Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Act 1: The argument for tyranny - The Young Turks Act 2: Pop psych on the GOP - Ring of Fire Act 3: How good people turn evil Part 1 - BBC Act 4: A real liberal - The Young Turks Act 5: How good people turn evil Part 2 - BBC Act 6: Fascism - Ring of Fire Act 7: Conservatives have always been wrong - The Young Turks Act 8: R.I.P GOP? - Ring of Fire Act 9: Taking away rights for liberty - The Young Turks Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Of_course_were_right_and_theyre_wrong.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 6:02pm EST

Act 1: The Young Turks - Karl Rove / Don Siegelman
Act 2: Hardball W/ Chris Matthews - Announcement: Siegelman Released
Act 3: Ring of Fire - Don Siegelman Interview
Act 4: Sam Seder - Pentagon News Scandal
Act 5: Democracy Now - Military Silences Soldier / Journalist
Act 6: Ring of Fire - 10 Million White House Emails Missing
Act 7: Rachel Maddow - "McContradiction" Express
Act 8: Amy Goodman - The Importance & Power of Independent Media

BotL Theme Song - Chris Priest
Press Corpse - Anti-Flag
The Stars and Stripes of Corruption - Dead Kennedys
Perfect World - Reveille
Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.) - Anti-Flag
Bullet in the Head - Rage Against the Machine
Southern Man - Neil Young

Produced By:
Chris Priest

Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: Slime_and_Punishment.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 11:37pm EST