Best of the Left Podcast

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Original Air Date: 12/15/2017

The history and current state of rich people seeking to undermine democratic rule by the people in favor of oligarchy for the rich 

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Show Notes

Ch. 1: Why The Koch Brothers Despise The Constitution - Majority Report (@MajorityFM) - Air Date: 07-26-17

Ch. 2: Jane Mayer on the Rise of Conservative Orthodoxy - On The Media - Air Date 5-5-17

Ch. 3: The complicated reality of corruption rules. @BackStory - Air Date: 11-24-17

Ch. 4: Millionaire Donor Threatens Democrats - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 11-14-17

Ch. 5: Why our democracy in is danger - Belabored (@DissentMag) - Air Date 5-13-16

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1152_Rise_of_the_oligarchy_Money_in_Politics_General_-_8-31-23_15.43.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST

Original Air Date 8/10/2022

Origins of the European colonial land-grab, the need for the #Landback movement,  and the benefits to society and the environment in the context of the climate crisis to return stewardship of the land to native peoples.

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Ch. 1: Why It’s Time To Give Native Americans Their Land Back - AJ+ - Air Date 10-9-20

For some reason, Oct. 12th is still Columbus Day in a lot of the United States. Fortunately, more and more cities and states are adopting that day as Indigenous Peoples Day

Ch. 2: Canada, it's time for Land Back - The Breach - Air Date 6-2-21

Since its inception, Canada has been stealing Indigenous lands — by the barrel of a gun, by starvation tactics & by tearing children from their families.

Ch. 3: Mark Charles: An Indigenous Liberation Theology - A People's Theology - Air Date 7-7-21

Mason chats with Mark Charles about his book, Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery. We chat all about the Doctrine of Discovery, Mark's theology of land and water, and much more.

Ch. 4: Can Indigenous People Lead the Fight Against Climate Change? - Above the Noise - Air Date 4-20-22

Indigenous communities across the globe are experts at managing and protecting land. Is it time the U.S. finally returned STOLEN parklands back to them?

Ch. 5: LandBack: The Indigenous Liberation Movement - Andrewism - Air Date 1-6-21

LandBack isn’t about deporting white people. It’s a path to a better future.

Ch. 6: What We Can Learn About #LandBack From These Native American Comedies - PBS Origins - Air Date 6-13-22

Native American representation in film and TV used to be confined to Westerns and storylines of defeat. Today, a new wave of Native American comedies, written and created by Native peoples, are taking back their narratives.

Bonus: Landback cold open - Reservation Dogs S1 E3 Uncle Brownie - Air Date 8-16-21


Ch. 7: Meet the native Hawaiians fighting U.S. occupation - AJ+ - Air Date 3-3-17

In 1893, armed U.S. naval forces helped American sugar plantation owners illegally overthrow Hawaii’s constitutional monarchy. 100 years later, the U.S. apologized and admitted in a resolution that Native Hawaiians had never relinquished their sovereignty

Ch. 8: Why Native Americans are buying back land that was stolen from them - PBS NewsHour - Air Date 10-16-21

From 1877 to 1934, under a range of laws and reneged-upon treaties, the U.S. government appropriated tens of millions of acres of Native American land. In recent years there has been a growing movement known as “land back” to reclaim their lands.


Ch. 9: Definition of power and organizing - Pat from Chicago


Ch. 10: Final comments on why the left doesn't fight hard enough for political power


Yellowhead Institute (@Yellowhead_): "Land Back - A Yellowhead Institute Red Paper" (Includes tools and resources. Canadian-based, but broadly applicable.)

NDN Collective (@ndncollective): (U.S.-based)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: A red "Land Back" flag waves outside the front of a courthouse. An American flag flies above it against a blue sky at the top of the courthouse.

Credit: "A Land Back flag flies under the US Flag outside Aitkin County Courthouse in Aitkin, Minnesota" by Lorie Shaull | License CC by 2.0 | Changes: Cropped, increased contrast, decreased brightness


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1506_Landback_Air_Date_8-10-22_General_Rerun_-_8-29-23_20.35.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:45pm EST

Original Air Date 8/2/2022

Explaining neurodiversity and why it should be seen as a strength and benefit to society when accommodated properly rather than a problem to be solved or, worse, ignored. Autism, ADHD and other examples of neurodiversity all have positive attributes that rarely get talked about which blinds society to those benefits but also perpetuates stigma.

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Ch. 1: What Exactly is Neurodiversity? - How to ADHD - Air Date 1-18-22

The neurodiversity movement has been around for some time, but what exactly is it? In this video, we talk about what the neurodiversity movement is and how it's linked to the autistic community.

Ch. 2: Adriana White - Autism and Neurodiversity: Different Does Not Mean Broken - TEDx Talks - Air Date 11-11-21

In this talk, Adriana discusses the idea of neurodiversity. Many people are labeled incorrectly because their brains are wired differently. Adriana offers awareness and an alternative way to see people as unique and valuable.

Ch. 3: Giftedness is Not Achievement with Aurora Remember Holtzman - ADHD Essentials - Air Date 12-11-21

Today, we’re talking to Aurora Remember Holtzman. Aurora is a school psychologist, neurodivergence coach, and host of the Embracing Intensity podcast. And her focus is giftedness and twice exceptionality.

Ch. 4: Creating a Neurodiversity-Affirming World - Neurodiversity Podcast - Air Date 8-10-21

Emily Kircher-Morris and Joel Schwartz talk about what it would take to create a neurodiversity-affirming world where old stereotypes and perceptions are shed.

Ch. 5: Elaine Halligan: Neurodiversity is a super power, not a problem - TEDx Talks - Air Date 11-25-19

We have to break the stigma around mental health and children. Most of the time the signals are quite subtle and can be often overlooked by parents, so many children may be suffering behind closed doors.

Ch. 6: The Utility (or Futility) of Labels - The Neurodiversity Podcast - Air Date 7-7-22

The reality of working within a system in flux. The meaning or usefulness of the term “gifted.” The utility (or futility) of labels. The confusion of overlapping diagnoses.


Ch. 9: Neurodivergence and Queerness with Leela Sinha - Embracing Intensity - Air Date 5-23-22

Today’s episode is a recording of our talk with Leela Sinha on the intersection of neurodivergence and gender. This is definitely not an “inside-the-box” topic.


Ch. 12: Final comments on the hyper-focus ability of ADHD

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: The neurodiversity awareness symbol - an infinity symbol (a horizontal elongated number 8) in a rainbow of overlapping colors - is against a white background.

Image Credit: “Neurodiversity Symbol” by MissLunaRose12, Wikimedia Commons | License: CC by-SA 4.0 | Changes: White background added


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1504_Neurodivergency_Air_Date_8-2-22_General_Rerun_-_8-26-23_17.13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37am EST

Original Air Date 9-11-2018

Strategies to, and reasons why we need to, have better political conversations. As the first GOP debate signals the beginning of a new election cycle with the country divided as ever, we could always use a refresher on better ways to communicate.

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Ch. 1: Robb Willer: How to have better political conversations - @TEDTalks - Air Date 2-9-17

Robb Willer studies the forces that unite and divide us. As a social psychologist, he researches how moral values -- typically a source of division -- can also be used to bring people together.

Ch. 2: Understanding the backfire effect Part 1 - You are not so smart - Air Date 2-10-17

Stephan Lewandowsky takes us step-by-step through The Debunking Handbook, a guide he and John Cook wrote for avoiding the backfire effect when confronting vaccine and climate change deniers.

Ch. 3: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE: California’s Battleground Races! - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 4: Van Jones: Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness - Big Think - Air Date 11-23-17

The amount of political disagreement in the nation is matched only by righteous indignation. But in order to disagree without disrespecting each other, we need to look hard at our own positions, and Van Jones does just that.

Ch. 5: Understanding the backfire effect Part 2: Replacing the leg of a table - You are not so smart - Air Date 2-10-17

Explaining the key takeaway regarding the backfire effect. Always replace a faulty idea with a valid one. Never debunk a claim only to leave a void.

Ch. 6: In This Life - How to argue with those we oppose - Progressive Faith Sermons w @RevDrRay - Air Date 7-15-18

Explaining why saying the things you may want to say to your political adversaries is more likely to exacerbate the problems in our political divide further, making you part of the problem.


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Air Date 8/23/2023

For decades, we have rightly been focused on dialing back endemic misogyny and poking holes in the patriarchy in the hopes of a new normal of gender relations emerging that would be genuinely healthier for everyone, not just women. But, with so much of the focus on the type of masculinity men and boys shouldn't embrace, we may have fallen short on giving positive direction to boys about what they should be and do.

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Ch. 1: Andrew Tate & Re-examining Masculinity - Long Story Short The Daily Show - Air Date 4-21-23

Jordan Klepper looks at Andrew Tate and breaks down how a void of role models has harmful consequences for young boys.

Ch. 2: The new crisis of masculinity - The Gray Area - Air Date 8-7-23

What does masculinity mean these days? Sean Illing speaks with Christine Emba, a columnist at The Washington Post who wrote the piece “Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.”

Ch. 3: The New Masculinity - ON BOYS podcast - Air Date 4-27-23

Boys and men, Manley says, are caught between traditional definitions and understandings of masculinity, and a future definition that hasn’t been fully defined.

Ch. 4: Redefining Masculinity and Embracing Vulnerability - The Daily Show Beyond the Scenes - Air Date 3-7-23

Host Roy Wood Jr. sits down with the co-founder of “A Call to Men,” Ted Bunch, and developmental psychology professor at NYU, Niobe Way, to chat about boys' friendships and how therapy could be transformative for a lot of men.

Ch. 5: What Does Positive Masculinity Look Like? - Paging Dr. NerdLove - Air Date 4-12-18

Toxic masculinity doesn’t mean that being a man is toxic, bad, or even undesirable. At the same time, non-toxic or positive masculinity doesn’t mean apologizing for being a man or trying to be as gender-neutral as possible.

Ch. 6: What is Positive Masculinity: How Patriarchy Oppresses Men - Swolesome - Air Date 12-2-22

Looking at what patriarchy teaches boys to do

Ch. 7: Redefining Masculinity and Embracing Vulnerability Part 2 - The Daily Show Beyond the Scenes - Air Date 3-7-23


Ch. 8: The New Masculinity Part 2 - ON BOYS podcast - Air Date 4-27-23

Ch. 9: Why Allan Energy Is The New “Big D_CK Energy” - Barbie Movie - Fashionistas - Air date 8-4-23

Examining positive masculinity through Allen from The Barbie Movie


Ch. 10: Final comments on why emotionally stunted men are a social, not individual, problem

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1579_Positive_Masculinity_Air_Date_8-23-23_General_-_8-23-23_18.33.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm EST

Air Date 8/20/2023

Big tech is currently scrambling to bring untested A.I. products to market, over-promising, under-delivering, and working hard obscure and ignore any possible downsides for society. Big tech needs A.I. regulation now before we all suffer the easily foreseeable consequences as well as some unforeseeable ones.

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Ch. 1: A.I. is B.S. - Adam Conover - Air Date 3-31-23

The real risk of A.I. isn't that some super-intelligent computer is going to take over in the future - it's that the humans in the tech industry are going to screw the rest of us over right now.

Ch. 2: Center for Humane Technology Co-Founders Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss The AI Dilemma Part 1 - Summit - Air Date 6-15-23

What does it look like to align technology with humanity’s best interests? Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss how existing A.I. capabilities already pose catastrophic risks to a functional society

Ch. 3: Tech's Mask Off Moment - What Next: TBD | Tech, power, and the future - Air Date 8-13-23

When conservative writer Richard Hanania’s old posts, originally published under a pseudonym, came to light people were shocked at just how racist and reactionary they were. Perhaps less shocking were the tech moguls who were revealed to be supporting him

Ch. 4: Pregnant Woman’s False Arrest in Detroit Shows “Racism Gets Embedded” in Facial Recognition Technology - Democracy Now! - Air Date 8-7-23

A shocking story of wrongful arrest in Detroit has renewed scrutiny of how facial recognition software is being deployed by police departments, despite major flaws in the technology.

Ch. 5: Princeton University's Ruja Benjamin on Bias in Data and A.I. - The Data Chief - Air Date - 2-3-21

Joining Cindi today is Ruha Benjamin, a professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and the founding director of the IDA B. WELLS Just Data Lab. She has studied the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine for over 15 years

Ch. 6: AI ethics leader Timnit Gebru is changing it up after Google fired her - Science Friction - Air Date 4-17-22

Timnit Gebru was fired by Google in a cloud of controversy, now she's making waves beyond Big Tech's pervasive influence

Ch. 7: Center for Humane Technology Co-Founders Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss The AI Dilemma Part 2 - Summit - Air Date 6-15-23

Ch. 8: Can We Govern AI? - Your Undivided Attention - Air Date 4-21-23

Our guest Marietje Schaake was at the forefront of crafting tech regulations for the EU. In spite of AI’s complexity, she argues there is a path forward for the U.S. and other governing bodies to rein in companies that continue to release these products


Ch. 9: Buddhism in the Age of AI - Soryu Forall - Monastic Academy - Air Date 6-21-23


Ch. 10: Final comments on the difference between Microsoft's marketing and the realities of capitalism

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1578_Regulating_AI_Air_Date_8-20-23_General_-_8-18-23_17.59.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

Original Air Date 12-7-2019

In the context of the devastating fire on Maui, we are replaying this throwback episode to look at the reaction to decades of the fetishization of privatization in the form of a reinvigorated movement for public ownership of institutions meant to serve the public such as utilities, banks, train systems and so on. But this isn't your grandfather's top-down public ownership, the new movement has bottom-up, accountable, democratic control of institutions at the very core of its mission.

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Ch. 1: As California Burns Again, Rep. Ro Khanna Calls for PG&E to Become Publicly Owned Utility - Democracy Now - Air Date 10-31-19

PG&E declared bankruptcy amid a number of lawsuits related to the wildfires. We speak with California Congressmember Ro Khanna, who is calling for the California state government to take over control of PG&E.

Ch. 2: When Power Goes Out, Who Is Held Accountable? - Building Local Power - Air Date 10-31-19

PG&E’s negligence and how a distributed energy system could avoid future outages and detrimental fire damage.

Ch. 3: Public Ownership 2.0 - Weekly Economics - Air Date 2-18-19

Public ownership is back on the agenda. But if privatization has failed, what kind of public ownership should replace it?

Ch. 4: From Private Profits to Public Alternatives - The Next System Podcast - Air Date 1-24-19

The conversation runs the gamut from the pitfalls of the privatization of goods and services to the social benefits of public ownership and envisioning democratic governance thereof.

Ch. 5: The Future of Banking - Ralph Nader Radio Hour - Air Date 6-29-19

Ralph welcomes Walt McRee President of Public Banking Associates, who explains how public banks should be the future of banking.

Ch. 6: Trinity Tran on Public Banking - CounterSpin - Air Date 10-11-19

Trinity Tran, co-founder and lead organizer for Public Bank LA and a founding member of the California Public Banking Alliance.

Ch. 7: Who’s Afraid of Public Ownership? - The Laura Flanders Show - Air Date 1-28-19

Laura in conversation with Thomas Hanna, research director at The Democracy Collaborative and author of “Our Common Wealth: The Return of Public Ownership in the United States”.

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Air Date: 8-15-23
Today, Jay!, Amanda, Erin and Deon discuss:
- The Internet, it turns out, is bad
- Musk and Zuckerberg cage fight
- The "Dopamine Detox" movement


The Ugly Honesty of Elon Musk’s Twitter Rebrand

The ‘Dopamine Detox’ Is Having a Moment

Dopamine fasting: Misunderstanding science spawns a maladaptive fad

#dopamine  #dopamineaddiction  #classpolitics  #disabilitystudies - on TikTok


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Jay! Tomlinson
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Air Date 8/12/2023

Today, we take a look at the most consequential case against Trump which summarizes his direct involvement in using allegedly illegal means to contest the 2020 election while making knowingly false claims about the legitimacy of election process while directing a conspiracy of followers to do the same.

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Ch. 1: Presidents Are Not Kings Unpacking Indictment of Donald Trump for Plot to Overturn Election - Democracy Now! - Air Date 8-2-23

We speak with Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, and former federal prosecutor Dennis Aftergut on the new criminal charges against Donald Trump for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Ch. 2: A Special Reading Of The Special Counsel's Trump Indictment Part 1 - Brian Lehrer - Air Date 8-4-23

We present longform readings of key excerpts from the Trump indictment, plus analysis from legal experts.

Ch. 3: House Democrats The Trump trials should be televised Part 1 - All In w/ Chris Hayes - Air Date 8-4-23

House Democrats: The Trump trials should be televised.

Ch. 4: Charges to Overturn an Election - Prosecuting Donald Trump - Air Date 8-2-23

Donald Trump has been indicted for a third time, twice now at the federal level. Jack Smith’s indictment lays out the chilling details of his alleged plot to overturn the 2020 election.

Ch. 5: A Special Reading Of The Special Counsel's Trump Indictment Part 2 - Brian Lehrer A Daily Podcast - Air Date 8-4-23

Ch. 6: Trump & KKK Act: Carol Anderson on Reconstruction-Era Voting Rights Law Cited in Trump Indictment Part 1 - Democracy Now! - Air Date 8-4-23

We speak with Author Carol Anderson about Trump's attempt to wipe out the votes of Americans of color and the intimidation of Black voters and election workers.

Ch. 7: House Democrats The Trump trials should be televised Part 2 - All In w/ Chris Hayes - Air Date 8-4-23

Ch. 8: A Protective Order - Prosecuting Donald Trump - Air Date 8-7-23

Trump and team spent the weekend unleashing defenses across social media and major news networks. This, along with the former president’s record of revealing private information, led prosecutors to seek a protective order from Judge Chutkan.

Ch. 9: Trump & KKK Act: Carol Anderson on Reconstruction-Era Voting Rights Law Cited in Trump Indictment Part 2 - Democracy Now! - Air Date 8-4-23


Ch. 10: A Special Reading Of The Special Counsel's Trump Indictment Part 3 - Brian Lehrer - Air Date 8-4-23


Ch. 11: Final comments on the possibility of accountability for Trump at last

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1577_Trump_Indictment_Air_Date_8-12-23_General_-_8-9-23_17.10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Original Air Date 11-1-2016

Today we dive deeply into the world of conservatives as described in the new book “Strangers in their own Land” by Arlie Russel Hochschild in an attempt to understand how some non-deplorable people in the country could be supporting Donald Trump.

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Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill

Ch. 2: Act 1: What Drives Trump Supporters? Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right Part 1 - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 9-28-16

Ch. 4: Act 2: The environmentalist tea-partier who dumped toxic waste in public water - Start Making Sense from @TheNation - Air Date 10-5-16

Ch. 6: Act 3: How Our Stone-Age Brain Gets in the Way of Smart Politics Part 1 - @BillMoyersHQ in Conversation - Air Date 4-15-16

Ch. 8: Act 4: What Drives Trump Supporters? Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right Part 2 - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 9-28-16

Ch. 10: Act 5: The Deep Story of conservatives and the rise of Trump - Economic Update w/ @profwolff - Air Date 9-29-16

Ch. 12: Act 6: How Our Stone-Age Brain Gets in the Way of Smart Politics Part 2 - @BillMoyersHQ in Conversation - Air Date 4-15-16

Ch. 14: Act 7: Where shame is the companion to need - @thisishellradio - Air Date 10-22-16

Ch. 16: Act 8: The Media That Created Trump - United States of Anxiety - Air Date 10-13-16

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Original Air Date 6/25/2022

Today we take a look at some of the takeaways from the hearings investigating the January 6th insurrection. Most notably: they knew, they knew, they knew, they knew from the very beginning that their fraud claims were nonsense and they pushed ahead anyway.

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Ch. 1: The Jan. 6 Insurrection Understanding The Big Picture Part 1 - Fresh Air - Air Date 6-9-22

New York Times Congressional reporter Luke Broadwater says the effort to overturn the 2020 election results was a "sprawling and diffuse" one that involved local governments as well as White House insiders.

Ch. 2: January 6th Goes Primetime Part 1 - Straight White American Jesus - Air Date 6-10-22

Brad is joined by guest co-host Dr. Leah Payne. They begin by discussing the first primetime hearing of the J6 Select Committee. They then focus on Tucker Carlson's response to hearings.

Ch. 3: Special coverage of House J6 Hearing, Day 3 Part 1 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-16-22

RANDALL D. ELIASON, and HEATHER DIGBY offer important insights into today's hearing, which was focused on Donald Trump's corrupt pressure campaign to induce former Vice President Mike Pence to violate his oath to the Constitution

Ch. 4: The Jan. 6 Insurrection Understanding The Big Picture Part 2 - Fresh Air - Air Date 6-9-22

Ch. 5: January 6th Goes Primetime Part 2 - Straight White American Jesus - Air Date 6-10-22

Ch. 6: Special coverage of House J6 Hearing, Day 3 Part 2 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-16-22

Ch. 7: Jan. 6 Hearings Point Finger at Donald Trump. But Federal Prosecutors Haven't Gone That Far. - The Intercept - Air Date 6-15-22

This week on Intercepted, investigative reporter Trevor Aaronson is joined by Margot Williams, research editor for The Intercept, and Michael Loadenthal, founder and executive director of the Prosecution Project.

Ch. 8: Generals Warn America's Democracy Is in Danger From the Inside - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 6-23-22

These retired Generals fought to defend Democracy abroad, now they are warning that America's Democracy needs to be defended from threats inside the country.

Ch. 9: Guess Which Republican Congressmembers Sought Pardons After Trying to Help Trump Subvert Vote - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-24-22

Six Republican members of Congress who supported Donald Trump's lies sought broad presidential pardons for their involvement in the campaign to discredit the election results


Ch. 10: Top Arizona Republican Testifies He Rejected Trump Plot to Overturn Vote, Then Faced Violent Threats - Democracy Now! - Air Date 6-22-22

Republican Speaker of the Arizona House "Rusty" Bowers described how he was pushed by Trump, John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani to call the Arizona Legislature back into session to investigate claimed illegal votes.


Ch. 11: Final comments on turning anger into election action

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)


Description: The logo of the House January 6th Commission sits on a background image of the interior ceiling of the U.S. Capitol dome. The logo is a white illustration of the U.S. Capitol dome and below it are the words "Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol".


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1499_Jan_6_Hearings_Air_Date_6-25-22_General_Rerun_-_8-8-23_21.34.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EST

Air Date 8/6/2023

Today, we take a look at the education curriculum reforms currently being pushed through in Florida through the lens of the long pattern of choosing to see our history in a way that comforts the comfortable and afflicts the afflicted.

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Ch. 1: Meet the Man Driving the Right’s Culture War Panic - Deconstructed - Air Date 7-28-23

The Republican Party’s full embrace of the culture war as a political tactic — from drag queen story hour to critical race theory and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives — has been chiefly guided by activist and polemicist Christopher Rufo

Ch. 2: DeSantis culture war drives AP Psychology out of Florida schools - Alex Wagner Tonight - Air Date 8-4-23

Rachel Chapman, who teaches AP Psychology in Florida, talks with Alex Wagner about being an educator in Florida why psychology can't pick and choose which people to consider.

Ch. 3: We Actually Have To Explain To DeSantis Why Slaves Didn't Benefit From Slavery - The Muckrake Political Podcast - Air Date 7-25-23

Co-hosts Jared Yates Sexton and Nick Hauselman had to break down why the new curriculum in Florida that requires teachers to explain how slaves benefitted from slavery is racist

Ch. 4: PragerU in Florida Schools - I Doubt It Podcast - Air Date 7-28-23

Jesse and Brittany discuss the heat wave wreaking havoc on the nation as well as their recent adventures engaged in tourist activities in DC, listener communication related to Biden's re-election and the new Florida education guidelines

Ch. 5: Why a Leftist is Defending Conservatives Over Desantis' Racist Florida Curriculum - The Benjamin Dixon Show - Air Date 7-30-23

Highlighting some of the gentle pushback from Black Republicans to the new Florida education curriculum

Ch. 6: Fox News BUSTED For Rewriting History Of Slavery - The Majority Report - Air Date 7-26-23

Jesse Watters spoke with William Allen, one of the authors of Florida's revised Black History curriculum, about Vice President Harris's representation that one of the standards outlined implies teaching that slavery in some ways benefitted Black Americans

Ch. 7: I was teaching before he was born: Professor slams DeSantis for quashing Black history education - The Reidout - Air Date 1-23-23

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is trying to control the type of education that Florida students can receive, most recently rejecting an advanced placement course in African-American studies, claiming it was “contrary to Florida law”


Ch. 8: It’s hard to vilify DEI training, without announcing one’s racism - Think About It with Michael Leppert - Air Date 8-1-23

If the average American were to learn about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training through its discussion in the political arena alone, suspicion of it should be expected, and hostility toward it would be understandable. Duh.

Ch. 9: Andrew Spar, Florida Education Association President and Scott Slawson, UE Local 506 President - America’s Work Force Union Podcast - Air Date 7-26-23

Andrew Spar, President of the Florida Education Association, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast and discussed the fight over African American studies in Florida’s curriculum

Ch. 10: The Court Room of History - Why Now? A Political Junkie Podcast - Air Date 7-29-23

In this episode, we are talking about her most recent book, Sisters and Rebels: A Struggle for the Soul of America (W.W. Norton, 2019), which tells the story of three sisters, women from the slave-holding Lumpkin family of Georgia.


Ch. 11: Final comments on how education curriculum is helping maintain power imbalances

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EST

Air Date: 8-4-23
Today, Jay!, Amanda, Erin and Deon discuss:
- Barbie, Black Mirror and corporations in on the joke
- The Extended Mattel Cinematic Universe
- The alternate conservative commerce universe
- The alternate conservative entertainment universe

Sorry Netflix, Streamberry isn't funny - Mashable

Matt Gaetz Can’t Say Margot Robbie Is Hot Without Being Transphobic - Rolling Stone

Can the Daily Wire Become a Right-Wing Entertainment Machine? - Bloomberg

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Jay! Tomlinson
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Air Date 8/2/2023

Today, we take a look at the status of the war in Ukraine and the decision made recently for the US to provide cluster bombs to Ukraine, a munition that Biden's Press Sec. referred to as a potential war crime when it was reported that Russia had used them.

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Ch. 1: Is Russia Headed Towards Collapse - Gaslit Nation - Air Date 6-27-23

Russian mafia expert Olga Lautman joins Andrea to discuss where things are headed in Russia’s escalating power struggle, what it means for Ukraine, and how the world needs to start preparing for a post-Putin Russia.

Ch. 2: Tim Mak on the Ukrainian Counteroffensive - The Good Fight - Air Date 7-1-23

In this week’s conversation, Yascha Mounk and Tim Mak discuss the slow progress of Ukraine’s counteroffensive and how a big breakthrough might come about.

Ch. 3: NATO, Ukraine, and The American Empire Daniel Bessner & Derek Davison - The Majority Report - Air Date 7-23-23

Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison hosts of the American Prestige Podcast join the program to discuss the problematic origins behind the formation of NATO and its continued role in the world today.

Ch. 4: William Arkin CIA Is Playing Outsize Role in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces - Democracy Now! - Air Date 7-19-23

We're joined on the show by the author of the investigation, William Arkin, a national security reporter and senior editor at Newsweek, who says that the CIA has "got its hand in a little bit of everything" in Ukraine.

Ch. 5: Cluster Bomb Fight in the House - Deconstructed - Air Date 7-15-23

Ryan Grim is joined by Erik Sperling to discuss how a bipartisan bill to prevent the Biden administration from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine went from gaining momentum to being undermined by another bill.

Ch. 6: The Indiscriminate Rain of Cluster Bombs Part - Intercepted - Air Date 7-18-23

Marc Garlasco joins Jeremy Scahill and Murtaza Hussain to discuss how cluster munitions kill civilians during war and long after, and why their use should be considered a war crime.

Ch. 7: Cluster Bomb Fight in the House Part 2 - Deconstructed - Air Date 7-15-23

Ch. 8: NATO, Ukraine, and The American Empire Daniel Bessner & Derek Davison Part 2 - The Majority Report - Air Date 7-23-23


Ch. 9: The Indiscriminate Rain of Cluster Bombs Part 2 - Intercepted - Air Date 7-18-23

Ch. 10: Tim Mak on the Ukrainian Counteroffensive Part 2 - The Good Fight - Air Date 7-1-23


Ch. 11: Final comments on the coming civic renewal of 2024

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)



Description: Two unexploded cluster bomblets (cylindrical metal canisters) lay on the ground amongst dirt, rocks and leaves.

Credit: "Cluster bombs in fig orchard in Yaroun, Lebanon" by Cluster Munition Coalition, Flickr | License: CC BY 2.0  | Changes: Cropped

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EST