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Air Date 7/20/2020

Systems maintain themselves through the efforts of many moving parts that need not understand their roles in maintaining the system as a whole, only their specialized task. Today, I use a case study incident to show how the system of racism defends itself against attack. Many separate parts, none of which understand how their individual actions connect to the larger system, work in complicated yet predictable ways to carry out this defense of racism much like the many specialized antibodies of an immune system work together to isolate and eradicate threats to the host.

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EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy



Ch. 1: Introduction to the story of a story

Ch. 2: Yascha Mounk on antiracism in America

Ch. 3: Jay explains the fraught nature of interracial relationships

Ch. 4: Introducing the Education Council Meeting incident

Ch. 5: Edward Irizarry speaks about the privilege and racial dynamics of the council

Ch. 6: Explaining DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender

Ch. 7: Robin Brochi responds to Edward

Ch. 8: Tom demands to know what’s racist about holding a brown baby

Ch. 9: Additional input from other council members

Ch. 10: The story of the story

Ch. 11: Recap and wrap up

Original meeting video: CEC D2 Working Business Meeting June 29, 2020

16:55 - Edward Irizarry Speech

22:50 - Robin Brochi's Apology

26:25 - Tom Wrocklage asks what about his actions were racist

39:20 - Beginning of segment that is ultimately clipped out of context

Tom's I-have-a-black-friend video: My friend from my living room on the June 11th CECD2 meeting

Tucker Carlson segment on 'White Fragility'

Tucker Carlson segment mentioning CEC Meeting incident


Ch. 12: Final comments

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Theme - The Good Fight podcast
  • Opener - American Moon Bicycle
  • Waltz and Fury - Macrame
  • Rafter - Speakeasy
  • When We Set Out - Arc and Crecent
  • Thannoid - Bodytonic
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1358_White_people_talking_about_race_Air_Date_7-20-20_-_7-20-20_16.08.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Air Date 7/10/2020

Today we take a look at the origins and legacy of Manifest Destiny, the historical term most closely tied to our most toxic version of nostalgia: the one longing for America's golden age of genocide


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EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy



Ch. 1: Intro contemplating conservative thinking applied to genocide

Ch. 2: Confederacy Inc. Donald Trump, Racist Police, and the Whitewashing of History Part 1 - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 7-1-20

Native American historian Nick Estes explains the crimes against Indigenous people committed by the four presidents whose faces are carved into Mount Rushmore.

Ch. 3: The Interest of the White Man demands their extinction - @BackStory - Air Date: 01-19-18

Ed talks with historian Benjamin Madley about the devastating impact of the Gold Rush on California’s native tribes – and how both government officials and everyday citizens justified enslaving and killing native peoples.

Ch. 4: Doctrine of Christian Discovery Part 1 - Let’s Talk Native - Air Date 3-18-19

I learned that most educators know nothing about the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. How can you teach about colonization, slavery, the American genocide, Westward expansion or imperialism without teaching the origins of it all?

Ch. 5: Confederacy Inc. Donald Trump, Racist Police, and the Whitewashing of History Part 2 - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 7-1-20

Native American historian Nick Estes explains the crimes against Indigenous people committed by the four presidents whose faces are carved into Mount Rushmore.

Ch. 6: Doctrine of Christian Discovery Part 2 - Let’s Talk Native - Air Date 3-18-19

I learned that most educators know nothing about the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. How can you teach about colonization, slavery, the American genocide, Westward expansion or imperialism without teaching the origins of it all?

Ch. 7: Paul Frymer on the building of an American empire - The Dig from @jacobinmag - Air Date 1-30-18

We are living on land from which indigenous people, over hundreds of years, have been violently removed. Almost everyone knows this — yet it’s rarely mentioned in stories that Americans tell themselves about who we are as a country and how we got here.

Ch. 8: Confederacy Inc. Donald Trump, Racist Police, and the Whitewashing of History Part 3 - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 7-1-20

Native American historian Nick Estes explains the crimes against Indigenous people committed by the four presidents whose faces are carved into Mount Rushmore.

Ch. 9: Understanding the origins of scalp hunting and "redskins" - Empire Files - Air Date 11-25-15

Abby Martin interviews Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, renowned indigenous scholar and activist, about her most recent book "An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States."

Ch. 10: Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz on digging deeper to understand America's past - Popaganda from @BitchMedia - Air Date 6-16-16

We call up brilliant scholar Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz to dig into her work, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States


Ch. 11: Final comments on the pain caused by the breaking of your shell of understanding

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Thannoid - Bodytonic
  • Waltz for Zacaria - Cholate
  • Quaver - Codebreaker
  • Lahaina - Cloud Harbor
  • One Little Triumph - Piano Mover
  • Cloud Line - K4
  • Dirtbike Lovers - Desert Orchard
  • Astrisx - Bodytonic
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1357_Manifest_Destiny_Air_Date_7-10-20_-_7-10-20_20.23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:24pm EST

Air Date 7/6/2020

Today we take a look at the problems with cops that aren't the obvious, racist problems. We're talking about the rules that help protect bad cops from accountability, the police unions that insist on those rules and the lack of state or national policies that would structurally disincentivize the hiring or continued employment of problem officers.


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EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy



Ch. 1: Race, Police, & The Pandemic - FRONTLINE - Air Date 6-2-20

Jelani Cobb describes how the relationship between black Americans and the police has become a “barometer” for race relations in the country and that explosive tensions are “overwhelmingly” in response to an issue of police use of force.

Ch. 2: The Man Who Teaches Our Cops To Kill Part 1 - Behind the Bastards - Air Date 6-1-20

Robert is joined by Jack O'Brien to discuss David Grossman, director of the Killology Research Group. More than a hundred police departments, and thousands of police officers, have taken Grossman’s courses over more than twenty years.

Ch. 3: Qualified Immunity and the myth of dangerous traffic stops - Pod Save the People - Air Date 5-26-20

DeRay, Brittany, Sam, and Clint discuss police accountability.

Ch. 4: The Man Who Teaches Our Cops To Kill Part 2 - Behind the Bastards - Air Date 6-1-20

Robert is joined by Jack O'Brien to discuss David Grossman, director of the Killology Research Group. More than a hundred police departments, and thousands of police officers, have taken Grossman’s courses over more than twenty years.

Ch. 5: Police Unions And Police Violence Part 1 - Planet Money - Air Date 6-5-20

We look at the data connecting police unions and police violence.

Ch. 6: Not Just Another Protest - It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders - Air Date 6-5-20

Sam also talks to BuzzFeed News reporter Melissa Segura on her recent reporting about police unions and what they mean for reform.

Ch. 7: Police Unions And Police Violence Part 2 - Planet Money - Air Date 6-5-20

We look at the data connecting police unions and police violence.

Ch. 8: What Science Says About Police (with John Rappaport) - Pod Save the People - Air Date 6-9-20

This week DeRay sits down with John Rappaport, a law professor and research scholar examining criminal procedures in the justice system. They discuss Rappaport's findings regarding police misconduct and the effects of police behavior on communities.

Ch. 9: American Police: 100 years of reform - Throughline - Air Date 6-4-20

Black Americans being victimized and killed by the police is an epidemic. A truth many Americans are acknowledging since the murder of George Floyd, as protests have occurred in all fifty states calling for justice on his behalf.


Ch. 10: Final comments on the pain and sadness of being lied to by your country

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Thannoid - Bodytonic
  • Watermarks - Crab Shack
  • Derailed - The Depot
  • Cloud Line - K4
  • Festering - Towboat
  • Waltz and Fury - Macrame
  • LaBranche - Bayou Birds
  • Sunday Lights - Onesuch Village
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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