Tue, 30 October 2018
Air Date: 10/30/2018 Today we take a look at the phenomenon of conspiracy theories from several different angles including psychology, political necessity and some of the conspiracies de jour. Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: SwingLeft| Express VPN Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Stephan Lewandowsky on the mind of a conspiracy theorist - Point of Inquiry - Air Date 6-3-13 Stephan Lewandowsky talks about his recent study: NASA Faked the Moon Landings, Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax: An Anatomy of the Motivated Rejection of Science. Neurologist and host of The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe Steven Novella discusses the psychology and neuroscience behind conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists. Ch. 3: Eric Oliver on how intuition and reason divide our politics - Inquiring Minds - Air Date 8-27-18 We talk to political scientist Eric Oliver about the surprisingly high percentage of people who believe in conspiracy theories and the reasons behind those beliefs. His forthcoming book is Enchanted America: How Intuition and Reason Divide Our Politics. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Scott Crow explains why the rise of progressive-left movements are always countered by a rise in right-wing conspiracy theories and why fascism downright requires conspiracies to survive. Ch. 6: Kevin Roose on the Strange Case of QAnon - The Daily - Air Date 8-2-18 How did an outlandish conspiracy theory born on the fringes of the internet end up in the spotlight at a rally for President Trump? Guest: Kevin Roose, who writes about technology for The New York Times.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 7: Sticking with the litmus test - Elizabeth from Virginia Ch. 8: Success story for political change - Jordan from Minneapolis, MN
Ch. 9: Final comments on strategy and theories of change
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE 4 THINGS YOU CAN DO BEFORE NOV. 6TH 1. Donate House: DCCC Red to Blue Program Senate: DSCC.org Toss ups/Battlegrounds: The Midterms Minute H.Q. 2. Virtual Phone Banking Indivisible Phone Banking(Sen/House/Gov) Swing Left Phone Banking(House) Resources for newbies / Hosting a Phone Bank Night 3. Volunteer National Indivisible Chapters Events List Candidates websites: Visit The Midterms Minute H.Q. 4. Talk to Friends & Family (and text people) Talk, invite them to volunteer with you, etc. Use OutVoteto text friends and encourage them to vote TOSS UP GUBERNATORIAL RACES! Connecticut (Open Seat (D)) Ned Lamont (D)(vs. Bob Stefanowski (R)) Georgia (Open Seat (R)) State House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams (D)(vs. GA Sec of State Brian Kemp (R)) Iowa (R Incumbent) Fred Hubbell (D)(vs. Incumbent Gov. Kim Reynolds (R)) Maine (Open Seat (R)) State Attorney General Janet Mills (D)(vs. Shawn Moody (R)) Nevada (Open Seat (R)) Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak (D)(vs. NV Attorney General Adam Laxalt (R)) Ohio (Open Seat (R)) Former Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray (D)(vs. OH Attorney General Mike DeWine (R)) Oregon (D incumbent) Incumbent Gov. Kate Brown (D)(vs. OR Rep. Knute Buehler (R)) South Dakota (Open Seat (R)) SD Sen. Billie Sutton (D)(vs. Rep. Kristi Noem (R)) Wisconsin (R incumbent) WI Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers (D)(vs. Incumbent Gov. Scott Walker (R)) Kansas (Open Seat (R)) KS Sen. Laura Kelly (D)(vs. KS Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R)) Written & Researched by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1223_Conspiracies_Air_Date_10-30-18_-_10-29-18_22.36.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST |
Fri, 26 October 2018
Air Date: 10/26/2018 Today we take a look at the crumbling trust in the Supreme Court in the wake of the Kavanaugh confirmation, not to mention the undemocratic electoral college, undemocratic Senate and a whole slew of anti-democracy GOP dirty tricks that have been used to acquire and intrench power for a conservative minority Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Madison-Reed.com (Promo Code: Left)| MustTriumph.com Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Finding the path forward in a rigged system - Bradcast from @TheBradBlog - Air Date 10-8-18 Alleged sexual assaulter and perjurer Judge Brett Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh on the U.S. Supreme Court, meaning all five serving Republican appointees on the nine-person Court serve under one cloud of illegitimacy or another. Ch. 2: Senator Jeff Merkley on the legitimacy of the Supreme Court - Amicus from @Slate - Air Date 10-12-18 Dahlia Lithwick talks with Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon about the “deep wounds” in the Senate following Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 4: Brett Kavanaugh's banal, reactionary mind - Jacobin Radio (@jacobinmag) - Air Date 10-8-18 Meagan Day reflects on the toxicity — and banality — of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation to the Supreme Court. We look at the way the contentious, emotional hearings exposed the fault lines between gender, privilege, class, and politics in the US. Ch. 5: John Nichols on impeaching Kavanaugh - Start Making Sense from @TheNation - Air Date 10-9-18 John Nichols talks about investigations that could lead to the filing of articles of impeachment against Brett Kavanaugh. There is bipartisan agreement that Article 3 Section 2 of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate the Supreme Court, so why don't Democrats use this tactic to fight Citizens United? Ch. 7: How Obama Paved the Way for the Kavanaugh Appointment - @TheRealNews - Air Date 10-14-18 Eoin Higgins of The Intercept argues that had Obama investigated and prosecuted Bush administration officials, Brett Kavanaugh would probably never have made it to the Supreme Court.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: A Response To Matthew On Abortion - Ani from Alabama Ch. 9: Reproductive justice and the ambiguity of life - Elizabeth from Virginia
Ch. 10: Final comments on the choice litmus test
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: HeadCount.org/verify-voter-registration/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org All Battleground Info/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. Early Voting Information by State TOSS UP BATTLEGROUND HOUSE SEATS (part 3) Ohio OH-01: Aftab Pureval Utah UT-04: Ben McAdams Washington WA-08: Kim Schrier Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1222_SCOTUS_Air_Date_10-26-18_-_10-26-18_17.57.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Tue, 23 October 2018
Air Date: 10/23/2018 Today we take a look at various strategies, some institutional and some organizational, for the left to take back power and steer the country back toward small D democracy Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Madison-Reed.com (Promo Code: Left) | SwingLeft.org/Left Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES As mid-term elections near, Nina Turner talks with actress and activist Susan Surrandon, political leader Kimberly Ellis and political activist Jim Hightower about what actually makes America great, and what we can change to improve it. Ch. 2: Should Blue States Make Voting Mandatory? - Majority Report (@MajorityFM) - Air Date: 01-03-17 Author and labor lawyer Thomas Geoghegan joins the show and discusses the notion of compulsory voting. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 4: Ranked Choice Voting vs The Corrupt Establishment - @RepresentUs - Air Date 3-14-17 What if you never had to vote for the lesser of two evils again? Ranked Choice Voting is a small tweak that would be a huge step towards fixing our broken elections. Ch. 5: Why ranked-choice voting is a terrible idea - Bradcast from @TheBradBlog - Air Date 6-13-18 Brad discusses why, although he is sympathetic to the reasoning behind ranked-choice voting, he prefers the alternative of approval voting for the sake of simplicity. Ch. 6: Outvote - Getting Dem Friends to Vote: There's an App for That - WNYC - Air Date 8-28-2018 Two Boston-based engineers developed an app that enables people to nudge their friends by text to tell them to go vote. With Outvote, the text comes from someone you know instead of someone you don't. Ch. 7: David Faris on how and why to fight dirty - Chapo Trap House - Air Date 5-27-18 Political scientist David Faris discusses his book “It’s Time To Fight Dirty”. Faris outlines all the ways a slim democratic majority could and should shortcut norms and the constitution to build enduring power. Joe Dinkin, of the Working Families Party, discusses the promise and pitfalls of fighting within the Democratic Party.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: Thoughts on Choice as a litmus test - Matthew from Central Valley of Northern California
Ch. 10: Final comments on how to be pro-choice without moralizing and the need to add vote-by-mail to our list of progressive demands
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: HeadCount.org/verify-voter-registration/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org All Battleground Info/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. Early Voting Information by State TOSS UP BATTLEGROUND HOUSE SEATS (part 2) North Carolina NC-09: Dan McCready NC-13:Kathy Manning Texas TX-07: Lizzie Pannill Fletcher TX-32: Colin Allred Virginia VA-02: Elaine Luria VA-07: Abigail Spanberger Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1221_Progressives_Air_Date_10-23-18_-_10-22-18_20.10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EST |
Fri, 19 October 2018
Air Date: 10/19/2018 Today we take a look at the Koch brothers and the movement they spawned to better understand exactly how to fight back Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Blinkist.com/Best | Tidal.com/Brooklyn Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Jane Mayer on the positive vision the Kochs paint - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 6-3-18 Jane Mayer explains how we need to fight the Koch brothers by understanding that their policy ideas go far beyond greed and need to be taken seriously Jane Mayer on the Koch brothers’ takeover of Republican Party politics Democracy in Chains details the anti-democratic origins and trajectory of free market fundamentalist, Koch Brothers-aligned economists who have come to profoundly shape and warp American politics to fit their dystopian vision. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 5: Supreme Court Forces Dark Money Disclosures - @DavidPakmanShow - Air Date 9-23-18 The Supreme Court denies a stay in a dark money decision, effectively forcing campaigns to disclose the identity of all contributors who donate more than $200 in a year Ch. 6: Campaign Finance at a Crossroads - On the Media - Air Date 9-28-18 Michelle Ye Hee Lee, a national reporter for the Washington Post, describes to Bob the multiple pathways for high-rolling donors going forward, and the obstacles that may delay or weaken court-ordered disclosure policies. Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig gives a lesson on what it really means to call for an Article V Convention and why it’s the logical path to address money’s corrupting influence in politics.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 10: What we call socialism - Francisco from Northampton, MA Ch. 11: Death with Dignity needs to be a national law - Stacy from San Francisco Bay Area
Ch. 12: Final comments asking about the pro-choice litmus test
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1220_Dark_Money_Air_Date_10-19-18_-_10-18-18_19.33.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST |
Tue, 16 October 2018
Air Date: 10/16/2018 Today we take a look at the distant and recent history of conservatism in America and beyond and follow the steps that have led to their rejection of science at a moment in history when it has never been more critical to heed the warnings of scientists Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Blinkist| Bombas Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Corey Robin on the right from Burke to Trump - Jacobin Radio (@jacobinmag) - Air Date 12-3-17 Corey Robin on the Right from Burke to Trump. While most people on the Left fear and demonize the Right, they aren't interested in its ideas. Robin, however, takes them very seriously and analyzes their ideas for us. The state of the conservative movement and where it goes from here. Ch. 3: Kurt Andersen: How religion turned American politics against science - Big Think - Air Date 1-18-28 In the last 30 years, religion has radicalized American politics and seriously harmed the perception of science, says journalist and author Kurt Andersen. This can be directly tied to the rise of the Christian Right in the 20th century. Ch. 4: The fall of family values - Past/Present - Air Date 6-25-18 Explaining how we came to the end of “family values” conservatism Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Yascha Mounk discusses how to cover the Trump presidency; the complicity of the Republican party; and the future of the right with proud conservative and staunch Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin. Amy Goodman began by asks Noam Chomsky about the catastrophically destructive tendencies of the Republican Party. Ch. 8: America: The Farewell Tour (with Guest Chris Hedges) - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date 10-2-18 Chris Hedges on the erosion of democratic infrastructure, imperialist leanings and the widening gap between the morbidly rich and the working class, a sign of America's farewell?
VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: Make election day a national holiday - Aaron from Anderson, SC Ch. 10: We need a military attitude toward politics - Jason from Chicago
Ch. 11: Final comments on an Election Day holiday and the moral implications of laws
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: HeadCount.org/verify-voter-registration/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org Get Involved/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. TOSS UP BATTLEGROUND DEMOCRATIC SENATE SEATS FL-Sen: Bill Nelson (D) IN-Sen: Joe Donnelly (D) MO-Sen: Claire McCaskill (D) MT-Sen: Jon Tester(D) ND-Sen: Heidi Heitkamp (D) Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1219_Conservatives_Air_Date_10-16-18_-_10-15-18_21.37.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST |
Fri, 12 October 2018
Air Date: 10/12/2018 Today we take a look at the process and conclusion of Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and how the whole spectacle, top to bottom, was drenched in some of the worst aspects of patriarchy and toxic masculinity that our society has to offer. Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: MustTriumph | Audible| Tidal Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon
SHOW NOTES Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman offers an in-depth analysis of the battle over Kavanaugh. Eve Ensler is an award-winning playwright and author of The Vagina Monologues. She recently published “A Letter to White Women Who Support Brett Kavanaugh” in Time Magazine. Ch. 3: Look at me: Meet an activist who confronted Jeff Flake - In the Thick - Air Date 9-30-18 By confronting Senator Jeff Flake and telling her story of sexual assault, Ana María Archila has become an icon in the midst of the Kavanaugh nomination debate. Maria and Julio talk to Archila about her action on Capitol Hill. Ch. 4: Having It Both Ways With Kavanaugh - On the Media - Air Date 9-28-18 Brooke reflects on this week's explosive Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh and how it exposed the fault lines in America's fragile democracy. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 6: Choice words on how to avoid being like Kavanaugh - @EdgeofSports w Dave Zirin - Air Date 9-30-18 'Choice Words’ about Brett Kavanaugh, high school sports and toxic masculinity. Trump’s greatest superpower is his ability to wield victimhood, and he’s taking full advantage of it to defend Kavanaugh and undermine the #MeToo movement. Ch. 8: Picking Apart the Backlash - On the Media - Air Date 10-5-18 Slate staff writer Lili Loofbourow anticipated a backlash to the #MeToo movement. She explains several of the logical fallacies that give this, and any, backlash life, and she described the "chivalry racket" used to paper over women's anger.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: Words of encouragement in the wake of Kavanaugh - V from Central New York Ch. 10: What structural changes can the left make? - Nathan from San Diego
Ch. 11: Final comments on some structural changes that need to be made to steer our country back toward democracy
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION:HeadCount.org/verify-voter-registration/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org Get Involved/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. FLIPPABLE TOSS UP BATTLEGROUND SENATE SEATS AZ-Sen:Kyrsten Sinema(D) NV-Sen:Jacky Rosen(D) TN-Sen:Phil Bredesen(D) TX-Sen:Beto O'Rourke(D) Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1218_Kavanaugh_Patriarchy_Air_Date_10-12-18_-_10-12-18_21.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST |
Tue, 9 October 2018
Air Date: 10/9/2018 Today we take a look at the monopolistic practices of Amazon with a focus on their effects on labor and wages in America Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Newsvoice| SwingLeft| Tidal Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon
SHOW NOTES Amazon is a radically new kind of monopoly that seeks to control all of online commerce. Stacy Mitchell says it’s time for anti-trust action to separate the Amazon Marketplace from Amazon’s own retail operations. Ch. 2: How Amazon Drives Down Wages - Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-19-18 A video from the Bernie Sanders YouTube channel explaining how Amazon drives down wages Ch. 3: Monopoly, Monopsony and highly concentrated labor markets - Building Local Power - Air Date 3-22-18 Stacy Mitchell interviews the Roosevelt Institute’s Marshall Steinbaum about why American wages aren’t rising while our economy goes through a strong “recovery.” Journalist James Bloodworth, who spent a month working undercover as a “picker” in an Amazon order fulfillment center and found workers were urinating in bottles because they were discouraged from taking bathroom breaks. Ch. 5: Striking Amazon warehouse workers - Belabored (@DissentMag) - Air Date 7-27-18 On Amazon Prime Day warehouse workers around the world took action against the company. Ch. 6: Amazon Is Hurting Small Businesses -Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-26-18 Listen to this small business owner who sees firsthand the effect of Amazon's power over our economy. We should all be concerned about Jeff Bezos' greed. Ch. 7: Neil DeMause on Amazon - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 10-4-18 Where do we have the conversation about the impact of Amazon‘s size, its influence and its values, on community?
VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: Pushing the needle on universal health care - Zach from Atlanta
Ch. 9: Final comments on why Joe Manchin can help progressives even while being a terrible Democrat
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REMINDER REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: https://www.headcount.org/verify-voter-registration/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org Get Involved/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com Review the show on iTunesand Stitcher!
Direct download: 1217_Amazon_Air_Date_10-9-18_-_10-9-18_12.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Fri, 5 October 2018
Air Date: 10/5/2018 Today we take a look at the rarely-told, real legacy of Christopher Columbus and some of the reverberations from his actions that can still be felt to this day Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991
Episode Sponsors: Newsvoice.com/Left| SwingLeft.com/Left Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support Best of the Left on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Indigenous Peoples Day - Progressive Faith Sermons w @RevDrRay - Air Date 10-23-16 The origin stories we tell ourselves and the importance of understanding that the words we use changes the way we think. Ch. 2: The Truth of Jesuit-Catholic Christopher Columbus - The Canary Effect (Documentary) Documentary film, The Canary Effect, follows the terrifying and horrific abuses instilled upon the Indigenous people of North America, and details the genocidal practices of the US government and its continuing effects on present day Indian country. Ch. 3: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE- New York’s Battleground Races! - Best of the Left Activism Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 4: Columbus Day - Why are we Celebrating? - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date 10-13-09 Thom Hartmann, reading a portion of his book "The last hours of ancient sunlight" about some of the atrocities of Christopher Columbus Ch. 5: Indigenous Peoples Day VS Columbus Day - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 09-04-17 Los Angeles just changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day, here's why everyone else should also. Hosted by NerdAlert's Kim Horcher. Ch. 6: Reframing Columbus Day - Pod Save the People - Air Date 10-10-17 A discussion to reframe and understand the debate over Columbus Day Ch. 7: Christopher Columbus Was A Demon by Hari Kondabolu - Totally Biased - Air Date: 10-12-12 Hari Kondabolu discusses his hatred of the demon Christopher Columbus. Ch. 8: Discussing how to move beyond Columbus Day - In the Thick - Air Date 10-9-17 Maria Hinojosa and Julio Ricardo Varela lead a conversation about the change away from Columbus Day with Mitch O’Farrell, council member of LA’s 13th district, and Chrissie Castro, vice chairwoman of the Los Angeles Native American Indian Commission.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: We need an election day holiday - Nate from Vacaville, CA
Ch. 10: Final comments on the Powerline series from Outside/In
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: RocktheVote.org/resources/am-i-registered-to-vote/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org Get Involved/Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. NEW YORK BATTLEGROUNDS: NY Important Dates: Register, have your application postmarked, or have made an in-person request by October 12th. Absentee ballot options and deadlines are complex, visit elections.ny.gov website for that information. U.S. HOUSE NY-11: Max Rose Swing Left NY-11| Red to Blue NY-11 NY-19: Antonio Delgado Swing Left NY-19| Red to Blue NY-19 NY-22: Anthony Brindisi Swing Left NY-22| Red to Blue NY-22 NY-27: Nate McMurry Researched & Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions): Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr Lakal - Speakeasy Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1216_Columbus_Day_Air_Date_10-5-18_-_10-5-18_22.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST |
Wed, 3 October 2018
Air Date: 10/2/2018 Today we take a look at the fact that welfare technically no longer exists in America except as a dog whistle term used to push an ideology that divides the majority for the enrichment of the minority. Be part of the show! Leave a message at 202-999-3991 Episode Sponsors: ExpressVPN| SwingLeft Amazon USA| Amazon CA| Amazon UK| Clean Choice Energy Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support Best of the Left on Patreon!
SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: The 'Welfare' Dog-Whistle Part 1 - Citations Needed (@CitationsPod) - Air Date 2-7-18 In the United States, "Welfare" is more often than not a malleable propaganda term meant to dog whistle programs for African-Americans and Latinos while signaling to whites that their checks and corporate handouts will remain untouched. Suzanne Mettler, author of the new book, “The Government-Citizen Disconnect,” joins us to discuss the Trump Administrations plan to rebrand social programs as “welfare.” Ch. 3: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE- Illinois’ Battleground Races! - Best of the Left Activism Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 4: The 'Welfare' Dog-Whistle Part 2 - Citations Needed (@CitationsPod) - Air Date 2-7-18 We dig into the racist history of anti-welfare crusades, the political purpose of pathologizing poverty, and the meaninglessness of phrases like "welfare reform," with guest Sarah Jaffe. Ch. 5: The history of work requirements and the war on Medicaid - @offkiltershow - Air Date 4-26-18 Rebecca speaks with Robert Samuels about his article, “Wisconsin is the GOP model for ‘welfare reform.’ But as work requirements grow, so does one family’s desperation.” Ch. 6: A Welfare Check - Reveal - Air Date 7-15-16 Today, only a quarter of welfare dollars actually goes toward basic assistance – housing, transportation or essential household items.
Ch. 7: Final comments on how people taking a principled stand for fairness is making society worse
THE MIDTERMS MINUTE REGISTER TO VOTE: RocktheVote.org/register-to-vote/ CONFIRM VOTER REGISTRATION: RocktheVote.org/resources/am-i-registered-to-vote/ CHECK VOTING DATES & POLICIES: RocktheVote.org/voting-information/ VOTER ID INFO/HELP: VoteRiders & 866ourvote.org ALL Spotlights/ALL Battlegrounds/Volunteer Resources: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE H.Q. ILLINOIS BATTLEGROUNDS: IL Important Dates:Registered by October 9th, or have registered online by October 21st. There are also registration grace periods, but if you don’t have to wait, don’t.*More IL voting details* U.S. HOUSE IL-06: Sean Casten Swing Left IL-06| Red to Blue IL-06 IL-12: Brendan Kelly Swing Left IL-12| Red to Blue IL-12 IL-13: Betsy Dirksen Londrigan IL-14: Lauren Underwood Swing Left IL-14| Red to Blue IL-14 GOV & LT GOV J.B. Pritzker & Juliana Stratton Researched & Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com Support the show via Patreon Listen on iTunes | Stitcher| Spotify| Alexa Devices| +more Check out the BotL iOS/AndroidApp in the App Stores! Follow at Twitter.com/BestOfTheLeft Like at Facebook.com/BestOfTheLeft Contact me directly at Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com
Direct download: 1215_Welfare_Air_Date_10-2-18_-_10-3-18_14.39.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST |