Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Air Date: 7/30/2019

Today we take a look at the ongoing debate about socialism between socialists and non-socialists alike, including discussion of tactical strategies on where to set our goals and how to get from here to there

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EPISODE SPONSORS: Code: LEFT) Clean Choice Energy

SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UK 



Ch. 1: John Nichols on Bernie and Socialism - Start Making Sense - Air Date 6-19-19

Bernie Sanders gave an important speech on socialism last week, and our John Nichols spoke with him about it -- beforehand.

Ch. 2: Astra Taylor on Socialism, Democracy and Liberalism - Jacobin Radio The Dig with Daniel Denvir - Air Date 7-5-19

Socialism has grown a lot because of demonization. The Left has a war to lose - left policies are the direction of progress and the world is leaning that way - but without proper education and fighting it will take a lot longer.

Ch. 3: Democratic Socialists and President Bernie with Meagan Day - This Is Hell with Chuck Mertz - Air Date 3-13-19

In the long run, democratic socialism wants to end capitalism - to empower working people. It's not just New Deal liberals - its pushing further. Massive momentum is on the Democratic Socialist side and collective action will win.

Ch. 4: David Harvey On The Limits of Social Democracy and of the Welfare State - The Real News - Air Date 7-8-19

The main alternative to neoliberalism is the proposed renewal of social democracy, such as in the form of Bernie Sanders' proposals. But to move forward we need to discuss the limits of a welfare state that ultimately does not change class relations

Ch. 5: Why Bernie Talks About the New Deal with Seth Ackerman - Jacobin Radio - The Vast Majority with Micah Uetricht - Air Date 6-25-19

Was the New Deal socialist? Yes and no. Bernie is pointing to the central model of most democratic socialist-style governments - he points to the good policies of democratic socialism instead of strict definitions.

Ch. 6: Democratic Socialism and How We Can Get There with Richard Wolff - The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow - Air Date 6-15-19

Bernie's solutions, while admirable and helpful, are merely reforms of a fundamentally broken and contradictory system. Reforms set us up for inevitable roll-back by the powerful as we've seen since FDR.

Ch. 7: Bhaskar Sunkara on the possibilities of socialism in America - This is Hell - Air Date 5-21-19

Bhaskar Sunkara explores a path to socialism in America - as capitalism collapses and pulls politics towards the right, the promise of a worker-driven, democratic society built on equality and justice can be won by a broad, working-class movement

Ch. 8: Bernie Sanders Speech Connects Democratic Socialism with the New Deal - The Michael Brooks Show - Air Date 6-22-19

Bernie is calling out the massive power disparities in the US and what policies we can work towards - an Economic Bill of Rights.


Ch. 9: Fighting climate change means fighting capitalism - Jesse from Boston


Ch. 10: Final comments on the connection between political debates and parenting advice

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Over the Fence - Delray
  • Cicle Veroni - Cicle Kadde
  • PolyCoat - The Cabinetmaker
  • The Rampart - Castle Danger
  • Wingspan - Bayou Birds
  • Stale Case - Darby
  • Turning - Lathe
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Lorie Shaull , Flickr| License

(Modifications: Cropped)


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1293_Democratic_Socialism_Air_Date_7-30-19_-_7-30-19_17.52.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

This episode, when originally posted, had its wires crossed and some listeners would have heard a rerun episode instead by mistake. This has been fixed so please re-download the episode and enjoy it as it was intended.

Air Date: 7/16/2019

Today we take a look at the widespread movements gaining steam around the world using disruption of business as usual as a tactic to protest insufficient governmental action on climate change

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Episode Sponsors: Simple Habit | Madison Reed(Code: LEFT)

Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UKClean Choice Energy

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PODCAST AWARDS: Nominate us in the "NEWS & POLITICS" and/or "PEOPLE'S CHOICE" categories at


Intro: Activism is food for the soul and the solution must match the problem

Ch. 1: What Should the Climate Movement Do Next? with Hannah Martin - Weekly Economics - Air Date 7-1-19

Protestors are targeting events where the people who have enabled carbon death are speaking. Organizing and striking is the biggest tool we have to stop the madness.

Ch. 2: Extinction Rebellion and Students Demanding Climate Action - Citizens Climate Lobby - Air Date 3-23-19

We dig into the role of the “Rebel”—groups and individuals who disrupt business as usual in order to bring about systems change.

Ch. 3: Greta Thunberg Warns the EU - Green News Report - Air Date 4-18-19

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg offers a stark, tearful warning to EU

Ch. 4: Extinction Rebellion The Climate Is An Emergency - The Michael Brooks Show - Air Date 5-28-19

We talk about the climate crisis and the model that Extinction Rebellion gives to action.

Ch. 5: Changing Tactics in the Face of Climate Emergency with Julia Olson and Vic Barrett - No Ordinary Lawsuit - Air Date 3-29-19

There is legal precedent for suing the government over climate change. Big social and structural changes need to happen and we need all branches of government on our side. Our lives, liberty and property are threatened without massive structural change

Ch. 6: Lisa Hymas On The Need For A Climate Crisis Debate - The Young Turks - Air Date 7-2-19

We need to have a climate change debate for 2020.

Ch. 7: Demand a DNC #ClimateDebate & Join the Global #ClimateStrike September 20-27th - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 8: Greta Thunberg: Act Right Now - TED Talks Daily - Air Date 1-30-19

Greta Thunberg explains why she walked out for climate action - all the solutions are there, and we need to stand up and act.


Ch. 9: Clarifying the Prisoners Dilemma - Heather

Ch. 10: Should reparations be universal programs to help their staying power? - Jonathan from Louisville, KY


Ch. 11: Final comments on the fight about reparations we need to have


Demand a #ClimateDebate via Sunrise Movement

Join Sunrise Movement at Dem Primary Debates in Detroit

Find Global Climate Strike (Sept 20th-27th) Events or Organize One


How to stand with climate strikers(

Young people have led the climate strikes. Now we need adults to join us too(The Guardian)

We Should All Ditch Work and Go on Strike for the Climate(Vice)

Young Activists Are Planning National Protests To Push Democrats On The Climate Crisis(BuzzFeed)

Sunrise Movement Calls for Mass Climate Demonstration Outside Democratic Debate in Detroit(The Intercept)

Under pressure from activists, DNC reportedly planning vote on climate debate(ThinkProgress)

It’s official: The DNC is considering a climate debate(Grist)

This Is Why We Need A Climate Debate(HuffPost)

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Hundred Mile-No Guitar - K2
  • A Palace of Cedar - The Pine Barrens
  • On Our Own Again - The Pine Barrens
  • The Zeppelin - Aeronaut
  • Celestial Navigation - Aeronaut
  • Open Flames - Aeronaut
  • Planting Flags - K4
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1290_Climate_Action_Air_Date_7-16-19_-_7-30-19_11.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

In preparation for our next regular episode on the topic of socialism in America and Bernie Sanders' role in bringing the debate to the center of the Democratic primary campaign, I wanted to make available Sanders' full speech from George Washington University in June.

Direct download: Bonus_-_Bernie_Sanders_Speech_Full_-_72919_15.44.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52am EST

Air Date: 7/26/2019

Today we take a look at the fight for free and fair elections in which voters choose their representatives rather than the politicians getting to select their voters to keep themselves in power indefinitely regardless of the will of the people.

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EPISODE SPONSORS: | | Clean Choice Energy

SHOP AMAZON: Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UK 

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Ch. 0: Thoughts to take with you on how to find your place in progressive activism and stop feeling overwhelmed

Ch. 1: Ready, set, gerrymander - Amicus - Air Date 6-28-19

A round table round-up of the 2018 Supreme Court term with Dahlia Lithwick, Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern, Professor Pam Karlan of Stanford and Professor Leah Litman of the University of Michigan Law School. Analysis of the gerrymandering cases

Ch. 2: Ari Berman GOP Docs Prove Census Citizenship Question Is About Preserving White Political Power - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-3-19

We get an update from Ari Berman, senior writer at Mother Jones, whose new piece is “Architect of GOP Gerrymandering Was Behind Trump’s Census Citizenship Question.”

Ch. 3: Dave Daley on Gerrymandering - Another Way, by Lawrence Lessig - Air Date 7-3-19

Dave Daley, author of Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn’t Count, joins Larry Lessig this week to talk about the past, present, and future of gerrymandering. They discuss the nefarious mechanisms and effects of drawing district lines for maximal partisan advantage

Ch. 4: Those Who Draw the Lines…Have the Power - The Takeaway - Air Date 4-4-19

“Slay the Dragon,” chronicles the challenges to congressional maps in several states that have been accused of partisan gerrymandering. In Michigan, voters approved a ballot measure in 2018 to take map-drawing power out of the hands of the legislature

Ch. 5: Mark Joseph Stern on the nonsense of the SCOTUS gerrymandering ruling - The BradCast w Brad Friedman - Air Date 6-30-19

Mark Joseph Stern explains the Court’s 5 -4 partisan split ruling allowing extreme partisan gerrymandering of legislative districts to continue, which he calls a "crushing defeat for voting rights" and a "fiasco for democracy."

Ch. 6: Fight Gerrymandering on the State Level via @CommonCause @IndivisibleTeam @BrennanCenter - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 7: Ari Berman on The Contentious Right To Vote - Another Way, by Lawrence Lessig - Air Date 7-17-19

Voting rights have always been contentious in America, and our era is no different. Larry Lessig digs deeply into the past and present of voting in America with Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America.


Ch. 8: Forcing the Northern narrative onto the back foot - Will from New Jersey

Ch. 9: Our economic message is stronger when it is inclusive - James from Sacramento, CA


Ch. 10: Final comments on putting racists on the back foot


Join a Common Cause state-level campaign

See how your state does redistricting with Brennan Center's "50 State Guide to Redistricting

Start your own local campaign with Common Cause's "Redistricting Activist Handbook"

Learn more with Indivisible's Gerrymandering Resource 


How Did Citizen-Led Redistricting Initiatives Fare in the Mid-terms?(Pacific Standard Magazine)

States poised to take up fight over partisan gerrymandering(AP News)

The Supreme Court's Message: Win or Go Home(The Atlantic)

States spend big on make-or-break 2020 census(Roll Call)

Researched and Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Around Plastic Card Tables - Desert Orchard
  • Chrome and Wax - Ray Catcher
  • The Back Lot - Sunday at Slims
  • Tar and Spackle - Plaster
  • Gusty Hollow - Migration
  • Parade Shoes - Arc and Crecent
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1292_Gerrymandering_Air_Date_7-26-19_-_7-26-19_08.47.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Air Date: 7/23/2019

Today we take a look at the fight for Medicare for All through the lens of the Democratic Primary elections. 

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Episode Sponsors: |

Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UKClean Choice Energy

Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!


Ch. 1: All About Medicare For All - Election Ride Home with Chris Higgins - Air Date 4-12-19

Bernie launched his latest Medicare For All bill with many cosponsors, and the big takeaway is eliminating private insurance and regulating drug companies.

Ch. 2: Is Biden a Liar or a Crazy Old Man? - The Majority Report - Air Date 7-15-19

Joe Biden's Medicare For All stance is shady, if best. Sam Seder and the Majority Report crew discuss this.

Ch. 3: Without Medicare For All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse with Wendell Potter - The Real News with Paul Jay - Air Date 5-22-19

The healthcare system is unsustainable; without a Medicare for All system, only the wealthiest will be able to afford decent care - Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

Ch. 4: Medicare For All VS Medicare For America - Kim Iverson - Air Date 3-19-19

Beto wants to keep insurance and profit in healthcare. Bernie doesn't.

Ch. 5: A Shift to the Left with Lester Spence and Kimberly Moffitt - The Real News with Marc Steiner - Air Date 6-28-19

Analysts Lester Spence and Kimberly Moffit critique Democratic candidates for president as they took on corporate power and healthcare

Ch. 6: Medicare For All Goodbye Private Insurance with Natalie Shure - The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow - Air Date 3-16-19

Private health insurance needs to end, profit and wall street decide our healthcare. Other countries have many options we can build from. The transition must happen.

Ch. 7: First Ever Medicare For All Hearing - The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola - Air Date 4-30-19

People are dying because they can’t afford health treatment, and that needs to change.


Ch. 8: The Christianization of education - Navreet from Illinois

Ch. 9: Insulting to holocaust survivors to not make the comparison to concentration camps - April from Lexington, MA


Ch. 10: Final comments telling the story of what the hell JFK was talking about referring to why we choose to go to the moon and do the “other things”


Help build a #MedicareforAll groundswell ahead of the 2020 elections. Pass local government resolutions on Medicare for All in your communities, towns, cities and states across the country. Go to Medicare4AllResolutions.orgfor the tools you need to get started, and much more.

Written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • A Burst of Light - Delray
  • Chilvat - Lillehammer
  • The Rampart - Castle Danger
  • Wingspan - Bayou Birds
  • Stale Case - Darby
  • The Spinnet - Castle Danger
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1291_Medicare_4_All_Air_Date_7-23-19_-_7-23-19_11.56.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Air Date: 5/29/2018

Today we take a look at the legacy of the Confederacy, the monuments and white supremacy it left behind and the racial terror institutionalized in America based on upholding its values

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Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Confederacy - @LastWeekTonight with @iamjohnoliver - Air Date 10-09-17

Ch. 3: Song 1:  Long and Low Cloud - The Bulwark

Ch. 4: Act 2: Avenue of Second Place Trophies - Backstory - Air Date 6-22-17

Ch. 5: Song 2:  N/A

Ch. 6: Act 3: Monumental Questions - On The Media - Air Date 10-31-17

Ch. 7: Song 3:  Gullwing Sailor - Migration

Ch. 8: Act 4: Taking Down the Confederacy — Symbol by Symbol - @theLFshow w @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date 5-2-18

Ch. 9: Song 4:  Inessential - Bayou Birds

Ch. 10: Act 5: Bryan Stevenson on the racial terrorism of lynching - Cape Up - Air Date 4-24-18

Ch. 11: Song 5:  Heather - Migration

Ch. 12: Act 6: Thoughtful comments on the process of remembering history - Code Switch - Air Date 8-23-17

Ch. 13: Song 6:  Open Flames - Aeronaut

Ch. 14: Act 7: Mitch Landrieu on understanding the debate over southern culture - The Ezra Klein Show - Air Date 3-26-18

Ch. 15: Song 7:  Yarrow and Root - The Bulwark

Ch. 16: Act 8: Bryan Stevenson on the ongoing burden of the disease of white supremacy - Cape Up - Air Date 4-24-18

Ch. 17: Final comments on understanding the moral argument of those who defend the Confederacy but not slavery

Bonus Clip: A defense of the non-slave-holding confederate soldier's motives - Code Switch - Air Date 8-23-17

Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent

(Additional music from Blue Dot Sessions)

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Rerun_1186_Confederacy_Air_Date_5-29-18_Ad_Free_-_7-19-19_21.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Air Date: 7/12/2019

Today we take a look at the well-planned and completely predictable build-up to war with Iran from the Republican neocons and theocrats who've wanted this war for decades

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Episode Sponsors: | Code: LEFT)

Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UKClean Choice Energy

Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!

PODCAST AWARDS: Nominate us in the "NEWS & POLITICS" and/or "PEOPLE'S CHOICE" categories at


Ch. 1: Gulf of Tonkin Redux - Intercepted with Jeremy Scahill - Air Date 6-19-19

The U.S. accuses Iran of attacking civilian ships while offering scant evidence, grave historical parallels are emerging with the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 that was manipulated to justify Lyndon Johnson’s dramatic escalation of the war in Vietnam

Ch. 2: Trump Imposes New Sanctions with Trita Parsi - Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman - Air Date 6-25-19

Iran said the new round of sanctions “permanently closed the path to diplomacy” between Iran and the United States. We speak with Iranian-American author and analyst Trita Parsi, former president and founder of the National Iranian American Council.

Ch. 3: US Further Isolates Itself from its Allies with Lawrence Wilkerson - The Real News Network with Greg Wilpert - Air Date 6-18-19

With the announcement that Iran will break the terms of its nuclear agreement, for stockpiling enriched uranium, the stage is set for a confrontation between the US and its European allies. The situation will contribute to greater US isolation.

Ch. 4: Gareth Porter on Trump's theocrats running our foreign policy - Unauthorized Disclosure - Air Date 6-24-19

Taking a look at the theocrats running Trump's foreign policy

Ch. 5: "Drifting" toward war with Iran - CounterSpin - Air Date 5-16-19

Taking a look at the theocrats running Trump's foreign policy

Ch. 6: How "Neutral" Experts Took Over Trump's Iran Policy with Arash Karami - Citations Needed - Air Date 6-12-19

Experts keep pushing for war. They are fueled by right-wing think tank Foundation For Defense of Democracies.

Ch. 7: Iran In Context- Geopolitical Struggles Against the US Empire with Ben Norton - Peoples Republic - Air Date 6-29-19

Iran has internal politics worth considering too

Ch. 8: Iran vs America: What's Next with Jamal Abdi - The Hartmann Report - Air Date 6-24-19

Trump’s Iranian sanctions are designed to force Iran into accepting what the US wants. The Iranian sanctions are Trump and Pompeo wanting the Iranian administration to change.

Ch. 9: The Iran Standoff with Ben Rhodes - Stay Tuned with Preet - Air Date 6-20-19

What the hell with US politics and foreign policy? The US believes we have to fix everything around the world until have we delivered democracy.

Ch. 10: Is the US Heading for War With Iran? - The Inquiry - Air Date 5-29-19

War with Iran would be bad enough, but it may also escalate into a more widespread conflict


Ch. 11: Advice on self-preservation for today's activist - Emily from Cleveland


Ch. 12: Final comments on keeping perspective as a way to maintain our mental health

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Eventual Victory - Codebreaker
  • Astrisx - Bodytonic
  • The Envelope - Aeronaut
  • The Back Lot - Sunday at Slims
  • Gondola Blue - Towboat
  • Gullwing Sailor - Migration
  • Gusty Hollow - Migration
  • Milkwood - The Cabinetmaker
  • On Early Light - Cholate
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1289_Iran_Air_Date_7-12-19_-_7-13-19_12.25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

Air Date: 7/10/2019

Today we take a look at the history, legality, conditions and consequences of US concentrations camps erected to house asylum seekers fleeing from unspeakable violence only to land in the hands of Trump's intentionally torturous immigration detention system

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Episode Sponsors: |

Amazon USAAmazon CAAmazon UKClean Choice Energy

Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content: Support our show on Patreon!


Ch. 1: Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps? - The Real News - Air Date 6-23-19

Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps

Ch. 2: Concentration Camps in the U.S. Andrea Pitzer Decries Tent Cities for Detaining Kids Without Trial - Democracy Now - Air Date 7-5-19

Andrea Pitzer writes, “I defined concentration camps as the mass detention of civilians without trial, usually on the basis of race, religion, national origin, citizenship, or political party, rather than anything a given individual has done."

Ch. 3: U.S. ‘concentration camps’ still on Part 1 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-21-19

The Trump Administration's Dept. of Justice was in court stunning judges by arguing that a long-standing legal settlement requiring migrant children be held in "safe and sanitary" conditions, doesn't mean they have to have either soap or toothbrushes.

Ch. 4: There Are Concentration Camps for Kids at the Border. Is Any of This Legal? Part 1 - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 6-27-19

Jessica Mason Pieklo and Imani Gandy explain the legal framework meant to protect these children and how the Trump administration intends to dismantle it.

Ch. 5: DHS Whistleblower Who Spoke Out Against Obama-Era Immigration Jails Condemns Conditions on Border - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-26-19

We speak with government whistleblower Dr. Scott Allen, who was hired in 2014 to inspect facilities where immigrant families are incarcerated, who says degrading conditions for jailed migrants date back to Obama’s presidency.

Ch. 6: U.S. ‘concentration camps’ still on Part 2 - The BradCast - Air Date 6-21-19

One attorney who represents detained children said: "In my 22 years of doing visits with children in detention, I have never heard of this level of inhumanity".

Ch. 7: “Somebody Is Going to Die” Lawyer Describes Chaos, Illness & Danger at Migrant Child Jail in Texas - Democracy Now - Air Date 6-24-19

A shocking Associated Press report published late last week revealing that at least 250 migrant infants, children and teenagers have been locked up for nearly a month without adequate food, water or sanitation at a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas.

Ch. 8: Immigrant detention centers are concentration camps - Light Treason News - Air Date 6-15-19

Concentration camps aren't just about locking people away, they're about turning them into the sick, huddled masses you claim they are

Ch. 9: Six Children Have Died While in ICE Custody. Why? - The Real News - Air Date 5-29-19

Undocumented immigrants seeking asylum are being separated from their children and detained in prison camps as more restrictive racist policies are being imposed by Trump. We discuss the policy with ACLU attorney Astrid Dominguez

Ch. 10: A History of Concentration Camps with Andrea Pitzer - Why Is This Happening? with Chris Hayes - Air Date 7-1-19

The danger about concentration camps is just beginning, with climate refugees on the rise, countries around the world will look to the US handling of migrants as justification for them to do the same.

Ch. 11: Peter Schey On Migrant Children & Humanitarian Crisis - Sojourner Truth - Air Date 6-26-19

Peter Schey On Migrant Children & Humanitarian Crisis and what you can do

Ch. 12: There Are Concentration Camps for Kids at the Border. Is Any of This Legal? Part 2 - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 6-27-19

If the courts aren't going to save us, what can we do directly?

Ch. 13: Demand an End to US Concentration Camps #DontLookAway #EndUSConcentrationCamps #Lights4Liberty - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 14: CNN giving time to those desperate for bliss in ignorance - CounterSpin - Air Date 6-27-19

Outrage without action is something we can't afford right now.


Ch. 15: Final comments on more things you can do to combat concentration camps and help those being victimized by them


Demand your members of Congress visit the camps & bear witness with public testimonials

Demand your members of Congress withhold further funding unless strict humanitarian safeguards and guardrails are attached

Read Together & Free's guide to how you can help  

Attend a Lights for Liberty vigilnear you on Friday, July 12th


Reminder: Trump doesn’t need to keep migrants in detention camps(Vox)

Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes(ProPublica)

Rep. Joaquin Castro posts videos purportedly of Texas migrant detention centers(ABC News)

AOC Put a Spotlight on Migrant Detention Conditions. Conservative Media Focused on Her Manners.(NY Magazine)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims CBP Officers Told Women to Drink Out of Toilets in Detention Facility(Newsweek)

AOC Goes to Border, Shares the "Systemic Cruelty" of Migrant Detention Centers(Vanity Fair)

Democrats folded on border bill — now they must demand to see detention centers(Salon)

What The Hell Is Nancy Pelosi Doing?(Huffington Post)

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Chilvat - Lillehammer
  • Weathervane - CloudCover
  • The Envelope - Aeronaut
  • Inessential - Bayou Birds
  • The Cast and Favor - Bayou Birds
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • Away Game - Blue Dot Sessions
  • Great is the Contessa - The Contessa
  • Surly Bonds - Aeronaut
  • Vengeful - Warmbody
  • Headlights/Mountain Road - The Contessa
  • Vibrant Canopy - Origami
  • This fickle world - Theo Bard
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1288_Concentration_Camps_Air_Date_7-9-19_-_7-10-19_16.50.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Air Date: 7/5/2019

Today we take an unflinching look at Mitch McConnell and what a bad, bad man he is for basically all of the reasons. 

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Ch. 1: Money Money Money Part 1 - Embedded with Kelly McEvers and Tom Dreisbach - Air Date 6-6-19

Mitch fully embraces the 'evil' of raising money in politics, and truly believes money is free speech.

Ch. 2: Voting Machine Lobbyists Pay Mitch McConnell - The David Pakman Show - Air Date 6-13-19

Lobbyists for both major voting machine companies have started contributing to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign as McConnell is blocking election security bills.

Ch. 3: McConnell Admits Defeat with Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Ana Kasparian - The Young Turks - Air Date 3-8-19

McConnell, a longtime opponent of campaign finance reform who battled the late Sen. McCain over the issue, made clear in December that the House proposal would never see floor time in the Senate.

Ch. 4: Money Money Money Part 2 - Embedded with Kelly McEvers and Tom Dreisbach - Air Date 6-6-19

McCain and Mitch fought each other over money in politics for years. Mitch wasn't ever going to lose, McCain saw the corruption and tried to call it out.

Ch. 5: Mitch Is the Biggest Monster In Politics - The Majority Report with Sam Seder - Air Date 3-8-19

Mitch has been packing the courts, it is monopolization of our judiciary by far right extremists / conservatives.

Ch. 6: McConnell Makes Obstruction Pledge with Cenk Uygur, Jayar Jackson, and John Iadarola - The Young Turks - Air Date 4-24-19

McConnell sees what the progressives are doing, and is dedicated to stopping them at all costs.

Ch. 7: Darth Vader Has Arrived - Embedded with Kelly McEvers and Tom Dreisbach - Air Date 6-13-19

Mitch fought endlessly to ensure corporate money in politics. Citizens United and Mitch McConnell completely overturned democracy and legalized corruption.

Ch. 8: Is Mitch McConnell the Most Evil Politician in US History with Alex Pareene - The Majority Report with Sam Seder - Air Date 4-5-19

Mitch is manipulating our judicial system - Trumps court appointments are pushing terrorism on the people. Mitch is the most productive and destructive GOP in modern history.

Ch. 9: Mitch McConnell Gets Cornered By Question with Cenk Uygur, Ira Madison and John Iadarola - The Young Turks - Air Date 5-29-19

Mitch blocked Merrick Garland under Obama, and now will indiscriminately fill any SCOTUS opening.

Ch. 10: Not A Happy Choice - Embedded with Kelly McEvers and Eric Mennel - Air Date 6-20-19

Mitch rose to fame during the Obama administration, for refusing to work with Obama on anything, which paved the way for Trump


Ch. 11: Christians thrive on oppression - (Another) Heather

Ch. 12: The Christian Right's Persecution Boner - Ani from Florida


Ch. 13: Final comments on why it’s safe to say that Mitch McConnell is an extortionist

TAKE ACTION! (Cut for time)

SEGMENT:Support the Fight to Oust McConnell in 2020 - Best of the Left Activism

Support End Citizens United

Support Indivisible Kentucky

Support the Ditch Mitch Fund

Support Steven Cox

Support Amy McGrath(if she announces)

Support Matt Jones(if he announces)

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Banjo - Grey River
  • Heather - Migration
  • Lord Weasel - Molerider
  • Chrome and Wax - Ray Catcher
  • Inessential - Bayou Birds
  • Vibrant Canopy - Origami
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • Waterbourne - Algea Fields
  • Surly Bonds - Aeronaut
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1287_Mitch_McConnel_Air_Date_7-5-19_-_7-4-19_20.38.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Air Date: 7/2/2019

Today we take a look at the ways in which Christians are being rallied to see themselves as the true victimized minority in America, a key component to stoking right-wing nationalism

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Ch. 1: Rise of the Christian Taliban - The Intercept with Mehdi Hasan - Air Date 6-20-18

Mehdi Hasan is here to warn you about a growing threat to the laws and values of the United States from a group of religious extremists and fanatics.

Ch. 2: Reverse Discrimination Isn't A Thing - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 4-11-19

The religious right claims reverse discrimination in that they are being unfairly required to exist in the same world as trans people

Ch. 3: Is Mike Pence Christian? - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 4-15-19

Mike Pence argues that to be a Christian one must discriminate against gay people, prevent women from getting abortions or birth control, support tearing refugee children from their parents and prevent the working poor from having access to healthcare.

Ch. 4: Mike Pence Whines Over How Hard It Is To Be Christian - The Majority Report with Sam Seder - Air Date 5-18-19

Mike Pence insists that it's the Christians who are being discriminated against.

Ch. 5: Educating and Engaging with Lyra McKee - This Way Out - Air Date 4-29-19

Lyra McKee (full TEDx talk) shares her experiences transforming lives with conversations in religious spaces

Ch. 6: Master Plan to Dismantle LGBTQ Rights - Boom! Lawyered - Air Date 4-25-19

What are the LGBTQ cases heading to the Supreme Court? It's 2019 and people can be fired for not adhering to heteronormative gender ideas. Corporate, Christian, Conservative resistance is damaging and disgusting.

Ch. 7: House Passes the Equality Act - This Way Out - Air Date 5-20-19

The House passes the Equality Act in an effort to stop LGBTQ discrimination and ensuring their freedoms. GOP is pushing back with the fallacious idea that white Christians are being discriminated against.

Ch. 8: Demand the Senate Pass the Equality Act & Protect Trans Health Rights - Best of the Left Activism

Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment.

Ch. 9: Speaker Ryan Firing Chaplain is True Attack on Religious Liberty with Dr. Reverend Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove - Thom Hartmann Program - Air Date 5-1-18

Republicans are always claiming that everything progressives do is an attack on religious liberty, even sometimes just existing by some people is seen as an attack on "religious freedom'... in the meantime, Republican speaker Paul Ryan fires a religious leader fires a Chaplain over politics?


Ch. 10: From depression to anxiety - Corey from New Jersey

Ch. 11: Prisoners dilemma and the presidential election - Heather


Ch. 12: Final comments on the overthinking many do during primary elections


Tell the Senate to Pass the Equality Act

Protect Trans Health: Comment on Trump’s Discriminatory Rule


7 maps show the mess LGBT laws are in the USA (USA Today)

The Senate should stand up for all Americans and pass the Equality Act (Rep. Patrick Maloney in The Hill)

A History of Federal Non-Discrimination Legislation (93rd - 114th Congress)(Human Rights Campaign)

Why Trump Is Rolling Back LGBTQ Health-Care Protections(The Atlantic)

The Trump Administration Will Allow Health Workers To Refuse Abortion And Sex Reassignment Services(Buzzfeed)

Black Trans Women Are Being Murdered in the Streets. Now the Trump Administration Wants to Turn Us Away From Shelters and Health Care.(ACLU)

Researched & written by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Entrap - Darby
  • Quaver - Codebreaker
  • Astrisx - Bodytonic
  • Dirtbike Lovers - Desert Orchard
  • Eventual Victory - Codebreaker
  • Gusty Hollow - Migration
  • Minutes - Pacha Faro
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1286_Christian_Nationalism_Air_Date_7-2-19_-_7-2-19_21.26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00pm EST