Tue, 29 September 2009
Edition #301
Compromise catastrophe soaked in corporate cash
Act 1: Baucus stands alone - Wait wait don't tell me!
Act 2: Does the GOP care more about property than people? - The Young Turks
Act 3: The terrible result of the Baucus compromise - Counterspin
Act 4: Bill Clinton on healthcare reform - Daily Show
Act 5: Health insurance whistle-blower - Bill Maher
Act 6: Rick Sanchez investigates corruption in healthcare debate - CNN
Act 7: Candidate Obama on healthcare negotiations - The Young Turks
Act 8: Better know a lobby: Healthcare for America NOW - Colbert Report
Act 9: GOP fear leads to victim-blame - Ring of Fire
Act 10: Sen. Conrad outlines how weak he is - The Young Turks
Anthem, Pt 1 - Blink-182
Passing storm - Ottmar Liebert
Good - Better Than Ezra
I gotta feeling - Black Eyed Peas
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out - Cat Stevens
Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) - Pet Shop Boys
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Jack Johnson
Don't You Forget About Me - Simple Minds
We're simple minds - Club 8
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Direct download: Compromise_catastrophe_soaked_in_corporate_cash.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 8:01pm EST |
Sat, 26 September 2009
Edition #300
Looks back, layoffs, tax cuts and stock drops
Act 1: Laying off the robots - Wait wait don't tell me!
Act 2: The Lehman shock - Slate.com
Act 3: Champagne drained from corporate pool - The Onion
Act 4: Consensus On Fixing Financial System Erodes - NPR
Act 5: Krugman on the 'return of depression economics - Colbert Report
Act 6: Hannity misleads on unemployment numbers - Counterspin
Act 7: Discussing Lehman Bros and the economic politics - New Yorker
Act 8: 1-year anniversary of Lehman Bros collapse - Daily Show
Act 9: Deficits as the bogeyman - Counterspin
Act 10: Area coach calls star athlete 'too big to fail' - The Onion
Act 11: Bush vs. Clinton Do tax cuts work? - The Young Turks
Act 12: Good news / bad news America's recession - Daily Show
Also sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zoroaster), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 30 [Main Title] - Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Never recover - The Cardigans
Kyoko's House ("stage blood is not enough") - Philip Glass
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Bury my with my car - Ben Sollee
Little Lies - Fleetwood Mac
Save me - Aimee Mann
Torn Blue Foam Couch - Grand archives
Trouble me - 10,000 maniacs
Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games - Of Montreal
Keepsake - State Radio
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Direct download: Looks_back_layoffs_tax_cuts_and_stock_drops.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 12:01pm EST |
Tue, 22 September 2009
Edition #299
Tom Ridge's 'I-didn't-really-mean-it' tour
Act 1: Torture reports show Dick Cheney was wrong - The Young Turks
Act 2: UK mad at Cheney for preempting their police work - Rachel Maddow
Act 3: Debate on prosecuting torture - The Young Turks
Act 4: Changing up the terror alert system - Le Show
Act 5: Tom Ridge would make same decision about Iraq - Rachel Maddow
Act 6: John Dean on Tom Ridge's book and interview - Countdown
Act 7: Tom Ridge's 'I-really-didn't-mean-it' tour - Le Show
Act 8: Reflection on the Tom Ridge interview - Rachel Maddow
God? - The Dodos
Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before - The Smiths
Hi - Psapp
Warning sign - Coldplay
Thank you - Dido
I stand corrected - Vampire Weekend
Take a chance - The Magic Numbers
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Sat, 19 September 2009
Edition #298
In the wake of Obama's healthcare speech
Act 1: Details still to be ironed out - Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!
Act 2: Bernie Sanders on stopping the filibuster - Rachel Maddow
Act 3: Pastor Incites gun-toting Obama protesters - The Young Turks
Act 4: Checking some healthcare facts - Counterspin
Act 5: Why there's no point in reading bills - On the Media
Act 6: More fact-free arguments against healthcare - Rachel Maddow
Act 7: Breaking down Obama's speech and the reaction to it - Ring of Fire
Act 8: Healthcare lies believed shows poll - The Young Turks
Act 9: Fixing healthcare by altering patient behavior - NPR
Act 10: Having to explain how a healthcare system works - Counterspin
Act 11: Talking about the lack of respect for the office of the President - It's all politics
Hands down - Dashboard Confessional
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk
Don't look back in anger - Oasis
Am I wrong - Love Spit Love
The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - The Postal Service
The kids don't stand a chance - Vampire Weekend
Shout - Tears for fears
Make your own kind of music - Cass Elliot
We can work it out - Heather Nova
End it on this - No Doubt
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Wed, 16 September 2009
Edition #297
Cheney's tortured facts and logic
Act 1: Blackwater's corrupt crusade - Countdown
Act 2: Cheney's interview prop with FOX - Le Show
Act 3: Planet Cheney - Rachel Maddow
Act 4: Reporting on the torture report - On the Media
Act 5: Infotainment with a war criminal - Countdown
Act 6: Taking apart the FOX Cheney interview Part 1 - The Young Turks
Act 7: Is using a minotaur to gore detainees torture? - The Onion
Act 8: Taking apart the FOX Cheney interview Part 2 - The Young Turks
Modern Crusaders - Enigma
Six Underground - Sneaker Pimps
Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
Billy - James Blunt
Where do I begin? - The Chemical Brothers
Crazy Maze - Desree
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-- posted at: 12:01am EST
Sat, 12 September 2009
Edition #296
Distasteful discord leaks onto the floor of the house
Act 1: Sen. Coburn to weeping woman: Ask you're neighbor - The Young Turks
Act 2: Appease the wrong people... - Countdown
Act 3: Coverage of the healthcare debate - Counterspin
Act 4: GOP confirms they're totally unwilling to be reasonable - Rachel Maddow
Act 5: McCan't and McShouldn't - Slate.com
Act 6: Conservatives don't use logic in making decisions - The Young Turks
Act 7: Prepping for the healthcare speech - Le Show
Act 8: "You're a liar!" shouted in joint session of congress - NPR's It's All Politics
Act 9: Barbara Boxer on Obama's healthcare speech - Rachel Maddow
Live like you're dying - Lenka
Middle Man - Jack Johnson
Mrs. Robinson - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Golden Brown - The Stranglers
Sleeping in - The Postal Service
I second that emotion - Diana Ross & The Supremes
The waiting - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
One Million Miles - J. Ralph
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Direct download: Distasteful_discord_leaks_onto_the_floor_of_the_house.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 3:12pm EST |
Wed, 9 September 2009
Edition #295
Playing games with the climate and cheating
Act 1: Coal industry mail fraud - Rachel Maddow
Act 2: 'Astroturf' campaign fights climate bill - NPR
Act 3: A look at post-Katrina New Orleans - Le Show
Act 4: Surviving the storm: Voices from Katrina - NPR
Act 5: Bill McKibben from 350.org - Colbert Report
Act 6: News of the warm - Le Show
Act 7: Denver's secret - Slate.com
Act 8: Jellyfish may help keep planet cool - NPR
Act 9: Face-lift: New 'Faces of coal' campaign - Rachel Maddow
Buildings and mountains - The Republic Tigers
Unforgiven - Apocalyptica
Help - Howie Day
I will survive - Cake
Favorite game - The Cardigans
Beds are burning - Midnight Oil
Blowing' in the wind - Bob Dylan
Into the ocean - Blue October
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Direct download: Playing_games_with_the_climate_and_cheating.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 12:01am EST |
Sat, 5 September 2009
Edition #294
The very long battle continues, now without our General
Act 1: Betsy McCaughey pounded by Jon Stewart - Rachel Maddow
Act 2: The history of pushing for universal healthcare - On the Media
Act 3: The powerful vs. the powerless - The Young Turks
Act 4: The Republican death machine - Slate.com
Act 5: Jonathan Cohn on healthcare - Colbert Report
Act 6: A detailed look at the possible death of the public option - Rachel Maddow
Act 7: Kennedy's lasting devotion to heathcare reform - NPR
Act 8: The profit of providing bad health insurance - Countdown
Mr. Maker - The Kooks
See you on the other side - Ozzy Osbourn
You could be happy - Snow Patrol
Unknown song :-(
A million ways - OK Go
Any way you want it - Journey
Close Your Eyes - Young Love
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Direct download: The_very_long_battle_continues_now_without_our_General.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 8:01pm EST |
Wed, 2 September 2009
Edition #293
For-profit journalism at some of it's worst
Act 1: So you think you can douche - Daily Show
Act 2: Fact-imparted miniverse on healthcare - Rachel Maddow
Act 3: Poll bearers: cable news polls itself - Daily Show
Act 4: Neal Boortz on human debris - The Young Turks
Act 5: Fox News: The new liberals - Daily Show
Act 6: Raising terror level to raise polling points - Rachel Maddow
Act 7: CNN's just sayin' - Daily Show
Act 8: Playing politics for terror - Countdown
Stand by me - Playing for change
Across the universe - Rufus Wainright
Crash - The Primitives
Sorrow - Bad religion
We like to party - The Venga Boys
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here - Weezer
What's the matter here? - 10,000 Maniacs
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Direct download: For-profit_journalism_at_some_of_its_worst.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 11:33pm EST |