Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Act 1: Jesus answers half the prayers at a roulette table - The Onion Act 2: White, Protestant Nation Part 1 - Ring of Fire Act 3: Secular values and presidential elections - Point of Inquiry Act 4: White, Protestant Nation Part 2 - Ring of Fire Act 5: Whale Crist feeds whale masses - The Onion Act 6: Witchcraft in the Congo Part 1 - The Young Turks Act 7: God proves the existence of Bill O'Reilly Act 8: Witchcraft in the Congo Part 2 - The Young Turks Music: Mary Mary - Stigmata Santus II - Libera Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley Whenever God Shines his Light - Van Morrison Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam - Nirvana New Soul - Yael Naïm Knockin' on Heaven's Door - Guns N' Roses Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
Direct download: Secular_values_American_elections.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Act 1: On fear - This Brave Nation Act 2: Securing elections Part 1 - Thom Hartmann Act 3: McCain's military record - Ring of Fire Act 4: Securing elections Part 2 - Thom Hartmann Act 5: Warrantless wiretapping phone sex - The Young Turks Act 6: Securing elections Part 3 - Thom Hartmann Act 7: 'Block the vote' with RFK - Rachel Maddow Act 8: Discussing anti-Americanism - Thom Hartmann Act 9: Palin family just sitting around - The Onion Act 10: GOP spying on the Dems - Thom Hartmann Act 11: We are the guardians of freedom - The Young Turks Music: Legion's War - Zoe Keating Letters - Stroke 9 Dreamtime - Uberzone 12:51 - The Strokes Fidelity - Regina Spektor Vote - Emma's Revolution Buildings & Mountains - The Republic Tigers Good intentions - Toad the Wet Sprocket There goes my baby - Drifters July Jones - The New Pornographers Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
Direct download: We_are_the_guardians_of_freedom.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Act 1: Dirtiest Campaign - The Young Turks Act 2: How the economy hurts the election - Thom Hartmann Act 3: Danger of Sarah Palin - Ring of Fire Act 4: GOP convention and the media - On the Media Act 5: Idiot Republican robbed - The Young Turks Act 6: Prosecutor to probe attorney firings - NPR Act 7: Don Siegalman on Karl Rove - Ring of Fire Act 8: No one wants to play with the Republicans anymore - The Young Turks Music: Who will save your soul? - Jewel Our house - Madness Hey Sarah Palin - VengaProductions (YouTube) Let my love open the door - Pete Townsend Wonderwall - Oasis Gobbledigook - Sigur Rós Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
Direct download: Dirty_cruel_dangerous_and_stupid.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 9:00pm EST

Act 1: IPCC Report released Act 2: Wind reserves to run out - The Onion Act 3: War on the environment Part 1 - Ring of Fire Act 4: Letterman on the climate - David Letterman Act 5: War on the environment Part 2 - Ring of Fire Act 6: Building a carbon neutral city - NPR Act 7: China bans the release of CO2 by citizens - The Onion Music: So long Jimmy - James Blunt The Wind - Cat Stevens Let go - Frou Frou Untitled - Zoe Keating We can work it out - Heather Nova Good day sunshine - The Beatles This Episode Produced By: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes.
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 9:42pm EST

Act 1: Examining economics - Thom Hartmann Act 2: Bailout sabotage - The Young Turks Act 3: The congressional car - The Onion Act 4: Selling off the country to pay the bills - Thom Hartmann Act 5: Economic storm - Rachel Maddow Act 6: Paulson's conflict of interest - The Young Turks Act 7: The week America's economy almost died - NPR Act 8: Hard Times Hit Springsteenville - The Onion Act 9: How capitalism on a large scale can hurt a country - Thom Hartmann Act 10: Matthews beats up on a conservative over the economy - The Young Turks Music: This year - The Mountain Goats Lump - The Presidents of the United States of America Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel Soul meets body - Death Cab For Cutie Wild world - Cat Stevens Ready or not - The Fugees Stop Crying Your Heart Out - Oasis Dancing in the dark - Bruce Springsteen Sorrow - Bad religion Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Examining_the_economic_storm.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 11:27pm EST

Act 1: Summoning the Devil - This American Life Act 2: Pastors preaching politics Part 1 - On the Media Act 3: Hammer-induced thumb injury - The Onion Act 4: Pastors preaching politics Part 2 - On the Media Act 5: Issac Hayes' death & Scientology - The Young Turks Act 6: Spanish the official language of Christianity - The Onion Act 7: Faith, fraud and Republicans - Marc Maron Act 8: Muslim toilets for the London Olympics - LeShow Act 9: The birth of Islam - The Young Turks Act 10: 2007 Chrismas had lowest mirical tally on record - The Onion Music: Hello Mother, Hello Father - Alan Sherman Like a prayer - Rufio Shed a little light - James Taylor Letters to God - Boxcar Racer Mani Mani Kuru - Streets of Spain (Album) Stairway to heaven - Apocalyptica Show me what I'm looking for - Carolina Liar Viva la vida - Coldplay Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Politics_from_the_pulpit_and_other_bad_ideas.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 12:01pm EST

Act 1: Palin's qualifications - Abraham Lincold Logs Podcast Act 2: Palin on McCain's record of regulation - CBS Interview Act 3: Cafferty on Palin - The Young Turks Act 4: Palin on her reading habits - CBS interview Act 5: Troopergate interview - Rachel Maddow Act 6: Palin on Supreme Court decisions - CBS Interview Act 7: Obama is too fit to be president - CounterSpin Act 8: Palin on prayer and the gays - CBS interview Act 9: Obama is too popular to be president - Wait wait, don't tell me Act 10: Guilt by association - The Young Turks Act 11: McCain's lobbyists - Ring of Fire Act 12: Obama releases constructive critisism ads - The Onion Act 13: Election theft - Thom Hartmann Act 14: McCain on Letterman just after 9/11 - The Young Turks Music: Choctaw Hayride - Alison Krauss & Union Station Take a look around - Limp Bizkit Nothing is good enough - Aimee Mann Blue Bunny Movie trailer Popular - Nada Surf Try not to breathe - R.E.M. First few desperate hours - The Mountain Goats Street fighting man - The rolling stones Close to me - The Cure Produced by: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Moose_in_the_headlights.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Act 1: President Cheney - Wait wait, don't tell me Act 2: Henry Rollings: Watching Bush - Ring of Fire Act 3: Al Gore on Bush and 9/11 - The Young Turks Act 4: Bush escapes from weekly bath - The Onion Act 5: Bush impeachment - CounterSpin Act 6: GOP wiped off the map? - The Young Turks Act 7: Conservatives suck - Colbert Report Act 8: Bush's approval rating remains high on eBay - The Onion Act 9: Cafferty on Bush and McCain - The Young Turks Music: Hello my treacherous friends - OK Go WHite minority - Black Flag Act a fool - Ludacris My little runaway - Del Shannon The face that launched 1,000 shits - Death cab for cutie I wan to break free - Queen Devil Town - Tony Lucca What Katie did - The Libertines Produced by: Julia! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Treacherous_friends_in_low_places.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 12:01am EST

Act 1: 11th Hour Trailer Act 2: Moving to the Suburbs - NPR Act 3: Solar-powered electric chair - The Onion Act 4: Moving to the city - NPR Act 5: Nuclear vs. climate change - Democracy NOW! Act 6: Exxon Paleontologists Call For Increased Fossil Production - The Onion Act 7: Van Jones on taking comfort from history - This Brave Nation Music: Everloving - Moby Something's always wrong - Toad the Wet Sprocket Shed a little light - James Taylor When the lights go down in the city - Journey Energy - The Apples in Stereo Shuffle your feet - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club This Episode Produced By: Jay! Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Taking_comfort_from_history.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 8:39am EST