Sat, 25 April 2009
Edition # 261
Love is in the air, let's shoot it down
Act 1: Same-sex marriage in Iowa - Rachel Maddow
Act 2: Gay Marriage in Vermont - The Daily Show
Act 3: Newspapers influencing marriage debate - On the Media
Act 4: Getting government out of the marriage business - Colbert Report
Act 5: Traditional marriage in the bible Part 1 - The Young Turks
Act 6: Phone call to the 14th century - Kasper Houser Comedy Troupe
Act 7: Traditional marriage in the bible Part 2 - The Young Turks
Act 8: Anti-same-sex-marriage ad - Colbert Report
Act 9: Anti-same-sex marriage 2M4M - Rachel Maddow
Act 10: 2M4M 4 Ever! - AndyCobbonUTube
My Love - The Bird and the Bee
You can't hurry love - Phil Collins
Another love song - Finniston
What is love? - Haddaway
Love will come through - Travis
Accidentially in love - The Counting Crows
Love will tear us apart - Joy Division
Let my love open the door - Pete Townsend
All my love - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
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-- posted at: 12:01am EDT
Mon, 20 April 2009
Edition # 260
Worked up, angry and totally misdirected
Act 1: Cutting the defense budget - The Daily Show
Act 2: Republican fake outrage - The Young Turks
Act 3: Cutting the defense budget - The Colbert Report
Act 4: AIG looking to rebrand - LeShow
Act 5: Tea party at The Alamo - The Clolbert Report
Act 6: Conservatives about teabagging - Rachel Maddow
Act 7: Fox News supporting the Tea Parties - On the Media
Act 8: The other meaning of 'teabagging' - The Colbert Report
Act 9: Hardball debating economic systems
You're the best around - Joe Esposito
Crash - The Primitives
Welcome to the machine - Pink Floyd
My name is Jonas - Weezer
It's my party - Lesley Gore
Tea for two - Mambo All-Stars
New shoes - Paolo Nutini
You sexy thing - Hot Chocolate
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Direct download: All_worked_up_angry_and_totally_misdirected.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 10:53pm EDT |
Sun, 12 April 2009
Edition #259
A discussion of the state of our culture (with swears)
Act 1: Fox viewers to be institusionalized? - Ring of Fire
Act 2: Hannity hosts a discussion on how best to overthrow the US Gov. - CounterSpin
Act 3: The effect of a high tech culture Part 1 - On the Media
Act 4: "Happy Spring Holiday" - The Onion
Act 5: The effect of a high tech culture Part 2 - On the Media
Act 6: Glenn Beck and the 9/12 Project - Colbert Report
Act 7: Wes Clark Jr. on modern culture Part 1 - The Young Turks
Act 8: Limbaugh is stupid, hateful and racist - CounterSpin
Act 9: Wes Clark Jr. on modern culture Part 2 - The Young Turks
Act 10: Glenn Beck compares US to Nazi Germany - CounterSpin
Act 11: Wes Clark Jr. on modern culture Part 3 - The Young Turks
Crazy Maze - Desree
War - Vince DiCola
Eclipse - Apoptygma Berzerk
Spring Came, Rain Fell - Club 8
Humans being - Van Halen
Good people - Jack Johnson
Goodnight and go - Imogen Heap
Your racist friend - They might be giants
Buildings and mountains - The Republic Tigers
It's not possible - Ben Sollee
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Direct download: A_discussion_of_the_state_of_our_culture_with_swears.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 11:57pm EDT |
Sun, 5 April 2009
Edition # 258
RIghts at home and abroad, human and otherwise
Act 1: Viagra to the Taliban - Wait Wait
Act 2: Story of a wrongful death Part 1 - Democracy NOW!
Act 3: On the Isreal/Palistine question - The Young Turks
Act 4: Story of a wrongful death Part 2 - Democracy NOW!
Act 5: NSA spying on Americans - ABC News
Act 6: State senator on 'The Gay' - The Young Turks
Act 7: Let them into the house -
Your love is lifting me higher - Jackie Wilson
Army Corps of Architects - Death Cab For Cutie
Skilly Widden - Cantiga
No Bravery - James Blunt
Needle in the Hay - Elliott Smith
Fuck you - Lily Allen
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Direct download: RIghts_at_home_and_abroad_human_and_otherwise.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 11:14pm EDT |