Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Edition #676

Time to wind it down

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Is It Time to End the Global War on Terror? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 11-30-12

Ch. 3: Song 1: New Normal - Phil Joel

Ch. 4: Act 2: Champions Of Free Speech, and Justifying Drone Attacks - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-7-12

Ch. 5: Song 2: Keepsake - State Radio

Ch. 6: Act 3: Children Targeted by Bombs, U.S. Military Approves - Young Turks - Air date -12-4-12

Ch. 7: Song 3: One day - Matisyahu

Ch. 8: Act 4: Afghanistan to be U.S. Outpost - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-14-12

Ch. 9: Song 4: Fake Empire - The National

Ch. 10: Act 5: US in Afghanistan 2 More Yrs & How Many More Lives? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-12-12

Ch. 11: Song 5: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Ch. 12: Act 6: Pay Attention - Mark Fiore's Animation - Air Date: 11-29-12

Ch. 13: Song 6: Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die - Brand New

Ch. 14: Act 7: Guantanamo Judge Damages Our Democracy - The Progressive - Air Date: 12-13-12

Ch. 15: Song 7: B00008NGLS001003 - The New Pornographers

Ch. 16: Act 8: Syrian WMDs - CounterSpin - Air Date 12-14-12

Ch. 17: Song 8: Up against the wall - Peter Bjorn & John

Ch. 18: Act 9: Kerry Nomination Moves Focus to Hagel at Defense - Rachel Maddow - Air Date 12-21-12

Ch. 19: Song 9: Submarine Symphonika - The Submarines

Ch. 20: Act 10: Facing The New Reality - We're Not In That Much Danger - Common Sense - Air Date 11-30-12

Ch. 21: Comments introducing the Fermi Paradox and the Big Think clip

Ch. 22: Big Think: Michio Kaku: Will Mankind Destroy Itself?

Ch. 23: Final comments relating the future of the species to my fundraising campaign at

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 2013_01_08_Time_to_wind_it_down_Foreign_Policy_1.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EST

Edition #777

Laboring in badly-designed machines

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Is the American Dream a Reality? - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 10-02-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: You are dreaming - Shout Out Louds

Ch. 4: Act 2: Would You Like A Living Wage With That? | McDonald's Employee Confronts CEO - Young Turks - Air Date: 10-11-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Welcome to the machine - Pink Floyd

Ch. 6: Act 3: A race to the bottom - Real Time With Bill Maher - Air Date: 10-25-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Rabbit Heart (Raise it up) - Florence + The Machine

Ch. 8: Act 4: Why are we subsidizing McDonald's? - Jim Hightower - Air Date: 10-29-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Do you believe in magic? - The Lovin' Spoonful

Ch. 10: Act 5: Time to do Away with Tipping? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 08-16-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) - R.E.M.

Ch. 12: Act 6: Kathi Weeks: The American Work Ethic and Hours for What We Will - GRITtv - Air Date: 8-20-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Work - Bob Marley

Ch. 14: Act 7: Small Business Saturday - UnFuck it Up Project

Ch. 15: Song 7: I didn't fuck it up - Katie Goodman

Ch. 16: Act 8: Unlike Walmart, Trader Joe's Profitable with Living Wage - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 08-24-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Revolution (Human need over profit) - Tha Truth

Ch. 18: Act 9: Is it Vampire Capitalism, or Something Else? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 10-17-13

Ch. 19: Song 9: You're a vampire - One-Eyed Doll

Ch. 20: Act 10: Walmart Holding Food Drive for the Poor: Their Own Underpaid Employees - Majority Report - Air Date: 11-19-13


Ch. 21: Soapboxing on teaching - Kit from Austen, TX

Ch. 22: Improving schools is also an environmental issue - Nathan from Vancouver, WA

Ch. 23: A response regarding first responders and those they serve - Brian from Pennsylvania

Ch. 24: Is the idea of our standing in the world overrated? - Sarah from Pittsburgh

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 25: Final comments on programming notes, why Katie was gone and why you should check out

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park


Information for this segment can be found at: h/t Lee Camp h/t Dennis Trainor, Jr.


Sponsored by the UnFuck it Up Project:

Katie Goodman, creator:

Katie Klabusich, activism director:

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Laboring_in_badly-designed_machines.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #776

Everybody Snoops

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: NSA Back Up, Always On, Always Watching - The Good Fight - Air Date 11-14-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Don’t Worry, We'll Be Watching You - Gotye

Ch. 4: Act 2: Without Privacy There can be no Democracy - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 09-25-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Shout - Tears for Fears

Ch. 6: Act 3: Heidi Boghosian on Spying and Civil Liberties Part 1 - Moyers And Company - Air Date 11-8-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Too much information - Duran Duran

Ch. 8: Act 4: Not asking the right questions - Counterspin - Air Date: 11-01-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: No questions asked - Fleetwood Mac

Ch. 10: Act 5: Heidi Boghosian on Spying and Civil Liberties Part 2 - Moyers And Company - Air Date 11-8-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Democracy - Leonard Cohen

Ch. 12: Act 6: Revealed: NSA's 9/11 Talking Points - Majority Report - Air Date: 11-11-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: So long - Lodger

Ch. 14: Act 7: Everybody snoops: Official response to NSA spying 'the opposite of reassuring' - The Bugle - Air Date: 11-01-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Ain't no reason - Brett Dennen

Ch. 16: Act 8: The Good that Could Come Out of the NSA Scandal - The Progressive Magazine - Air Date: 10-25-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Closer to free - BoDeans

Ch. 18: Act 9: Spying On Allies Opposed By Diane Feinstein, NRA, Many Others - The Young Turks - Air Date: 10-30-13


Ch. 19: How culture influences legislation and vice versa - John In San Francisco

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 20: Final comments on the culture and policies behind service work and tipping in the US, Europe and Australia

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Everybody_Snoops.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #775

Another terrible pipeline

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: What to do with the Slaves When They are no Longer Needed? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 08-12-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Profit - The Mammals

Ch. 4: Act 2: Crime Rates Fall, Private Prisons Still Make Millions - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 09-24-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: New paradigm - Belmontjam

Ch. 6: Act 3: Michelle Alexander on The New Jim Crow - GRITtv - Air Date: 10-20-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Colorblind - The Counting Crows

Ch. 8: Act 4: Are You A Felon? California Bill Would Ban This Question From Job Apps - Young Turks - Air Date: 09-28-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Generator (Second Floor) - Freelance Whales

Ch. 10: Act 5: Sesame Street Helping Kids Cope with Jailed Parents - Citizen Radio - Air Date: 6-13-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: The kids don't stand a chance - Vampire Weekend

Ch. 12: Act 6: Fla. School District Trying To Curb School-To-Prison Pipeline - NPR - Air Date: 11-6-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: School closed, prisons open - 4daLuvOfMoney

Ch. 14: Act 7: Turns Out Incarcerating Kids is a Bad Idea - The Young Turks - Air Date: 06-23-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Problems - The Everly Brothers

Ch. 16: Act 8: School to prison pipeline and Stop and Frisk for kids - Radio Dispatch - Air Date: 11-11-13


Ch. 17: First responders and the people they are there to help - Louis from Texas

Ch. 18: How to argue with conservatives - Chris the Carpenter

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 19: Final comments on the delicate interplay between legislation and culture

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Another_terrible_pipeline.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #774

Proud traditions and cultural norms

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Police Chief's "Apology Heard 'Round The World" to John Lewis - StoryofAmerica - Air Date: 06-18-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: One love - Playing for change

Ch. 4: Act 2: The Black Man's Tax - David Feldman Show - Air Date 9-20-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Hole in the bucket - Spearhead

Ch. 6: Act 3: Redskins Controversy, A Columnist And His Native-American Father-In-Law - Young Turks - Air Date: 10-13-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: One day - Matisyahu

Ch. 8: Act 4: Columbus Raped the Redskins...Time to Change the Name - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 10-14-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Vultures of culture - Nahko and Medicine for the People

Ch. 10: Act 5: NC GOP Repeatedly Shoots Itself in the Foot - Rachel Maddow - Air Date: 10-25-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Mile end - Pulp

Ch. 12: Act 6: Majority of Conservatives Want a White Male Dominated Congress - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 11-02-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: It's a man's, man's, man's world - James Brown

Ch. 14: Act 7: The conventional gag reflex - This week in blackness - Air Date: 11-12-13


Ch. 15: Intersectionality and racism - Kate in Toronto

Ch. 16: Ideas for better initiatives to regulate businesses - Nathan from Vancouver, WA

Ch. 17: Thanks for responses on how to debate conservatives - Chris from Colorado Springs

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 18: Final comments on labeling acts and not people as racist, plus how to maintain your smugness while using the Socratic method on conservatives

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Proud_traditions_and_cultural_norms.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #773

Overthrowing Plutonomy

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Plutonomy - Common Sense with Dan Carlin - Air Date: 10-06-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Cosmic love - Florence + The Machine

Ch. 4: Act 2: There are others things Government needs to do - Moyers and Company - Air Date: 10-18-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Baltic Avenue - Chris Roth

Ch. 6: Act 3: Does 'Capitalism Good, Communism Bad' Even Mean Anything? - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 08-12-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Variety is the spice of life - Larry Clinton

Ch. 8: Act 4: Stop Treating Capitalists Like they are Gods! - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 10-24-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Capitalism - Eastenders

Ch. 10: Act 5: Chris Hedges on the Implications of the Corporate State's Hobbling of the Liberal Class - Economic Update - Air Date: 04-12-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Up against the wall - Peter Bjorn & John

Ch. 12: Act 6: Study: Socialism Makes People Happier - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-17-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Pursuit of happiness - Kid Cudi

Ch. 14: Act 7: The Worst Problem In America? | Poll Results - The Young Turks - Air Date: 10-21-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Time for action - Secret Affair

Ch. 16: Act 8: The Progressivism of Dr. Seuss - Moyers and Company - 10-25-13


Ch. 17: How to improve education and support teachers - Sally from San Francisco

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 18: Final comments on teachers unions holding the line

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Overthrowing_Plutonomy.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #772

The old system was worse, a new system would be better

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Bad website, better coverage, great irony - Jimmy Dore Show - Air Date: 11-01-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Only the good die young - Billy Joel

Ch. 4: Act 2: Booted off, but for a better deal - Counterspin - Air Date: 11-01-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Failing - The Laryngospasms

Ch. 6: Act 3: Another Obamacare Horror Story Debunked - David Pakman Show - Air Date: 10-31-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Too much trouble - Ann Reed

Ch. 8: Act 4: What Obamacare Looks Like in a Red State vs a Blue State - Rachel Maddow - Air Date: 10-21-13

Ch. 9: Song 4A: Fly with your own wings - Dave Deeper

Ch. 10: Song 4B: Live long in Oregon - Laura Gibson

Ch. 11: Act 5: Glitch or 'The Iraq War'? - The Bugle - Air Date: 11-01-13

Ch. 12: Song 5: Satire - Sarah Jaffe

Ch. 13: Act 6: Democrat Calls Out Republicans on Health Care Lies and Obstruction - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-31-13

Ch. 14: Song 6: When anger shows - Editors

Ch. 15: Act 7: Insurance Scam: Obamacare Benefits Left Out Of Letters - The Young Turks - Air Date: 11-05-13

Ch. 16: Song 7: Screwed - Slidin' Slim

Ch. 17: Act 8: Inching away from the death industry - Congressional Dish - Air Date: 10-12-13

Ch. 18: Song 8: Live and let die - Guns N' Roses

Ch. 19: Act 9: Obama Pays Price for Health Care Compromise - Progressive Magazine - Air Date: 10-29-13

Ch. 20: Song 9: The compromise - The Format

Ch. 21: Act 10: Bill Moyers Essay: Obamacare: The Right Wing’s Alamo - Moyers and Company - Air Date: 11-01-13


Ch. 22: The insidious Socratic method - Dave from Olympia, WA

Ch. 23: Consistency is overrated - Will from Tallahassee

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 24: Final comments on consistency as an indicator and the nonsense argument of withholding your vote

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: The_old_system_was_worse_a_new_system_would_be_better.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #771

Feminism will save the world

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Campaign for Local Power - New Era Colorado - Air Date: 09-02-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Power to the people - John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band

Ch. 4: Act 2: Harry Shearer's News Of The Warm - Le Show - Air Date 9-8-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Rain - Adama

Ch. 6: Act 3: All the Money You Give Corporations For Them to Poison Your Air - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-09-13

Ch. 7: Song 3: Life is a highway - Tom Cochrane

Ch. 8: Act 4: No More Global Warming According To Climate Skeptics - CounterSpin - Air Date 10-4-13

Ch. 9: Song 4: Just a little heat - The Black Keys

Ch. 10: Act 5: How Much Population is too Much for the World? - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 10-09-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Girl's school - Rasputina

Ch. 12: Act 6: Unburnable Assets - Green News Report - Air Date: 10-25-13

Ch. 13: Song 6: Burn - Ellie Goulding

Ch. 14: Act 7: How the Koch Brothers Will Profit from the Climate-Destroying Keystone Pipeline - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-24-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Hard to explain - The Strokes

Ch. 16: Act 8: Does Oil Now Run North Dakota? - Rachel Maddow - Air Date: 10-25-13

Ch. 17: Song 8: Classical gas - Vanessa Mae

Ch. 18: Act 9: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth - Thom Hartmann - Air Date: 10-17-13

Ch. 19: Song 9: Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage - Soomo Publishing

Ch. 20: Act 10: Climate Change Deniers Denied By LA Times Letters Policy - The Young Turks - Air Date: 10-26-13


Ch. 23: Racist as adjectives rather than nouns - Emma from Houston

Ch. 24: Voting on weekends would make no difference to those who are most disenfranchised - Kennith from San Diego

Ch. 25: Examples of moral inconsistency - Chris from Colorado Springs

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Voicemail Music: 

Loud Pipes - Ratatat

Ch. 26: Final comments on racism as an adjective, voting on weekends and the moral consistency of conservatives and liberals

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Feminism_will_save_the_world.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST

Edition #770

Education is not a commodity

Ch. 1: Intro - Theme: A Fond Farewell, Elliott Smith 

Ch. 2: Act 1: Kindergartners Targeted By School "Reformers" - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-15-13

Ch. 3: Song 1: Do the math - The Nadas

Ch. 4: Act 2: The push to privatize our schools - Congressional Dish - Air Date: 8-17-13

Ch. 5: Song 2: Let go - Frou Frou

Ch. 6: Act 3: Diane Ravitch on the school reform movement - Daily Show - Air Date: 3-3-11

Ch. 7: Song 3: Hey ya - Obadiah Parker

Ch. 8: Act 4: Thank a Teacher - TakePart - Air Date: 10-14-10

Ch. 9: Song 4: Thank you - Dido

Ch. 10: Act 5: Diane Ravitch on the school reform movement - Daily Show - Air Date: 10-30-13

Ch. 11: Song 5: Chicago teacher - Rebel Diaz

Ch. 12: Act 6: CORE Teachers, Not Core Curriculum - UnFuck it Up Project

Ch. 13: Song 6: I didn't fuck it up - Katie Goodman

Ch. 14: Act 7: Teachers Quit More Than Most Jobs - There's A Reason - The Young Turks - Air Date: 10-26-13

Ch. 15: Song 7: Serre-moi - Tryö

Ch. 16: Act 8: Angry Mother Vows To Stop School's Abuse Of Her Daughter - Majority Report - Air Date: 10-21-13

Final comments on how everything we do has political ramifications so it's best to be thoughtful of your actions

Closing Music:

Here We Are - Patrick Park


Information for this segment can be found at: 

Sponsored by the UnFuck it Up Project:

Katie Goodman, creator:

Katie Klabusich, activism director:

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Education_is_not_a_commodity.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST