Best of the Left Podcast

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The Podcasts

Act 1: Mormons in the media - On the Media Act 2: Creationist museum - Sam Seder Act 3: The Ex-Gay movement - NPR Act 4: Elves in Iceland - The Young Turks Act 5: Noam Chompski - The Time is Now Act 6: Left Behind with Jerry Jenkins - On the Media Act 7: Religion is biological - The Young Turks Act 8: The war on secularism - NPR Act 9: The mind of a child - This American Life Music: Apocalyptica - Stairway to Heaven Van Morrison - When God Shines His Light Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill Sister Hazel - Happy R.E.M. - Losing my Religion James Taylor - Shed a Little Light Sade - It's only Love The Gets you Through Elliott Smith - A Fond Farewell to a Friend Thanks for listening! Visit us at Contact me directly at Leave us comments at or Review the show on iTunes. Digg us at
Direct download: _If_you_Love_Something...__OR__A_Fond_Farewell_to_a_Friend_.mp3
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