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The Podcasts

Air Date: 12/1/2017

Today we look at the inevitable results of a lax approach to anti-trust legislation: the consolidation of corporate power and money used to buy influence over the writing of regulations which allow for further consolidation of corporate power. Plus, throw in the suppression of anti-corporate opinions through monopolistic media empires and the dismantling of Net Neutrality principles. Welcome to The Gilded Age 2.0

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Show Notes

Ch. 1: Opening Theme: A Fond Farewell - From a Basement On the Hill

Ch. 2: Act 1: Monopolistic concentration of power results in a loss of liberty - We the Podcast with Rep. @keithellison - Air Date 10-1-17

Ch. 3: Song 1:  Santre - K2

Ch. 4: Act 2: Paving the way for far more media consolidation - Bradcast from @TheBradBlog - Air Date 11-20-17

Ch. 5: Song 2:  Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle

Ch. 6: Act 3: Media consolidation as a threat to democracy - @RalphNader Radio Hour - Air Date 10-28-17

Ch. 7: Song 3:  Chapel Bottom - Darby

Ch. 8: Act 4: Time Magazine bought with the help of the Koch Brothers - Bradcast from @TheBradBlog - Air Date 11-27-17

Ch. 9: Song 4:  Slow Lane - Siobhan Dakay

Ch. 10: Act 5: F-word: Wanted, This Christmas, A Media-Monopoly Bust Up - @theLFshow w: @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date 11-30-17

Ch. 11: Song 5:  INTERNET IS THE BEST THING EVER - Monplaisir

Ch. 12: Act 6: An FCC commissioner explains why we need to save net neutrality - Thinking Cap - Air Date 11-30-17

Ch. 13: Song 6:  Snake in my Net - Echolex

Ch. 14: Act 7: The FCC had Enough with Net Neutrality and We've Had Enough Of Them (w/Guest Evan Greer) - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date: 11-22-17


Ch. 15: Dear John To The Democratic Party - Alan from Connecticut

Ch. 16: Majority Report under attack - Zach from Atlanta

Voicemail Music: Loud Pipes - Classics

Ch. 17: Final comments on how to fund a functional progressive media sphere that’s under constant attack

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Closing Music: Here We Are - Everyone's in Everyone

(Additional music from Blue Dot Sessions


WRITE & CALL Congress at 

Attend a Verizon Protest near you 

The FCC is about to repeal net neutrality. Here’s why Congress should stop them. (Stanford Law Prof. - Medium)

The FCC Should Not Give Broadband Providers the Keys to Your Internet Freedom (FCC Commissioner - Medium)

Net Neutrality: AT&T Court Case Could Let Telecoms Slow Internet Speeds At Will (International Business Times)

If you want to see what America would be like if it ditched net neutrality, just look at Portugal (Business Insider)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1149_Media_Net_Neutrality_Air_Date_12-1-17_-_12-1-17_21.57.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST