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The Podcasts

Edition #404

Citizen Kant or Radio Dispatches from the Occupied South


Act 1: Citizenship down - Colbert Report

Song 1: Slave song - Sade

Act 2: Utah's anti-immigration dystopia - The Progressive

Song 2: Backfire - MuteMath

Act 3: Terror babies - Le Show

Song 3: Politic Amagni (La Politique, C'est Pas Bon) - Amadou and Mariam

Act 4: Should anyone born in the US become citizens - Thom Hartmann

Song 4: Stan - Eminem and Elton John

Act 5: US beefs up the southern border with beef - The Onion

Song 5: Indiado - Sergio Mendes

Act 6: Scapegoating immigrant children - The Progressive

Song 6: Keepsake - State Radio

Act 7: Julian Castro on immigration - Colbert Report

Song 7: Heaven - Los Lonely Boys

Act 8: Neo-Nazis patrolling US border - Young Turks

Song 8: I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers

Act 9: Once again, immigration is a hot button issue - NPR

Song 9: Silver Lining - Rilo Kiley

Act 10: Born in the USA - Daily Show

Song 9: Fear is a villain - Theo Bard

Act 10: Xenophobia runs rampant - The Progressive

Song 9: Generator (Second Floor) - Freelance Whales

Act 10: Republican wants illegal immigrant camps - Young Turks


Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

You're Welcome - Constitutional Crisis - Daily Show


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Direct download: Citizen_Kant_or_Radio_Dispatches_from_the_Occupied_South.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST