Sat, 26 November 2022
Original Air Date 11/27/2018 Today we take a look at the literal and figurative bloody messes of the history of Thanksgiving and the identities of native peoples. This episode is the second in an ongoing series focusing on Native Peoples in North America. Other episodes include #1216 on Christopher Columbus, #1252 on Westward Expansion, #1265 on native peoples adapting to the modern world, and #1283 on (mis)representation of native peoples in popular culture. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) (BOTL GIFT GUIDE!) SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: A Code Switch Thanksgiving Feast - Code Switch - Air Date 11-21-17 Exploring the conflicting narratives of American Thanksgiving. We speak with indigenous historian and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. She is the author of "An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States" and co-author of "All the Real Indians Died Off: And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans." Ch. 3: The stolen sisters Part 1 - In the Thick - Air Date 9-18-18 Maria and Julio speak about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls movement with Annita Lucchesi, a Southern Cheyenne cartographer who has built the largest database of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Ch. 4: Indigenous DNA - Science for the People - Air Date 1-5-17 Kim TallBear, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples Technoscience, on her book "Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic Science." Ch. 5: The stolen sisters Part 2 - In the Thick - Air Date 9-18-18 Maria and Julio speak about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls movement with Annita Lucchesi, a Southern Cheyenne cartographer who has built the largest database of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Ch. 6: It's not just about the blood - Code Switch - Air Date 2-6-18 If you're Native American, who or what gets to define your identity? We dive into an old system intended to measure the amount of "Indian blood" a person has. Native Americans across the country are criticizing Senator Elizabeth Warren’s decision to use a DNA test to assert her Native American heritage. We host a roundtable discussion of Native American activists and journalists to respond. Indigenous historian Nick Estes discusses the ongoing attacks on native people, voter disenfranchisement, the Red Power movement and the latest on the fight against major oil and gas pipelines.
VOICEMAILS Ch. 9: The dangers of over-secrecy - Abdul from DC
Ch. 10: Final comments on #StandWithMashpee
TAKE ACTION! Tell your members of Congress to support the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act (H.R. 5244 / S. 2628) Learn more and find out how to support the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Share the tribe’s video on social media Amplify the #StandwithMashpee hashtag EDUCATE YOURSELF The true story of the first Thanksgiving and what it meant (Opinion | Boston Globe) Mashpee Wampanoag Confront 'Loss Of Self-Governance' After Interior Department Reversal (WBUR, Here & Now) This Thanksgiving, The Trump Administration Is Taking Land From The Tribe That Welcomed The Pilgrims (Huffington Post) Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at
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Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST |
Tue, 22 November 2022
Air Date 11/22/2022 Today, we take a look at three recent incidents of celebrities using their platforms to spread antisemitic tropes all in the context of greater openness to antisemitism within the Republican Party in the age of Trumpism. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) (BOTL GIFT GUIDE!) SHOW NOTES Chris Hayes: "Right-wing politics as currently embodied by MAGAism—which is the dominant ethos of one of two of America's major parties—has always been and will always be fundamentally a threat to tolerance and pluralism that will inevitably target Jews." Ch. 2: Anti-Semitism - This is Democracy - Air Date 11-9-22 This week, Jeremi and Zachary are joined by Peter Beinart to discuss the history of antisemitism in The United States and around the world. Ch. 3: Legacy Media Problems - In The Thick - Air Date 10-28-22 Maria and Julio talk about the mainstream media’s coverage of the election, the consequences of Kanye West’s antisemitic and anti-Black comments, and voter intimidation efforts in Arizona. Ch. 4: Conspiracy theories, anti-Semitism and fun - The Philosopher's Zone - Air Date 5-29-22 You don’t have to be stupid to be a conspiracy theorist. Many people who buy into paranoid fantasies about stolen Presidential elections and sinister global Jewish cabals are perfectly sane, well-educated individuals. So why do they fall for these myths? Ch. 5: Unpacking Kyrie Irving - Edge of Sports - Air Date 11-7-22 ‘Choice Words’ about Kyrie Irving, anti-Semitism, and his frightening new allies. Ch. 6: A historic look at the ties between Black and Jewish communities - CBS Mornings - Air Date 7-22-20 Jericka Duncan took a deep dive into the history of anti-Semitism, and the rich history between the Black and Jewish communities. Why "positive" stereotypes about Jewish people are promoted by White Supremacists Ch. 8: Nick reacts to Kyrie Irving’s promotion of antisemitic film - What’s Wright? - Air Date 10-31-22 Nick weighs in on Irving’s recent promotion of antisemitic film before Jewish-owned team visited Nets. Nick reacts to Irving’s actions involving his past controversies with off-the-court issues. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 9: Pogroms and Prejudice - Arts & Ideas - Air Date 8-24-22 New Generation Thinker Brendan McGeever traces the links between anti-Semitism now and pogroms in the former Soviet Union and the language used to describe this form of racism. VOICEMAILS Ch. 10: Policing gender norms - VoicedMailer John FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 12: Final comments on Jon Stewart discussing antisemitism and Dave Chapelle Articles: Jon Stewart is right about how to fight antisemitism — and should maybe be our ‘spokesjew’ Jon Stewart is not our ‘spokesjew’ — he normalized hate speech Original Interview: MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions) SHOW IMAGE: Description: Horizontally split image. The top half is a black and white photo of Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) performing at a concert. The bottom half is a close-up, profile photo of Kyrie Irving on the basketball court holding a basketball near his face about to shoot. Credit 1: “Kanye West Central Hall” by Daniel Cruz Valle, Flickr | License: CC by 2.0 | Changes: Cropped Credit 2: “Kyrie Irving” by Erik Frost, Flickr | License: CC by 2.0 | Changes: Cropped
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at
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Category:general -- posted at: 10:50pm EST |
Sat, 19 November 2022
Original Air Date 4/16/2019 Today we take a look at just a few of the aspects of modern life for Native Peoples that we can see as stemming from the racism and colonialism that have been endemic in post-contact America. This episode is the fourth in an ongoing series focusing on Native Peoples in North America. Previous episodes are, in order, #1216 on Christopher Columbus, #1230 on Thanksgiving, and #1252 on Westward Expansion. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email HOLIDAY SHOPPING - BOOKS AND MORE! (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: American Indians Confront “Savage Anxieties” - Moyers and Company - Air Date 12-26-14 Bill speaks with Robert A. Williams Jr., a professor specializing in American Indian law, about how deals such as the one with Rio Tinto are a part of American Indian’s tragic history of dispossession. Ch. 2: What we inherit: Explaining intergenerational trauma - Code Switch - Air Date 6-6-18 The story of one family's struggle to end a toxic cycle of inter-generational trauma from forced assimilation. Getting back to their Native Alaskan cultural traditions is key. Ch. 3: Sexual Violence and Native American Genocide - @Making_Contact - Air Date 11-26-13 Andrea Smith, author of “Conquest: Sexual Violence and Native American Genocide” explains the connection between violence against women, and the colonization of native lands and bodies. Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women is a major issue because of racism. Acquittals for murdering Native people occur because of racism. Racism is systemic, historic and the norm in the US and Canada. Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 6: Jenni Monet on Indigenous Journalism - CounterSpin (@FAIRmediawatch) - Air Date 1-24-19 Corporate media’s lack of interest in indigenous issues, and their ahistorical, distorted view of them when they do cover them, are long overdue for a change. Ch. 7: Beyond Tragedy: The living history of Native America - Ideas from CBC Radio - Air Date 2-20-19 This idea of history as tragedy is something that Ojibwe writer David Treuer tries to undo in The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee. He argues that Indigenous peoples have always found ways to adapt, and that's exactly what they're doing now. VOICEMAILS Ch. 8: Disagreeing on arguments against a female presidential candidate - Stacy from San Francisco Bay Area FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 9: Final comments sharing some voices of Native people giving their perspective on the burning of Notre Dame cathedral TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress to Pass/Reauthorize: Learn more at & on Twitter: #MMIW #MMIWG EDUCATE YOURSELF & SHARE A missing sweater tells the story of missing Indigenous women (Indian Country Today) Savanna's Act is Back (Splinter) States weigh bills addressing Native deaths, disappearances (AP) House Passes Bill Protecting Domestic Abuse Victims; GOP Split Over Gun Restrictions (NPR) Montana Senate Betrays Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (Splinter) Tester reintroduces “Securing Urgent Resources Vital to Indian Victim Empowerment” Act (KRTV) Lisa Murkowski Revives Bill Targeting Missing And Murdered Native Women (Huffington Post) Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions) Episode Image: Slowking4 via
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Thanks for listening! Visit us at
Direct download: 1265_Moving_beyond_tragedy_by_surviving_and_adapting_Native_Peoples_Repost_22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52pm EST |
Tue, 15 November 2022
Air Date 11/15/2022 Today, we take a look at our extremely steady history of political violence from the Revolution, through the Civil War, Reconstruction and Jim Crow, into the Civil Rights era, the Militia Movement and domestic terrorism, and now to our current once-again-radicalized, right-wing movement willing to use and tacitly condone violence as a political tactic. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: GET INTERNET PRIVACY WITH EXPRESS VPN! SUPPORT INDIE BOOKSHOPS, GET YOUR AUDIOBOOK FROM LIBRO! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Capitol Attack Wasn't the 1st Violent Incident in Congress - Inside Edition - Air Date 1-20-22 According to Yale historian Joanne Freeman, “The caning of Charles Sumner, which happened in 1856, is pretty much the most famous violent incident in the US Congress.” Ch. 2: A history of US political violence Part 1 - Americast - Air Date 11-2-22 The Americast team looks at how the attack has led to the sharing of disinformation on social media and Justin and Sarah speak to author Josh Zeitz about the history of political violence in the US. Right-wing violence isn't just sporadic it is a war against American values. The most startling details on right-wing militias, violence, and Trump are coming from Luke Mogelson, an award-winning war reporter. Ch. 4: Political Violence Is No Anomaly in American History - System Check - Air Date 1-8-21 Our guest and guide this week is Hasan Kwame Jeffries, associate professor of history at The Ohio State University. He reminds us that the violence we saw at the Capitol this week is not an anomaly—in fact, political violence is what birthed this nation. Ch. 5: Today's Republicans were made in the 1990s - The Gray Area with Sean Illing - Air Date 11-7-22 Sean Ililing talks with author Nicole Hemmer, who shows how the GOP became what it is today An aide to McCarthy said "he was obviously joking" without commenting further. Ch. 8: Paul Pelosi attacked with hammer in his home - ABC News - Air Date 10-29-22 Officials say the suspect was targeting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Ch. 9: A history of US political violence Part 2 - Americast - Air Date 11-2-22 Ch. 10: Political Violence - In the Thick - Air Date 11-4-22 “The political violence in our nation’s history is organized and purposeful. It is normalized by rhetoric that justifies it, and often encourages it,” writes Jeremi Suri on the attack on Paul Pelosi, in this piece for Time Magazine. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) VOICEMAILS Ch. 12: Not just winning, defeating - V from Central New York FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 12: Final comments on the bipartisan uses of Rules for Radicals MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions) Show Image: Description: A newspaper cartoon/drawing of Senator Sumner being beaten on the floor of the Senate with a cane by Sen. Preston Brooks in 1856. Credit: “Southern Chivalry - Argument vs. Clubs” by J.L. Magee, 1856 | Public Domain
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
Direct download: 1526_History_of_Violence_Air_Date_11-15-22_General_-_11-15-22_17.12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:40pm EST |
Sat, 12 November 2022
Air Date 11/12/2022 Today, we take a look at a few types of panic that regularly strike within communities or across the nation including various satanic panics, Halloween candy panics, and panic over kids being too inclusive and welcoming of all types of people. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: GET INTERNET PRIVACY WITH EXPRESS VPN! SUPPORT INDIE BOOKSHOPS, GET YOUR AUDIOBOOK FROM LIBRO! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Why Satanic Panic never really ended | What's the Story? - Vox Quick Hits - Air Date 4-7-21 One of the most famous moral panics in history, the Satanic Panic, may have been at its peak in the 80s, but did it ever really go away? Vox culture writer Aja Romano walks up through the history of this fear of the occult Ch. 2: Rainbow Fentanyl for Halloween? - The Politics of Everything - Air Date 10-19-22 Are evil-minded strangers trying to hook your kids on candy-colored fentanyl? As Halloween approaches, a dire story is making the rounds about the threat to children of so-called rainbow fentanyl. Ch. 3: Satanic Panic: Part One - American Hysteria - Air Date 12-10-18 This episode is part one of our two-part series on perhaps the most mystifying moral panic in US history, the 1980s and early 90s 'Satanic Panic.' For this episode, Chelsey covers the rise of organized Satanism beginning in the late 60s In this Halloween-themed News Brief, we debunk the idea drug dealers are handing out fentanyl candy to our children. But we also examine why these copaganda panics are able to take hold: namely the failure of liberals to provide an alternative Ch. 5: Satanic Panic — Dungeons & Dragons and Harry Potter - Soul Search - Air Date 9-22-22 The Satanic Panic was a time of incredible anxiety in the United States and Australia. This feature examines how games like Dungeons and Dragons and books like Harry Potter became unlikely villains in a war over religion, politics and imagination. Michigan high school student defends her mural which parents called satanic and anti-Christian because it contained a Genshin Impact character and a person wearing a transgender flag t-shirt. The Majority Report crew discusses parents. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 7: Our annual Halloween hysteria - Today, Explained - Air Date 10-28-22 This year’s fear of rainbow fentanyl in kids’ trick-or-treat bags is just the latest unfounded Halloween candy freakout. But the yearly panic has its roots in a very real crisis: the 1982 Tylenol murders. Ch. 8: Satanic Panic: Part Two - American Hysteria - Air Date 1-7-19 Two characters, Stranger Danger’s murderous pedophile and the Satanist, blurred into a new villain and psychological archetype FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 9: Final comments on policing gender norms through the ages References: A Brief History of Men Today Are Too Feminine and Women Too Masculine A Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
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Category:general -- posted at: 11:26pm EST |
Tue, 8 November 2022
Air Date 11/8/2022 Today, we take a look at the life and times of China's president, Xi Jinping, and his rise to be China's first non-term-limited president who also, not coincidentally, has a bit of an authoritarian streak. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: MINTMOBILE.COM/BEST CUT YOUR WIRELESS BILL TO $15 A MONTH BOMBAS.COM/BEST BUY ONE/GIVE ONE TO SOMEONE IN NEED SHOW NOTES Chinese President Xi Jinping has begun a historic third term. We speak with Yaqiu Wang, senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch and Johns Hopkins University professor Ho-fung Hung. Ch. 2: Made in China Part 1 - Today, Explained - Air Date 10-14-22 Chinese President Xi Jinping is a product of Mao Zedong’s revolution. On Sunday, he'll become the most powerful Chinese leader since the Communist Party’s founder — and maybe the most powerful person in the world. Ailsa Chang speaks with Yun Sun, director of the China Program at the Stimson Center, about the global implications of a third term for Xi Jinping and how this signals a new era for China. Ch. 5: Made in China Part 2 - Today, Explained - Air Date 10-14-22 China's Communist party sees a shake-up of leadership but President Xi Jinping is set to remain at the helm. It comes amid growing fears about what a return to one-man politics might mean for the future of the country. Special correspondent Patrick Fok. Ch. 7: Xi Jinping - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Air Date 6-18-18 Chinese president Xi Jinping is amassing an alarming amount of political power. If only his propaganda videos made the idea of unrestricted authority seem as troubling as the concept of singing children. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 8: Made in China Part 3 - Today, Explained - Air Date 10-14-22 FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 12: Final comments on misinformation in the mirror universe MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
SHOW IMAGE: Description: Graffiti portrait of Xi Jinping in profile on a concrete wall. His face is outlined in black on a red background. Weeds grow up from the ground under the portrait. Credit: “Xi Jinping, painted portrait_DDC2205” by Thierry Ehrmann, Flickr | License: CC BY 2.0 | Changes: Cropped
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Listen Anywhere! Listen Anywhere! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
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Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm EST |
Fri, 4 November 2022
Original Air Date: 10-24-22 Today, I am talking with Amanda, Deon and Erin. We discuss: - The rise of AI-powered therapy bots
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References: Therapy for People Who Can’t Go to Therapy
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Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST |
Tue, 1 November 2022
Air Date 11/1/2022 Today, we take a look at the corporate price-gouging and massive profits happening under the cover of widespread inflation, all in the run-up to the midterm elections in which the GOP is running cover for corporations and blaming Democrats for price hikes. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email (Get AD FREE Shows and Bonus Content) OUR AFFILIATE LINKS: GET INTERNET PRIVACY WITH EXPRESS VPN! SUPPORT INDIE BOOKSHOPS, GET YOUR AUDIOBOOK FROM LIBRO! SHOW NOTES Economics correspondent Paul Solman explores whether concentrated market power is contributing to inflation. Ch. 2: Why Gas Prices Are So High Right Now | Ft. Jessica Burbank - More Perfect Union - Air Date 10-30-22 What explains the oil industry's historically massive profits? A price gouging scheme that oil companies freely acknowledge. How inflation—at its highest since the early Reagan era—is affecting people’s lives and their voting intentions. Rep Katie Porter brings attention to statistics revealing the huge role corporate greed has on inflation. Corporate price gouging concerning big oil companies and inflation, Jessica Burbank breaks it down on The Damage Report. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rep. Jamie Raskin join Chris Hayes to discuss what’s at stake ahead of the midterm elections. Democrats hoping to keep control of Congress and make gains in state governments are facing significant political headwinds Ch. 8: Liberal Redneck - Inflation and the GOP - Trae Crowder - Air Date 10-27-22 Republicans harp on and on about inflation, but what are they actually going to DO about it? Not much, prolly. I holler bout it herein. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Mike Levin joins to discuss what the Inflation Reduction Act actually does for climate VOICEMAILS Ch. 10: UK could well go fascist - Anonymous FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 11: Final comments on the quickness with which anger can turn to fascism TAKE ACTION! MIDTERMS MINUTE 2022: Persuade someone to vote: - Jay's final comments from episode #1365 (Transcript) on using your vote as a theory of change tool. - "Ask the Experts: How to Inspire People to Vote for Their Values" (ACLU) - "This is How to Convince Your Friends to Vote" ( Short on time? Donate once to... - Secretary of State Races:'s "America for All" midterm election campaign - Senate Races: SwingLeft Hold the Senate Fund, or SwingLeft Immediate Impact Fund (Senate & House) - House races: SwingLeft Hold the House Fund, or SwingLeft Immediate Impact Fund (House & Senate) - Governors: SwingLeft Governor Fund - State Legislative Races: SwingLeft Legislative Fund MIDTERMS MINUTE Segments: #1 , #2 , #3, #4 Researched and written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman SHOW IMAGE: Description: Photo of a long shopping receipt that lays across a background of various groceries. Credit: “Shopping spending till slip” by Stevepb, Pixabay
Direct download: 1523_Inflation_Election_Air_Date_11-1-22_General_-_11-1-22_17.56.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:06pm EST |