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Edition #390

Reverse Robin Hood Republicans


Act 1: GOP on raising retirement age, cut benefits - Young Turks

Song 1: Home - Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros

Act 2: Barney Frank on financial reform - Chris Priest

Song 2: Lawless Flawless - Chris Priest

Act 3: GOP plan for the deficit - Rachel Maddow

Song 3: If you close the door - Adam Bork

Act 4: The Magnetar Trade story Part 1 - Pro Publica

Song 4: One - Apocalyptica

Act 5: Largest ever tax hike - Media Matters Minute

Song 5: One - Apocalyptica

Act 6: The Magnetar Trade story Part 2 - Pro Publica

Song 6: Wild world - Cat Stevens

Act 7: Unemployed are lazy drug addicts - Young Turks

Song 7: The sound of settling - Death Cab For Cutie

Act 8: Military spending - Rachel Maddow


Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

Economic Fun Fair - Mark Fiore


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Direct download: Reverse_Robin_Hood_Republicans.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 7:54pm EST