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Air Date: 3/26/2019

Today we take a look at the story of Amazon’s enormous growth, the history of how our antitrust laws were neutered and how the former is making us rethink the latter

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Ch. 1: The Story of How Amazon Got So Powerful - Senator Bernie Sanders - Air Date 9-17-18

How Amazon got to be so powerful, and what it means for our economy.

Ch. 2: Amazon's Been Stealing From the Start - Ear to the Pavement - Air Date 12-21-18

Amazon drains resources and tax dollars from every community it touches, and cuts deals with states to allow the corruption to continue.

Ch. 3: Amazon Wants It All - Why Is This Happening? - Air Date 1-22-19

Amazon provides 1/3 of the worlds internet/cloud power, with no rival. The endgame leads to Bezos owning all of the cash flow the world has to offer.

Ch. 4: Explaining Monopsony - Pitchfork Economics - Air Date 3-5-19

Monopsony is when the buyer controls the market, there is one employer who sets the wages and sells the product.

Ch. 5: Antitrust, Robert Bork, Reagan - Planet Money - Air Date 2-20-19

Robert Bork changed the game with the idea that the government went too far with antitrust laws that strangled the free market. Reagan agreed and the supreme court started defending corporate interest.

Ch. 6: Jonathan Tepper - Monopolies and the Death of Competition - The Majority Report - Air Date 2-12-19

What do we do about big tech? Especially when journalism is under the same attack we all are under. Regulation is needed and keeping big tech from staying big.

Ch. 7: Elizabeth Warren on Monopoly Power - Start Making Sense - 02-13-18

Democrats are pushing in the right directions, Warren believes she can push them in the right way and enact sweeping economic reform.


Ch. 8: Representation matters but policies are more important - Franklin

Ch. 9: Incompetence hurts all of us - Ariel from Seattle

Ch. 10: It's OK to see color but not to judge it - Jeff from Charlotte, NC

Ch. 11: Valuing the judgment of the black vote - Nathan from NYC

Ch. 12: Thoughts on race and candidates - Whitney from Seattle


Ch. 13: Final comments on judging based on race, orders of scoring points and the opposite of white supremacy and misogyny


Commentary: There’s Still Time to Stop the Tech Monopoly Takeover(Fortune, March 2018)

6 Ways to Rein In Today’s Toxic Monopolies(The Nation, Feb 2018)

Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman 



Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1259_Monopoly_Amazon_Air_Date_3-26-19_-_3-27-19_19.45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EST