Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date 5/3/2019

Today we take a look at several topics that, at first glance, may seem to be unrelated but that I think are all tied together with a thread that runs through all of them and points the way toward The Great Transition we are currently in the middle of.

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Ch. 1: Henry Giroux: Trump is the endpoint on cruelty and isolation in American politics - @thisishellradio - Air Date 4-15-17

Cultural critic Henry Giroux examines the slow, steady rise of cruelty in American culture - as the logic of neoliberalism strips our politics of anything besides self-regard, and the right capitalizes on the anger caused by its own policies

Ch. 2: Johann Hari To Treat Depression, Provide Meaningful Work, Housing & a Basic Income, Not Just Drugs - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 02-02-18

An extended conversation with Johann Hari, author of a controversial new book, “Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression—and the Unexpected Solutions.”

Ch. 3: Roots of Extremism with Deeyah Khan - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 3-11-19

Deeyah Khan is a British documentary filmmaker and human rights activist. She’s the creator of two extraordinary films airing on Netflix right now, White Right: Meeting the Enemy and Jihad: A Story of the Others.

Ch. 4: The Cure To Loneliness - Sustainable Human - Air Date 2-3-18

Loneliness is almost baked into the cake as far as a modern society with the kind of social setup and infrastructure and economic system that we have today.

Ch. 5: Gar Alperovitz: Building a Pluralist economy that supports human needs - @theLFshow w @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date 7-26-17

Laura talks with author/activist Gar Alperovitz. From the gloom of today, he sees the principles of a Pluralist Commonwealth emerging.

Ch. 6: Gar Alperovitz on the economic movement already underway - @RalphNader Radio Hour - Air Date 6-24-17

It’s time to build new economic institutions that are democratic but also–critically–give us a new power base as well in the communities around the country.

Ch. 7: Utopias in history and the need to rekindle utopian thinking - History Extra - Air Date 3-16-17

Rutger Bregman discusses some of his ideas that recently caused a global sensation and the role of a historian in the modern world


Ch. 8: Progressives have always had to drag liberals along - V from Central New York


Ch. 9: Final comments on the need to spread the word about our failing institutions to bolster support for fundamental reform

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Astrisx - Bodytonic
  • Quaver - Codebreaker
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • One Little Triumph - Piano Mover
  • Donder - Darby
  • Take a Tiny Train - Ray Catcher
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1269_Great_Transition_Air_Date_5-3-19_Ad_Free_-_11-27-20_17.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm EST

Air Date 11/23/2019

Today we take a look at just a few forms the decolonization movement is taking from finance to cartography to the internet and beyond.

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Ch. 1: Decolonizing Wealth Through Indigenous Leadership - @theLFshow w @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date 7-25-18

Laura speaks to Edgar Villanueva, about being one of the very few indigenous people working in grant-making, and ask what he thinks Native American traditions have to teach philanthropy. His latest book is "Decolonizing Wealth"

Ch. 2: Decolonizing philanthropy - Native America Calling - Air Date 12-13-18

Edgar Villanueva, author of “Decolonizing Wealth,” questions the wisdom of accepting funds from philanthropic endeavors built by corporate giants whose business is in direct conflict with Native sovereignty and sustainability.

Ch. 3: Decolonize the Internet - Tiny Spark - Air Date 3-8-19

The internet is very white male-biased, it's important to find and prop up all other voices.

Ch. 4: Decolonizing Maps - Native America Calling - Air Date 8-28-19

Indigenous Map making is a greatly different experience from what western colonialism forces people to use. Maps can tell a story, and engage with people.

Ch. 5: Decolonization Is For Everyone with Nikki Sanchez - TEDx Talks - Air Date 3-12-19

Nikki Sanchez shares her vision of a world where we listen and care and stop dehumanizing people.


Ch. 6: Hoping to save a life - James from Sacramento, CA

Ch. 7: Wealth tax for the children - Chris from San Diego


Ch. 8: Final comments on the tragedy of wealth and the difference between aggregation and curation

Limerick of the day from @Limericking

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Lakal - Speakeasy
  • Inessential - Bayou Birds
  • Weathervane - CloudCover
  • Contrarian - Sketchbook
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent



dignidadrebelde | Flickr | License | Changes: Added credit


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1321_Native_Decolonization_Air_Date_11-23-19_-_11-23-19_18.11_Repost.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:53pm EST

Air Date 11/20/2020

Today we take a look at the results of the elections beyond the presidency and find that progressive policies did well which should be a lesson to Democrats currently looking to find their bearings and choose a direction.

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Ch. 1: Finding hope in America’s progressive core - Jim Hightower's Radio Lowdown - Air Date 11-12-20

The hope that resides in these progressive policy positions is the prospect that a truly great American majority might yet be forged – not around some mega-politician – but around our people’s basic values of fairness and justice for all.

Ch. 2: Mike Davis: Biden's Big Mistake - Start Making Sense - Air Date 11-11-20

Mike Davis on the Trump voters: Latinos in south Texas and white workers in the rust belt—and Biden’s big mistake: allowing Trump to claim "the economy" as his issue, instead of connecting jobs to controlling the pandemic.

Ch. 3: Criminal justice reform won big, with guest Daniel Nichanian of The Appeal - The BradCast - Air Date 11-12-20

DANIEL NICHANIAN, Editor of 'The Appeal: Political Report' explains how last week's election delivered victories for advocates of criminal justice reform in local and county races for District Attorney and County Sheriff, as well as ballot initiatives.

Ch. 4: Check Your Blindspot (Sponsored by Ground News) - 11-20-20

America's favorite political game show that uses the Blindspot feature of Ground News to test contestants' political blindspots and media literacy.

Ch. 5: Bree Newsome & Prof. Eddie Glaude The Black Lives Matter Movement Helped the Democrats Defeat Trump - Democracy Now! - Air Date 11-9-20

Eddie Glaude, author and chair of Princeton University's Department of African American Studies. "It makes no sense that we would go back to the politics that produced Trump in the first place." We also speak to artist and antiracist activist Bree Newsome

Ch. 6: Immigration Advocates Have Ideas for the Biden Administration - The Brian Lehrer Show - Air Date 11-10-20

Anu Joshi, vice president of policy at the New York Immigration Coalition, talks about the NYIC's hopes for the Biden administration, and takes calls from immigrant listeners who are ready for the new administration.

Ch. 7: Biden Time: Banking - Planet Money - Air Date 11-13-20

Four things Joe Biden can do as president — even if the Democrats don't control Congress.

Ch. 8: Biden Won. Now He Needs to Save the Planet - The Mother Jones Podcast - Air Date 11-11-20

Jamilah King is joined by Mother Jones· climate and environment reporter Rebecca Leber to discuss what we can expect from an incoming Biden administration that has claimed climate action as central to its governing mandate.


Ch. 9: Final comments on how Harmony Square can teach you about online manipulation


Read, sign & share the People's Charter (Working Families Party)


At the City Level, Progressives Flex New Power (City Lab)

Progressive Criminal Justice Ballot Initiatives Won Big in the 2020 Election (Center for American Progress)

The $15 Minimum Wage Wasn’t the Only Progressive Ballot Measure That Passed in Conservative States (Mother Jones)

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


"sign of the times" by Mitchell Haindfield, Flickr | License | Changes: Filled in lower half of 2nd "E", cropped to square


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1382_Democrats_forward_Air_Date_11-20-20_General_-_11-20-20_18.09.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:41pm EST

Air Date 11/17/2020

Today we take a look at the Republican Party and that which is hath wrought. The deeply racist and conspiratorial constituency has been part of the party for decades but it wasn't always the dominant strain. Today it clearly is and in an age of hyper-polarization and with enthusiastic stoking from Trump, that branch of the party is perfectly primed to splinter from shared reality completely in a spectacular, violent way.

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Ch. 1: A devastating indictment of the Republican Party - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 10-10-20

The problem, Stuart Stevens believes, is not that the GOP became something it wasn’t; it’s that many of those within it — including him — failed to see what it actually was.

Ch. 2: Is Trumpism the New Conservatism? - The Atlantic - Air Date 7-20-17

Goldwater's conservative movement ended up dominating Republican politics for 50 years. Trump·s takeover of the Republican party looks a lot like Goldwater's, so could an ideological movement resembling Trumpism dominate the next 50 years?

Ch. 3: The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party Part 1 - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 11-12-20

Anne Applebaum, staff writer for the Atlantic, discusses why the GOP ultimately took the path of Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, not John McCain and Mitt Romney and why what separates Never Trumpers from Trump enablers is a steadfast commitment to democracy

Ch. 4: The Good Germans - Gaslit Nation with Andrea Chalupa and Sarah Kendzior - Air Date 9-8-20

The phrase “Good Germans” refers to the Germans living in the Third Reich who enabled Hitler and his Nazi regime yet remained in denial that they were doing so. Or they did know, but they put on a show of respectability. They were “just following orders.”

Ch. 5: Don't You Dare Call It Trumpism - The Professional Left Podcast with Driftglass and Blue Gal - Air Date 11-13-20

We discuss why the beltway wants to call it Trumpism and why we must never do so. And the difference between a coastal D+20 district and a Midwest R+5 district reminds us that all politics is local.

Ch. 6: The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party Part 2 - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 11-11-20

If the past week — and past four years — have proven anything, it’s that we are not as different as we believed. No longer is the question, "Can it happen here?" It’s happening already.

Ch. 7: WHOA: 86% of Trumpists Think Biden Didn't Really Win - The David Pakman Show - Air Date 11-13-20

86% of Trumpists believe that Joe Biden didn't really win the election, stealing it from Donald Trump through fraud of some kind.

Ch. 8: Trump Tries A Suplex On The American People - The Muckrake Political Podcast - Air Date 11-13-20

As Donald Trump and his enablers, the Republicans continue this farcical half-serious coup, Jared Yates Sexton and Nick Hauselman discuss how the complicated grift that is professional wrestling explains this slow-moving disaster.

Ch. 9: The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party Part 3 - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 11-11-20

If the past week — and past four years — have proven anything, it’s that we are not as different as we believed. No longer is the question, "Can it happen here?" It’s happening already.

Ch. 10: The crisis isn’t Trump. It’s the Republican Party Part 4 - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 11-11-20

If the past week — and past four years — have proven anything, it’s that we are not as different as we believed. No longer is the question, "Can it happen here?" It’s happening already.


Ch. 11: More nuance about legitimacy - Dave from Olympia, WA


Ch. 12: Final comments on the high likelihood of violence and death between now and Biden's inauguration

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1381_Trumpism_Air_Date_11-17-20_General_-_11-17-20_17.48.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:17pm EST

Air Date: 11–13-2020

Direct Download 


Today we take a look at the slow-motion coup that we've known was coming since 2016. The baseless lawsuits, the absurd claims and the perpetual grift. Always the grift.

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Ch. 1: Coup Cosplay: Chris Hayes On Trump, GOP Trying To Pretend Biden Didn’t Win - All In with Chris Hayes - Air Date 11-10-20

Chris Hayes on Trump and the GOP trying to pretend Biden didn’t win: "At a certain point, if you are just trollingly pretending to be engaged in a coup, when do you cross over to actually trying for a coup?".

Ch. 2: Suppressing The Vote Didn't Work For Trump. Will Throwing Out Ballots? - Brian Lehrer Show - Air Date 11-9-20

Richard Hasen, professor of law and political science at the University of California, talks about the current Trump campaign challenges to the vote counting -- and why he's not expecting the Biden victory to be overturned in the courthouse.

Ch. 3: Steven Rosenfeld on Vote Counting - CounterSpin - Air Date 11-6-20

Corporate media headlines would have you think it’s still a legitimately tight race for president because they’re holding up Biden’s larger number of votes and delegates alongside Trump’s efforts to huff and puff and blow the House down.

Ch. 4: Check Your Blindspot - Air Date 11-13-20

America's favorite political game show that uses the Blindspot feature of Ground News to test contestants' political blindspots and media literacy.

Ch. 5: Last Grasp, Last Gasp - On the Media - Air Date 11-6-20

With Joe Biden approaching victory, Donald Trump and his political allies flooded the internet with conspiracy theories. This week, we examine the misinformation fueling right-wing demonstrations across the country with Professor John Mark Hansen.

Ch. 6: On November 14th & Beyond, Prepare to Stop a Coup in America via Refuse Fascism & Protect the Results - Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 7: Donald Trump's Plan to Steal the Election from Joe Biden and How We Stop Him - The Benjamin Dixon Show - Air Date 11-11-20

Donald Trump is attempting to overturn the results of the election and install himself into power overriding the will of the American people.

Ch. 8: Mass protests may need to force Trump from office - The Bugle - Air Date 11-4-20

Nato Green explains the particulars of a protest strategy that can force an unpopular government from power

Ch. 9: Trump Has CHECKED OUT as President to Attend to His Full-time Gig as a Grifter! - The Dollemore Daily - Air Date 11-12-20

Jesse discusses Donald Trump's latest scam to soak his supporters for MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, all while he's effectively stopped being President of the United States


Ch. 10: The progressive spark is beginning to smoke - V from Central New York

Ch. 11: Pay to Play, the velvet rope economy - Alan from Connecticut


Ch. 12: Final comments on the Velvet Rope Economy

Bonus: The 'Velvet Rope Economy' and the virus - CNN - Air Date 3-14-20

As the virus expands worldwide, while millions are put under duress, the 1% can take advantage of their access to the 'Velvet Rope Economy.'


Protests on Sat., Nov. 14th -

Protests Nov. 14th & Beyond -

10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup (Waging Nonviolence)


Now We Have To Fight Trump’s Tin-Pot Coup - And Biden’s Worst Instincts (The Intercept)

This is no conventional coup. Trump is paving the way for a 'virtual Confederacy' (Opinion - The Guardian)

A political scientist explains why the GOP is a threat to American democracy (Vox)

Tantrum and Theater: Trump's Desperation After Election Loss Isn't Yet a Coup (The Intercept)

The Damage of Trump’s Voter-Fraud Allegations Can’t Be Undone (The Atlantic - June 2020)

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1380_Slow-Motion_Coup_Air_Date_11-13-20_General_-_11-13-20_20.48.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:45pm EST

Air Date 11/10/2020

Today we take a look at the long and shifting history of the myth of democracy in America. We've never had it since the beginning but the reasons have shifted, ebbed and flowed over time. Now, in the midst of an attempted slow-motion coup, we look back at this most central American myth.

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Ch. 1: "Let the People Pick the President" The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College - Democracy Now! - Air Date 10-30-20

Two of the last three presidents — George W. Bush and Donald Trump — came to office after losing the popular vote. "The Framers who met at the Constitutional Convention really had no idea what they were doing when they established how to pick a president"

Ch. 2: The Second Revolution - Scene On Radio - Air Date 2-19-20

After the Civil War, a surprising coalition tried to remake the United States into a real multiracial democracy for the first time. Reconstruction, as the effort was called, brought dramatic change to America. For a while.

Ch. 3: Democracy: Past, Present... and Future? - The Laura Flanders Show - Air Date 6-26-19

Don't remember the past? Does that mean you're condemned to repeat it? What does our country's past tell us about our present— and how can it help us imagine a better future? This week, two leading thinkers on the tricky challenges of democracy.

Ch. 4: More Democracy - Scene on Radio - Air Date 6-10-20

What will it take to make the United States a more fully-functioning democracy, and how can we, as citizens, bring about that change?
By host and producer John Biewen, with series collaborator Chenjerai Kumanyika.

Ch. 5: TAKE ACTION! Georgia On Our Minds - Get Involved in Our LAST CHANCE to Flip the Senate - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 6: Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here's how we fix it - TEDx - Air Date 10-20-15

Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig makes the case that our democracy has become corrupt with money, leading to inequality that means only 0.02% of the United States population actually determines who's in power.

Ch. 7: The Right's Long History of Ignoring the Will of the People - On the Media - Air Date 11-6-20

Rick Perlstein, historian of American conservatism and author, most recently, of Reaganland: America's Right Turn 1976-1980, has tracked this anti-majoritarian current in the American right for centuries.

Ch. 8: The Republicans' War on Voting Rights, Protesting and Democracy - Some More News - Air Date 10-22-18

In this week's episode of Some More News, we do a deep dive on the Republicans' attacks on our voting rights, our right to protest and, well, Democracy. Which is bad and not good.

Ch. 9: Schooled for Democracy - Scene on Radio - Air Date 5-13-20

In most American schools, children *hear about *democracy, but don’t get to *practice *it. What would a more engaged brand of civics education look like?

Ch. 10: The Crises of American Democracy & What to Do About Them w/ Suzanne Mettler - The Majority Report - Air Date 9-22-20

Sam hosts Cornell Professor of American Institutions Suzanne Mettler to discuss her latest book, Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy and what we can learn from history to understand American democracy's vulnerabilities.


Ch. 11: Changing the caucus party - Erin from Philly

Ch. 12: What happens if they somehow steal the election? - Nick from California


Ch. 13: Final comments on action being the only antidote to anxiety



'The Rise Of The New South': Black Women Organizers Turn Georgia Bluish (WBUR)

Activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham’s Post-Election Road Map (W)

‘Civic Engagement Doesn’t Have to Be Corny.’ How Georgia Pulled Off Unprecedented Youth Voter Turnout (Time)

#15: If We’re Not Organizing White People, Somebody Else Is (Organizing Upgrade - SURJ)

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1379_Myth_of_Democracy_Air_Date_11-10-20_General_-_11-10-20_20.48.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52pm EST

Air Date 11/6/2020

Today, Amanda and I process the election, explain hyper-polarization, and why Black women are saving the country again.

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Examining and understanding the 2020 election results - Jonathan

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Produced by:
Jay! Tomlinson
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Direct download: Bonus_Post-Election_Discussion.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:55pm EST

Air Date 11/2/2020

Today we brace for the election, consider what may come after it and prepare for the role we may need to play in the coming weeks.

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EPISODE SPONSORS: Get System Check from The Nation Magazine wherever you get your podcasts!



Ch. 1: What if a US presidential candidate refuses to concede after an election? - TED - Air Date 10-26-20

Van Jones explains why concession speech is one of the most important safeguards for democracy, exposes legal loopholes that could enable a candidate to grab power even if they lose the popular vote and the electoral college -- and what citizens can do!

Ch. 2: The American Contest - Law, justice, and the courts: Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Air Date 10-24-20

Dahlia Lithwick is joined by Heather Cox Richardson for a big-picture conversation about what that means: minority rule and the court’s role, past and present, in changing visions of democracy.

Ch. 3: What If Trump Doesn’t Accept The Election Results? ft. Joshua Kahn Russell - The Michael Brooks Show - Air Date 10-22-20

Joshua Kahn Russell joins us to talk about the worst case scenario: what if Trump refuses to accept the election results?

Ch. 4: Timothy Snyder Warns That as Election Day 2020 Approaches America is in The Midst of a Slow-Motion Reichstag Fire Emergency - The Truth Report w. Chauncey DeVega - Air Date 10-18-20

Timothy Snyder warns that the United States is in the midst of a years-long slow-motion Reichstag Fire emergency that Election Day 2020 may not resolve.

Ch. 5: Incredibly powerful video from Sunrise NYC featuring words from Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - Sunrise Movement

'Let this moment radicalize you’ — AOC inspires in this new ad by the @Sunrise Movement

Ch. 6: Weissmann Thinks We Could See Trump Self-Pardon If He Doesn't Win Reelection - Deadline White House - Air Date 10-9-20

Former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann and Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold discuss new reports that reveal more on Trump’s financial situation and how they could turn into bigger legal problems for him if he becomes private citizen again.

Ch. 7: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst - Strange Days with Fernand Amandi - Air Date 10-12-20

Frank Figliuzzi and Leonard Pitts Jr.


Ch. 10: Busting myths above and below the 49th - Orrett from Vancouver, BC

Ch. 11: Blindspots on the left - Mike from Toronto


Ch. 12: Final comments on you not being more radical than Angela Davis and a new frame for coalition governments in the US



Swing Left | Field Team 6 | Sunrise MovementVote Save America Indivisible's Windivisible Campaign


How to Talk about Voting With Friends Who Don't Vote (HeadCount)

How I Convinced My Dad Not to Vote for Trump (The Cut)

Convince leftist friends to use their vote as a tool: Use Jay's final comments from episode #1365 (Transcript). (This listener tweeted it out)


6 Steps to Save the Vote (RepresentUs)

Protect the Results (Coalition)

#CountOnUs: How to Defeat Trump and Defend the Election (Sunrise Movement)

10 Things You Need to Know to Stop A Coup (Waging Nonviolence)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Activism Music: This Fickle World by Theo Bard
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1378_Coup_Air_Date_11-2-20_General_-_11-3-20_07.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:40am EST