN

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 26: Final comments dissecting how to discuss sexual assaults

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Trigger_Warning.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #678

Setting records

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Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Climate Change Data - CO2 Emissions Worse Than Thought - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-01-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Underwater - Born Loser and the Hangers On

Ch. 4: Act 2: Sweden Turns Trash to Energy, Only 4% Reaches Landfill - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 11-04-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Time to take out the trash - Brad Sucks

Ch. 6: Act 3: What's Not To Love About Fracking? - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-21-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: North by North - Faded Paper Figures

Ch. 8: Act 4: Oil is a 'Gift From God?' For Who? - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-04-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: We are all made of stars - Moby

Ch. 10: Act 5: Climate Change Wrecking Italy, Scientists Warn "It Gets Worse" - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-26-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Sunday, Bloody Sunday - U2

Ch. 12: Act 6: Grounded Rig Calls into Question Shell Competence - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 1-3-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Missed the boat - Modest Mouse

Ch. 14: Act 7: Climate Change Studies: Less than 1% Reject Global Warming - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-16-12

Ch. 15: Song 7: Say goodbye - Ian Rhett

Ch. 16: Act 8: Caller: What About the Environmental Cliff? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-05-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Fire escapes - Fanfarlo

Ch. 18: Act 9: Inconsistencies Found in Shell Story of Grounded Rig - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 1-9-13

Ch. 19: Song 9: Deep in the sweetwater - Rasputina

Ch. 20: Act 10: Climate Change Fake? World Has Never Been Hotter - The Young Turks - Air Date: 01-09-13

Ch. 21: Song 10: Change of time - Josh Ritter

Ch. 22: Act 11: 2012 Hottest Year on Record - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 01-10-13


Ch. 23: Assault rifles are an ounce of prevention - Wade from Ft. Worth, TX

Ch. 24: Challenge to rethink the slippery slope - Christine from St. Louis

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 25: Final comments on arms races and stepping back from the brink

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Setting_records.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #677

America goes cliff diving

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Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Obama Answers With 'Kenyan' Word And More Great Fiscal Humor - Wait Wait Don't Tell Me - Air Date 12-8-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Fear is a villain - Theo Bard

Ch. 4: Act 2: Small Robin Hood Tax Could Save Fiscal Cliff - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-14-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Robin Hood - Dick James

Ch. 6: Act 3: Go F— Yourself! - Fake Fiscal Cliff Drama - The Young Turks - Air Date: 01-04-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Play the game - Shout Out Louds

Ch. 8: Act 4: Obama's Tax Deal a Net Plus - The Progressive - AIr Date: 1-2-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Shambala - Three Dog Night

Ch. 10: Act 5: America goes cliff diving - The Bugle - Air Date: 1-4-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Gobbledigook - Sigur Rós

Ch. 12: Act 6: The media takes the side of the rich in fiscal cliff debate - CounterSpin - Air Date: 1-4-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: My wealth comes to me - Ben Sollee & Daniel Martin Moore

Ch. 14: Act 7: Obama Tax Cuts - Worse Than Bush Plan? - The Young Turks - Air Date: 01-04-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: The revenge of Holden Caufield - Nothing Ever Stays

Ch. 16: Act 8: Just Who Won The Fiscal Cliff Fight? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 01-03-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: I Know What I Know (with General M.D. Shirinda & The Gaza Sisters) - Paul Simon

Ch. 18: Act 9: Fiscal Cliff agreement about rich friends - Le Show - Air Date: 1-6-13


Ch. 19: Wade responds to 2nd gun control episode - Wade from Ft. Worth, TX

Ch. 20: Responding to Wade: Reasonable restrictions are reasonable - Mara from Pittsburgh

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 21: Final comments announcing Podcast Awards winners

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: America_goes_cliff_diving.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #676

Time to wind it down

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Is It Time to End the Global War on Terror? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 11-30-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: New Normal - Phil Joel

Ch. 4: Act 2: Champions Of Free Speech, and Justifying Drone Attacks - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-7-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Keepsake - State Radio

Ch. 6: Act 3: Children Targeted by Bombs, U.S. Military Approves - Young Turks - Air date -12-4-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: One day - Matisyahu

Ch. 8: Act 4: Afghanistan to be U.S. Outpost - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-14-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: Fake Empire - The National

Ch. 10: Act 5: US in Afghanistan 2 More Yrs & How Many More Lives? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-12-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Ch. 12: Act 6: Pay Attention - Mark Fiore's Animation - Air Date: 11-29-12

Ch. 13: Song 6: Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die - Brand New

Ch. 14: Act 7: Guantanamo Judge Damages Our Democracy - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-13-12

Ch. 15: Song 7: The laws have changed - The New Pornographers

Ch. 16: Act 8: Syrian WMDs - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-14-12

Ch. 17: Song 8: Up against the wall - Peter Bjorn & John

Ch. 18: Act 9: Kerry Nomination Moves Focus to Hagel at Defense - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-21-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: Submarine Symphonika - The Submarines

Ch. 20: Act 10: Facing The New Reality - We're Not In That Much Danger - Common Sense - Air Date 11-30-12

Ch. 21: Comments introducing the Fermi Paradox and the Big Think clip

Ch. 22: Big Think: Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself?

Ch. 23: Final comments relating the future of the species to my fundraising campaign at

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Time_to_wind_it_down.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #675

Sandy Hook Shooting: The Sane Reaction

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: The TRUE Gun Control Debate - Lee Camp - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Late Afternoon - Bard

Ch. 4: Act 2: Thom re-calibrates his thinking on guns - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Ain't no reason - Brett Dennen

Ch. 6: Act 3: Gun Massacre Forces Change in Australia, Why Not in the US? - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: Strange sinner - Hotrod Cadets

Ch. 8: Act 4: President Obama's Calls for 'Action' on Guns - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-20-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: Goodnight and go - Imogen Heap

Ch. 10: Act 5: Obama Nobly Takes on the Gun Nuts - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Show me something new - Shout Out Louds

Ch. 12: Act 6: Lots of Common Ground for New Gun Safety Laws - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-17-12

Ch. 13: Song 6: Something in common - Free Energy

Ch. 14: Act 7: Some Senators Show Willingness To Take On Gun Laws - NPR - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 15: Song 7: Something happened - Visitors

Ch. 16: Act 8: School Attack in China: No Guns = No Deaths - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 17: Song 8: Blueprint - Arkells

Ch. 18: Act 9: Time To 'Well Regulate' Our Militia - Dan Savage - Air Date 12-18-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: From finner - Of Monsters and Men

Ch. 20: Act 10: Speculating about Adam Lanza's mind - On the Media - Air Date: 12-21-12

Ch. 21: Song 10: King of sorrow - Sade

Ch. 22: Act 11:  Condolencer-In-Chief - Mark Fiore's Animation - Air Date: 12-20-12


Ch. 23: Mental illness isn't a major cause of murder - Rob from Connecticut

Ch. 24: Loves guns, sometimes freedom is scary

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 25: Final comments on gun control and curtailing freedoms

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Sandy_Hook_Shooting__The_Sane_Reaction.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #674

Sandy Hook Shooting: The Conservative Reaction

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Right Wing: Everything BUT Guns Caused the Newtown Massacre - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: Smithereen - Deep East Music

Ch. 4: Act 2: Sandy Hook Shooting: Video Games Take The Blame - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Mad world - Vitamin String Quartet

Ch. 6: Act 3: Rupert Murdoch's Call For Weapons Ban is at Odds with Fox News' Pro-Gun Rhetoric - Media Matters Minute - Air Date: 12-17-12

Ch. 8: Act 4: GOP Rep: Arm All The Teachers!! - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: Hurt - Nine Inch Nails

Ch. 10: Act 5: Gun nut says it's a right to take on government with guns - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 12-18-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Dice - Finley Quaye

Ch. 12: Act 6: The Truth About the Second Amendment - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-20-12

Ch. 13: Song 6: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness - Smashing Pumpkins

Ch. 14: Act 7: Rick Perry: We Need MORE GUNS in Schools! - Majority Report - Air Date: 12-19-12

Ch. 15: Song 7: Chicago X 12 - Rogue Wave

Ch. 16: Act 8: Mental Health Gun Reporting Exists, Already Doesn't Work - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-27-12

Ch. 17: Song 8: I'm on fire - Town Mountain

Ch. 18: Act 9: NRA: Register Mentally Ill, Arm Cops At All Schools - The Young Turks - Air Date: 12-22-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: If I had a hammer - Peter, Paul & Mary

Ch. 20: Act 10: Bumper-Sticker Action - Mark Fiore's Animation - Air Date: 12-26-12

Ch. 21: Song 10: Sorry, blame it on me - Akon

Ch. 22: Act 11: New Senate Gun Control Bill to Include Handguns - The David Pakman Show - Air Date: 12-28-12

Ch. 23: Song 11: Devil town - Tony Lucca

Ch. 24: Act 12: NRA Meaningful Contributions Just Same Old Song & Dance - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-21-12


Ch. 25: Update on Strike Debt - Todd from LA

Ch. 26: We need to focus on metal illness - Chuck in Salt Lake City

Ch. 27: Thanks for Ishmael, why isn't there a will on climate change?

Leave a message at 206-202-3410

Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 27: Final comments on some adjacent to the Fermi Paradox

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Sandy_Hook_Shooting__The_Conservative_Reaction.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST