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Edition #1042
Today we look in on the convergence of Native American and First Nations tribes in North Dakota to protect the water from the Dakota Access Pipeline
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Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill
Ch. 2: Act 1: Will The Lakota Tribe's Black Snake Prophecy Come True? - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date: 08-19-16
Ch. 3: Song 1: People of the First Light - Russell Patrick
Ch. 4: Act 2: Standing Rock #nodapl - Levitate Media Group - Air Date 9-3-16
Ch. 5: Song 2: N/A
Ch. 6: Act 3: Canine Expert Decries "Egregious" & "Horrific" Dog Attacks on Native Americans Defending Burial Site - @DemocracyNow - Air Date: 09-06-16
Ch. 7: Song 3: Cherry Creek Singers - No DAPL song
Ch. 8: Act 4: Native Woman Bitten By Dogs DEBUNKS Media Falsehoods - @theyoungturks - Air Date: 09-08-16
Ch. 9: Song 4: Song for Mother Earth - Lakota
Ch. 10: Act 5: The regulatory loophole that allows easy permitting for new pipelines - Bradcast from @TheBradBlog - Air Date 9-12-16
Ch. 11: Song 5: Shove Your Pipeline - Frank Nawrot
Ch. 12: Act 6: Eminent Domain? Iowans Sue to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline, Say It Provides No Public Service - @DemocracyNow - Air Date: 09-07-16
Ch. 13: Song 6: As Long As the Grass Grows - Randy Wood
Ch. 14: Act 7: Why fossil fuels companies are rushing to build old infrastructure - @GreenNewsReport - Air Date 9-13-16
Ch. 15: Song 7: Ode to Nature - Brulé
Ch. 16: Act 8: Tell President Obama to Revoke USACE Permits & STOP the Dakota Access Pipeline #NoDAPL via @350 - Best of the Left Activism
Ch. 17: Song 8: This Fickle World - Theo Bard
Ch. 18: Act 9: Water Protectors at Standing Rock React to Obama's Intervention in Dakota Access Pipeline Battle - @DemocracyNow - Air Date: 09-12-16
Ch. 19: Violence against protesters - Frank
Ch. 20: Determining the end of a dogs life - Sunny from St. Paul, MN
Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics
Ch. 21: Final comments on how my Climate Ride went and how well I’m recovering
Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone
Tell President Obama to revoke USACE permits by sending him a message.
Find actions near you through September 17th and beyond. This map will update, so check back frequently!
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Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp legal defense fund
Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp supply fund
Learn about the targets of the #NoDAPL movement
Moments After Judge Denies DAPL Injunction, Federal Agencies Intervene
What You Need to Know About the Dakota Access Pipeline Protest
Alabama, Georgia declare state of emergency after pipeline spill
Written by BOTL Communications Director, Amanda Hoffman.
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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